Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-05-01


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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA Mexico Friday April 29 1921 One hundred and twentieth day Lower California Jockey Club Winter Meeting of 128 days Wcathor clear temperature 70 ° Presiding Steward Francis Nelson Associate Stewards J W CoITroth and Leon Wins Starter Harry Morrissey Racing Secretary Leon Wing WingRacing Racing starts at 155 p in Chicago time 455 455i uot i Q 9 ii 7 First Eaco 5 12 Furlongs June 28 191G 1C5 3 118 Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 third 35 35Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight5390G3Doc 5390G3Doc Doorleyll2 1 R Dority 2401CO 2401CO53829VaIen 53829VaIen Lady 104 2 = D Powell 9001CO 53900 Killy Belle 113 3 T McCulloush 10100 53740Viona Nail 108 4 = J H Jones 210100 53900 Black Spray 114 5 = J H Rettie 550100 55010053829Dr 55010053829Dr 53829Dr Fore 10G C2 H Rowo 1R4SQ109 53080 Little ConnielCS 7 71 1 L Burlts 2110100 53523 Grace W 110 SJ J Murray 13160100 53829 Doc Vaughn 10S 93 E Fator 331801CO 53478 R Lester 10S 103 E Taylor StOlOu StOlOuCoffee Coffee John 112 11 R Carter t ttMutuel tMutuel Held 2 mutuels paid Doctor Doorley 080 straight 500 place 320 show Valentine Lady 820 place 300 show Killarney Relle 500 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Doctor Doorley 240 to 100 straight ISO to 100 place r0 to 100 show Val ¬ entine Lady 310 to 100 place SO to 100 show Kil ¬ larney Relle 150 to 100 show showTime Time 103 Track fast fastWinner Winner S F Varians b g 5 by Luck and Charity Winifred I by Knight of the Thistle trained by S F Varian bred by Messrs J II Rarnett RarnettWent Went to post at 155 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched 53653 Dakota Roy 99 53451 Call Me 112 112Overweights Overweights Killnrncy Relle 3 pounds R Les ¬ ter 1 UGU40 3Q9R Second Eace 5 12 Furlongs June 28 1916 105 3 118 Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 third 35 35Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Pin Jockey Straight 53879 York Lassie 111 1s E Taylor 210100 53790 = Ann S 113 2 T McCulIough 2701CO 53702 Opal Wall 107 3 J Murray 1740100 53703 Firo 106 4J H Rowe 530100 53792 Jewel City 112 Cn W Perry ooDO100 53789 Dixie Mason 93 6 H B Bower t3CSO100 53045 Easter Girl IOC 7 k D Powell t 53740 Listal 111 S II Rettis 24S0100 53790 Red William 112 9 R Dority 3G10100 53744MEOToolc 92 10J D Hurn 700100 53790 Esther L 105 11 = J B Fator t 53878s Crown 92 12 P Poiuer 740100 740100tMutuel tMutuel field 2 mutuels naid York Lassie 080 straight 340 place 360 show Ann S 380 place 320 show Opal Wall1140 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds York Lassie 240 to 100 straight 70 to 100 place SO to 100 show Ann S 90 to 100 place 60 to 100 show Opal Wall 470 to 100 show showTime Time 103 Track fast fastWinner Winner T Crystlers br f 3 by Yorkshire Lad Lady Kihnarnock by Kihnarnock trained by T Crystier bred by Mr Charles E Wilkinson WilkinsonWent Went to post at 225 At iost 1 minute Start good and slow WPn easily second and third driv ¬ ing ingScratched Scratched 53568 Bobby Fib 112 112Overweights Overweights Opal Wall 2 pounds uuaa PjQQOQ Third Eace 1 Mile and 70 Yards Feb 1 192o 143 6 122 Purse 400 3ycarolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 third 35 35Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight53881Nashotah 53881Nashotah 108 I1 E Taylor 100100 53831 DJvland 117 2 A Zeigler 530100 53010053799Irish 53799Irish Daisy 112 3 = J R Dority 59601CO 59601CO53797Mayworth 53797Mayworth 107 4 D Powell 500100 538333 Shenandoah 105 5 = i C Miller 800100 53834 Sauer 109 G M Garrett 930100 93010053029Baby 53029Baby Sister 110 7 D Hurn 2G40100 2 mutuels paid Nashotah 400 straight 200 place 280 show Divland 300 place 340 show Irish Daisy 780 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Nashotah 100 to 100 straight 30 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Divland SO to 100 place 70 to 100 show Irish Daisy 290 to 100 show showTime Time 145 Track fast fastWinner Winner J Loes cli f 4 by Meelick Modena by Armeath II trained by J Rishoi bred by Mr George L Rlackford RlackfordWent Went to post at 240 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and tiiird driving drivingScratched Scratched 53907 Tours 109 5 uuftu 3 Q 3 h Fourth Eace 1 Mile and 70 Yards Feh lf 1920 143 6 122 Purse 400 3ycarolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 third 35 35Equiv Equiv Odds Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 53833 Hubbub 114 I2 E Taylor 430103 53794 Tokon MarchlH 2i F Chiavetta 560100 53834 Boreas 114 3 = J V Cloud 41DO1CO 53834 Ostentious 110 4 = D Powell 40100 53833T F McManl09 53 H B Bower 5190100 53834 Modisto 109 C = R Dority 2390100 53907 3Patsy Mack 110 7 R Carter 3GSO100 2 mutuels paid Hubbub 1100 straight 760 place 500 show Tokalon March 520 place 500 show Boreas 780 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Hubbub 450 to 100 straight 280 to 100 place 150 to 100 show Tokalon March 160 to 100 place 150 to 100 show Boreas 290 to 100 show showTime Time 145 Track fast fastWinner Winner A Morgans b s 8 by Rroomstick Rumpus by Hamburg trained by A Morgan bred by Mr Harry Payne Whitney WhitneyWent Went to post at 314 At ost 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing ingScratched Scratched 538SO Master Franklin 112 Overweights Modiste 1 pound Patsy Mac 1 53931 Fif th Race 1 Milo and 70 Yards Fob 1 1920 143 6 122 Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second G5 third 35 35Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 53833 Lewis B 112 1 D Hurn 1470100 53797 = Robert Lee 109 23 D Powell 210100 210100537G5Mike 537G5Mike Daly 112 3J A Gantner 10160100 53834 3Helman 112 4i H Jones IJOlOO 53794 = Lady IncencellS 55 E Fator 3601CO 53834 Cobrita 110 G H Rowe 1440100 53828 Go On 110 7 S Smith 5590100 53881 Prophecy 112 8 H Rettig 4460100 2 mutuels paid Lewis B 3140 straight 1280 place 540 show Robert Lee 360 nlace 340 show Mike Daly 1040 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Lewis B 1470 to 100 straight 540 to 100 place 170 to 100 show Robert Lee SO to 100 place 70 to 100 show Mike Daly 720 to 100 show showTime Time 145 Track fast fastWinner Winner Blackwell Crippens ch g C by Pros pero Lady Marchmont by Marchmont II trained by G W Crippen bred by Mr Samuel A Beck ham hamWent Went to post at 338 At post 1 minute Start straggling and slow Won driving second and third the same sameOverweights Overweights Go On 1 pound RMh Eaco 58 Milo May 20 1820 9 4 1C7 Purse 400 3yearold3 and upward Claiming Net valuo to winner 200 second 65 third 35 35Equiv Equiv Odds Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 50447 El Mahdi 111 l = i E Taylor 710100 710100537flCMy 537flCMy Mazic ICG y D Powell IGtflOO 53593 Earnest 118 3h R Carter 210IW 53829 = Maz BarbcrlOG 42 T Kindle 16990103 53348 Poacher 111 fiJ E Fator CC H100 49005 = M Ap Fool 3 CJ D Hurn 1140100 114010052029Ccntcrville 52029Ccntcrville 100 7 = J A Cantnor OliVloo 53004 Little Sandy 112 S II Tullett DGO100 2 mutuels paid El Mahdi 1080 straight ULO place 380 show My Mazie 360 place 260 show Earnest 300 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds El Mahdi 740 to 100 straight 360 to 100 lice 90 to 100 show My Mazie SO to 100 place 30 to 100 show Earnest 50 to 100 show showTime Time 101 Track fast fastWinner Winner G J Millers ch h 9 by Voter Cas ¬ sandra by Horoscope trained by G J Miller bred by Mr James R Kcene KceneWent Went to post at 405 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing ingScratched Scratched 52941 Golden Flight 111 111Overweights Overweights Mazie Rarber 5 pounds 53933 Sevcnth Kacc 58 Milo May 20 1920 59 4 107 Purse 400 3year olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 third 35 35Equiv Equiv Oddn OddnInd Straight5370G Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 5370G = Hazel Dale 110 1 E Taylor 120100 53884 Col Murphy 10G 27 E Fator 9101CO 9101CO53688Dancing 53688Dancing Girl l6i D Powell 17000 53882 Perch 114 4 = 1 R Dority 850100 53804 Ike Mills 11G G = J Mulcahy 3340100 334010053541Pizarro 53541Pizarro JOS G = J A Gantner G7401CO 53804 Neg 113 73 II Rowc 1540 ICO 53700 Lady Mack 101 8 D Hurn 141GO100 2 mutuels nuid Hazel Dale 440 straight 320 place 240 show Col Murphy 740 place 380 show Dancing Girl 2i show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Hazel Dale 120 to 100 straight JO to 100 place 20 to 100 show Col Mur ¬ phy 270 to 100 pluw 00 to 100 show Dancing Girl 30 to 100 show showTime Time 100 Track fast fastWinner Winner Pelter Bros ch m 8 by Barnesdale Tern by Black Dean trained bv 1 ielter bred by Mr L C Sloan SloanWent Went to post at 435 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameScratched Scratched 53S01 = Billy Lane 92 92Overweights Overweights Dancing Girl 1 pound

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921050101/drf1921050101_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1921050101_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800