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SECOND RACK 1 1 Furlongs Ryiaroli1s ami upward Selling May MayI I 1SJ 10 1 1211 ARROWHEAD b e 4 110 By Uncle Xarco by G W Jolmson Trainer L F Wagner Owner L F Wagner Wagner4SS59 4SS59 Empire Ab 34 l10fast 12 308 11 7 S 9 9 ° M Rowan 17 Brisk Flying OH Cus Scheer 4801 Empire Ab 34 110 fust IT Sill G S 8 IIs llls A Johnson 11 Pickwick Abadane Betty 1 4S253 Jamaica 34 l13fast 0 110 C 5 G 7 CeJ II IIanitnl4 T dHoiineiir Midian TTrump 4SOSC Jamaica 31 l13fast 30 95 7 778 8i G Babin S VCliairn FtCliurcliIlli Daydue 4CCS4 Bowie 7S l28fast 12 110 844 2 3l 42i J Williams 8 KsCliinpion TLumb TArclier 4CC70 Bowie Gi f 122 fast 9 KK 2 2 3 2i 3 = 1 C Whitton 7 UltraOold KClimpioii FtHllss 4CCOC Bowie 6i f l08good 7 104 4 2 2 21 22 A Uichcrk 7 Arrali Go Ou Mid Suu Veteran FRLZLET ch c 3 106 106Trainer By Frizzle Seemly by Raeburn Trainer W H Karrick Owner Oneck Stable 49428 Sartpga 34 lM fast 5 112 4 1 13 C1 711 C Fbther 7 JimDaisy Slioba EyeOponor 59375 Sartotja 5J f lOCslow 185 lOi 1 1 14iiOS 1 2 54 L McAtee 7 Thimble MorniiifcFace TlieAlly 4iiOS Sartoga 5i f lOTifast 5 107 u 2 2 Z 43J 1 McAtee 8 Tody Our Flag Oiivnor 49128 Empire 58 l01fast 8 314 3 1 1 1s l = i C Fbther 5 Toreador ICancocas Forgetful 4S4C9 Af duct 58 l00fast 0 105 17 14 131 11 1 Callahan 17 Oriole Normal Advocate 42S5 Alduct 58 l01fast 95 111 2 2 41 C J C Fbther 5 L Lillian Eye Opener Guvnor 47317 Jamaica 5S 1 01 fast 1 11G 3 3 3 3 3i C Fbther 5 JOMGomez EView lUk Top 47263 Jamaica 58 l02 slow 165 107 2 2 2 2l 2 C KummerlO Aleatraz Eye Opener Salesman SalesmanBy LIBERTY GIRL b f 4 11G 11GTrainer By Neil Gow Kirka by Xark Forard Trainer R 0 Miller Owner I Welz 53923 HdeGce 34 l14fast 9 109 li 2 3 4h I182 C RobsonlS Silonco Vivo McRee Panaman 52072 HdeGce 5J f l09 fast 3710 3710111 111 4 1 1 I2 I1 C ItobsonKi Pueblo IitMaudie OrmaUeed OrmaUeedC10S7 C10S7 Empire Ab 34 llli fast 15 115 1 21 1 I1 C II Millerir ItoiiTromp Cliimera Mllollina MllollinaCOCGO COCGO Jamaica 34 l14V fast 20 110 4 2 2 3 4 C II Miller 8 Osgood Prince of Como Turf TurfC0432 C0432 Ajduct 61 f 120 fast 5 109 2 1 2 3 41 C H Miller 5 Loe Leave Liola UollicksAirt 50277 Aqduct 65 f l20fast 30 110 11 36 11 11 C II MillerlU TiiigaLiujr Nstick PofOuuiii PofOuuiii4942C 4942C Sartoga 34 l13fast 5 108 2 2 2 2 2s C Robson 3 Jyiitee Itollickintr Airs SERVICE STAR b c 4 111 By Star Shoot Phew by Bowline Brook BrookTrainer Trainer E Peters Owner A G Woodcliffc Woodcliffc53COC 53COC Bowie 1 l42fast 91 100 G 1 1 2 C 611 M Harson i My Dear SamlyHeal TheArclier 52518 Bowie 61 C 121 fast 3110 113 1 2 2 4s 331 A JohnsonlO Approval Jtrisk PrcdllitUruat PrcdllitUruat526G2 526G2 FGnds 51 f lOS fast 100 106 8 888 S J W Obert 8 Musknge TdHonneiir GStarr 50036 Belmt 61f MC l19 fast 31 110 7 04 3l 4 1 L McAtee 10 CuniSali LocLeayes OurNcpliew 49858 Belmont 1 116 146 fast 135 106 1 1 1 1 1 2 J L McAtee 4 Shillelagh II Brink Chimera 49584 Sartoga 1138 fast 20 109 3 5 5 C 6 7 I McAtee 7 Gatb The Lamb Young Adam 49430 Sartoga 1 l407sfast G 102 5 4 6 6 7l 811 L McAtee 8 SmartGuy Penelope TheLamb 48858 Empire 1 l40fast 31 106 3 4 4 4 4 4 Li McAtee 5 iTellowHand Jadda KlugAlbert 48440 Aqduct 78 l25fast 4 106 2 3 3 2 I2 J Callahan 5 MrIJrummel Fygibbet Hurley CHINCOTEAGUE ch f 3 By Trap Rock Anna Russell by Russell Trainer L Feustel Owner Glen Riddle Farm 50516 Aqduct 58 59good 20 114 4 5 51 5 1 C Kummer 0 Tamarisk Vibrate Day Lilly 47880 Belmont 58 st 58fast 4i 108 1 2 23 3 3J 4ci C KummerlO Normal llainkiii Dolly C 47721 Belmont 4if st 54 fast 115 107 1 11 Ill1 Il H Callhan G Inglecrest Salesman D Crepe 47387 Jamaica 08 101 fast G 112 5 5 5 4J Zsl C Gordon 8 Jacobina Foam Wedgwood 47266 Jamaica 58 l02V sIow 30 112 4 3 34 4 4 42 A Finley 9 Itunatrix TeddyR AVcdgwood AVcdgwoodBy WEDGWOOD ch f 3 101 101Trainer By Ballot Majolica by Watercresi Trainer R McKeagr Owner J J Murphy 52745 FGnds 51 f l10hvy S 102 3 1 1 21 2U L McAtee 7 Doric Julia N Ocean Swell 02473 FGnds 34 l13fast 10 106 G 5 G 9 91 J MeTagt 11 Day Lilly Kancocas Itolo 62341 FGnds 61 f l07 fast 4 10S 10 11 12 12 V2 J McTagt 13 Rancocas Day Lilly Itolo 62251 FGnds 34 l16Mhvy 12 106 2 2 24 4 41 3 = J McTagt 8 MLUHaii JsUmma Loveliness Silence60SOO 61050 Empire Ab 34 lllslow 75 113 4 26 267 7 E Sande 7 Tbornhedge Omer K Silence 60SOO Jamaica 5i f l07 = fast 1110 115 1 12 I1 13 J Mooney 7 OmerK Scgurola MachineGuni Superb4S9S2 60243 AqMuct 58 l02Mrast 3 110 1 1 14S9S2 2 4 = 1 E Ambrse 9 Vista Ballynew Superb 4S9S2 Belmont 5Jf st l06fast 95 112 4 1 14S72S IB 3 W Kelsay 7 Gilt Fringe Wise Dove Runmic Runmic4S72S 4S72S Sartoga 51 f l07 good 12 108 5 1 1 in 2i T Nolan 8 Fauiius Inglecrest Bodanzky 49352 Sartoga 5i f l09 hvy 5 110 3 44 444 4i S WIda 10 MErb Mavourneen LFantastic LFantasticDIXIE DIXIE CARROLL ch e 5 121 121Trainer By Hurst Park Alice Baird by Woolsthorp Trainer G Coburn Owner J A Coburn 53S9G HdcGe Im70y l44fast 9 110 1 4 4 4 73 7 i F Cltiletti 9 CommcCi Liola llumboJumbo 53840 HdeGe Im70y l45fast 165105 7311 in 3i F Cltiletti 14 AmcrBoy Woodthrush Osgood 53729 HdeGce 34 l14Mifast 7f 110 7 32 2i 1 S Boyle 14 Jean Bullaut Tenidte General 6C651 General6C651 IIdeGe 1 116 l47fast 16 106 1 4 4 6 1 7 ° S Boyle 8 Star Realm Madge P Roisterer 46585 Romeo4C372 Bowie 78 129 fast 21 108 5 5 4 4 7 7 3 J Williams 7 Slippery Elm Ormomla Romeo 4C372 Jefson 1140 fast 1 113 7 5 3 3 I1 I1 L Lyke 8 Tattle The Pirate Toe the Mark 40290 Jefson Im70y l48f hvy 5 112 4 2 2 2 1 I1 L Lyke 8 Hadrian Opportunity FMonrot FMonrot4G236 4G236 Jefson Im70y 45 fast 41 112 5 3 3 3 2 21 L Lyke 8 Docotl Fort Bliss JifTy 46195 Jefson 24 14good 3 106 5 4 4 4 3 S Wida Ap Jack II Stepson TtheMark 46110 Jcfsori 5i f OS fast 8 113 8 8 8 61 L Lyke 8 liobAlleu Bringhurst ILIght 46044 Jefson 34 14 fast 8 107 6 5 4 4l 3s S Boyle C Pullux liringliurst Boustelle 46017 Jefson 34 12fast 20 108 11 31 9 SI 873 W Wright 11 Apple Jack II Troilus Lugotal 44819 Bowie 61 f 122 good 245 115 5 13 13 13 7 A Collins 11 Pibroch Duke John Little Ed 43010 Latonla 34 l12fast 37 107 2 33 2J 3Z1 B Pool 12 LadyFPlay Bulldoze 0 Moor MoorROUND ROUND ROBIN b c 4 116 116Trainer By Olambala Mauviette by Mexican Trainer J Byer Owner J Byer 50695 Jamaica 34 l13fast 95 120 3 22 4 43i M Buxton 7 LocLeaves Genie W Larglictto 50599 Jamaica lm70yl4G fast 920 115 1 1 1 1 1 1s I Ensor 5 TlieWH SirClarcnce LeGaulois 50479 Aqduct 7S 25fast 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 S Bullman 3 Kalco ViceChairman 50392 Aqduct 78 l26fast 4 125 2 3 3 3 2 2 ° L Ensor 7 Genie W Sweep Clean Jesava 49928 Belmnt 34MC l12fast 7 112 9 G 6 7l 6S3 L Ensor 10 Tlie Nephew Ablaze Turf Turf4Si3 4Si3 Belmont 34 st l12fast 12 111 7 36 6 7 3 L Ensor 7 YungCliin Laltablee Hoodwink 49214 Sartoga 1 l3S fast 385 100 S S 6 5 2s 2 F Cltilettil2 Tenons Bon MatIdol FrTireur 49143 Saratoga 34 l12fast 12 108 8 98 10 10 4 C Turner 10 Uallymooncy llUeautyDifEyef llUeautyDifEyefCLARE CLARE TRANCES b f 3 101 101Trainer By Lovetie Amelia Jenks by Armeath II Trainer J Dunn Owner J V Byrne 51448 Bowie 5Jfl10hvy Gi 112 3 7 7 SJ 12 = = T Rowan 13 Rustier MornFace WofComan 51246 Empire Ab 34 lllgood 10 HIS 3 2 3 5s C C Robson i SiltFnnge Thoriihedge CRarnb 51191 Empire 51 f 109 fast 7 113 3 2 1 1 2n C Robson 9 MachGunr JamaicaB ToutOr 50800 Jamaica 51 f l07fast 12 115 3 G ToutOrG 6 6 6 C Fbthur 7 Wedgwood Omer K Segurola 60773 Jamaica 5J f l07fast 20 105 4 4 7 S1 9 W Obert 10 Episode Silence Santa Claus 60645 Jamaica 51 f 110 fast 5 112 1 1 1 1 1 C Kummer MacliGunner SunDays GBovee GBoveeG 60516 Aqduct 58 59good 25 10SJ G GELECTION G G 610 E Ambrse Tamarisk Vibrate Day Lilly ELECTION b h 7 116 116Owner By Ballot Sadie S by Charaxus Owner Crow Point Stable Stable39G63 39G63 HdtGe 1 116 l50fast 1 111 S S SS1G2I 5 5 4 4 C Kummer 9 Fairy Logind Stir Up Biorman S1G2I IIdeGe ln 70y Il5ffast 45 110 6 7 7 1 713 R Troxler 8 Fciin Fay Pitas Dreams Mose 39418 Saratoga 1 l39Hgood 20 113 7 7 7 7 7 71 I McAteu 7 Screnest Woodtrap Nightstick REP b c 3 M 0fi 0fiTrainer By Picton Enchantress II by Collar Trainer S P Harlan Owner L Waterbury 53S09 HdeGce 34 l12fast S2 110 12 11 8 12s 9s A Collins 14 Polly Ann ISaywood Flambotte 53693 HdGece 51 f l07i fast 50 116 2 34 5s 51 A Collins ll llaywood Rtgistrar PPandora 61992 Pimlico 34 l13Vfast 14 104 3 145 5si 1 Mooney i Exodus Dry Moon Polytliia 51266 Pimlico 34 114 fast 1310 115 3 33 315 2 L Ensor S DrC Wells Trantula wickiow C06G9 wickiowC06G9 Jamaica 51 f l07iffast S 115 4 2 2 23 2 W Obert S Conine Iveniian Itermont r05Ul Itermontr05Ul Aqduct 58 l01 lop 4 115 5 3 3 3 W Kelsay lli Curfew Ruddles Caligula 5044 Aqduct 31 l14ifast 3 115 7 222 = 43i C Kummer 8 Cimarron Huoiuc Mer Marine 50193 Aqduct 5S lCOfast 41 1111 3 2 2 = 23 1 Ensor 4 Frigate Itolo Light Fantastic FantasticTOUT TOUT OR b e 3 106 By Mont dOr II Golden Rosa by Goldfinch Trainer GoldfinchTrainer C A Applegate Owner C A Applegate Applegate5S692 5S692 HdeGce 34115 fast 19 103 2 12 61 12 L McAtee 15 ISurgoyne Midian Jean Ilullant 53620 Bowie C f lOSfast C 104 4 111 3J M Harson 9 CeltkLass GeoIlovee Chevalier 53517 Chevalier52C41 Bowie 51 f lUS7 fast 10 112 1 1 1 1 2J A JohnsonlO Sacajawea MyIIead Chevalier 52C41 FGnds 51 f 106 fast IO 90 3 446 6 ° E Josiah 0 Apple Jack II Meliora Ablaze 52517 FGnda 34 l13fast 15 106 7 C 4 61 3 F Wdsfkll JuliaN Philnclorer MarDixun 61343 Pimlico BJfl07fast 9 10813 4 3 3 59i C Robson lli Sobade MyFndPat JamaicaB 51287 Pimlico 51 f l09V fast 100 9 G 5 G1 75i F Welner t Feruwood Mantilla Silence SilenceMARIE MARIE ANTOINETTE b f 4 111 By Glencairn Ringling by FatherloM Trainer FatherloMTrainer J Wilson Owner JUarrone Stable 51618 Bowie 1 11G 153 hvy 71 107 766 S S 711 J Mooney 8 WItadotto Manoevre Ilcmlrie 61549 Bowie 1 116 151 fast 24 102 6 7 C G 7IS 7IS J Mooney S Siiiinylaiid Hemlriu Chasseur Chasseur514S7 514S7 Bowia ImOy l50HKOt d 11 110 511 1 1 = 1 J Mooney GdeCaust Peccant SirClarcnce 61460 Bowie 1 116 l53 slow 23 108 7 C 7 7 7 715 J Mooney 7 Lordllerbt AlbtrtA StnnSigli 14 S Bowie 1 l49Vslop 1C5 105 C 5 6 4 7i T U 1casterll WlmCares Iooalfllo I ordllcrbt 61375 Pimlico 34 113 fast 5f 100 11 II 11 loj 86J R Lcasterll ForlCluirchill HisChoiee Super 61206 Empire 1 142 mud 4 103 3 1 1 1 1J 1 F Weiner r Ciiclaml Joe Joe Jolm I Day DayOLD OLD DAD IngoldsbyTrainer b c 4 116 By McGce Ida Harrison by Ingoldsby Trainer W Garth Owner Kedgwick Stable 51375 Pimlico 31 113 fast 20 110 5 4 3 6 GJ J Rodgezll FortChurchill IlisCiioice Super 61345 Pimlico 34 l12fast 14 118 G 34 Si SJ 1 Rodgezll His Choice Super Jadda 61278 Pimlico 1 140 fast G 115 5 1 1 1 i 2s J Rodgoz 7 Lcochares Camoufleiir Amaze 61102 laurel 1 l39fast 7 10 Ill 2 3 45 J Callahan 4 Dr Joe ISoniface Wood Vlolft 61043 Laurel Im70y IMIfast 15 112 2 1 1 1 I in J Rodgez n l ttyI MookOrange SirenMaiO 60956 Laurel 1 116 147 fast 46 107 4 2 C G D ° 5 H Ilamtn Itriilisman Herd Girl Herron HerronMANDALAY MANDALAY ch g 4 M 116 116Trainer By Marathon Foxy Mary by St Lawrence II Trainer J J Johnston Owner E Arlington 53633 Bowiu 61 f l21fast 65 1CS S 65 C II Gregory S DbleVau Amackassin Tdstool KiWJS Bowie 1 11G l51 fast 107 103 4 2 4 4 C1 914 C Ponce 11 Kcziali Yapliank ItenIIimpsou 53545 Bowie 34 l14i good 28 116 12 11 11 9 9 F CltilettilL GcnCadoriia Nohant Toreador 53495 Bowie 61 f 121 fast 12f 109 11 7 9 llill J McTag114 SKelly GAgmoule Amkassin 62624 FGnds 1 116 l47fast 8 102 5 8 7 9 ll lluli uli ° T Jarvis 11 Ituticvuleiit DrJim SLiglitlll 62496 FGnds Im70y 147 fast 15 110 2 6 4 7 6s 4J J Roberts 11 Hopover Roisterer P lUossom lUossomC2273 C2273 FGnds Im70y l47 good 21 114 333 4 412 41 J Heupel K Pimlico Ititheliou Normandie NormandieE2201 E2201 FGrds Im70y l4 ihvy 20 109 G 5 4 5 7 7s J Heupel 8 DofPtace TForeigner WalkDj 61925 Jefson 34 l15V fast fO 11111 12 12 10 10 T Nolan lli Murphy JofkScot Madrono 44210 Latonla 6i f 110 hvy 1C 10710 10 It 11 10 W Wright lli Louis A Warlike Airdrie AirdrieiMA6 iMA6 Latonia 51 f l09alow 8G 111 12 11 11 llloll L Lyke 11 Virgo IJucklaide Lieut Lester ASTERISK b s 5 118 118Trainer By Astronomer Helen 0Ct by Hit Highneu Trainer J McDonald Owner J M Harper 51190 Empire 1 116 l4S fefnst 2 103 1 3 3 1 1 1 C Ponce 4 MaricnIIollins AlmaB WMack 51110 Empire 1 116 150 fast 10 113 2 2 4 4 43 43j p Welner Gtieland Ixively Gtn Cadorna 51026 Empire Im70y l47hvy 7 112 3 4 5 4 450S97 43 41 C Robson S licrlin Gueland Kcziah Kcziah4J 50S97 Jamaica lm70yl45 faBt 15 112 1 4 5 3 4J 3 C Robson 7 IxGaulois KgARrippa TBrka 50774 Jamaica 1 116 l47jfast 115 110 327 7 7 71T M Rowan G Gueland Mose Dioscoride 50387 Anduct 6J t 120 fast 23 11G 2 66 7 71S A Johnson 7 Pnce ofC TNepliew Burgoyne