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RICH AUTUMN STAKE RACE Queen City Handicap of 10000 Added One of Kentuckys Big Fall Prizes A valuable feature of Kentucky racinz is lln QIIICII City Handicap to be run next autumn It in for twoyearolds at one mile and lias 1000 added Ilorstiniii Kast and West were liberal witli their entries for this event wilh the result that the gross value of the race will be approximately SaOOO Practically all the best youngsters of the country are named for it and it is not unlikely that its decision may determine the supremacy of the juvenile division for the year The conditions and nominations for this event are as follows followsTHE THE QUKKN CITY HANDICAP 10000 added To l e run during autumn meeting 1121 For two yearolds By subscription of 25 each 200 addi ¬ tional to start 100K added of which 1COO to Kcrctnd SSOO to third fourth to save stake Weights six days before the race Winners of other than a claiming or selling purse after publication of weights 3 pounds extra Acceptances to be named through the entry ox the day before the race at the usual time of closing One mile mileAlexander Alexander Chnrlton Chestnut colt by Cnnard Iady Levity LevityAlexander Alexander John It Xach Terrill br c by Zeus llenolifApplcgate llenolif Applcgate W K Chestnut colt by McGee Pink IJose IJoseISakor ISakor Ceo F IJekab blk c by Dick Finnell Kandrincliani Itelle ItelleIakcr Iakcr K John Finn ch c by Dick Fin ¬ nell Coruscate CoruscateJakcr Jakcr Gco F Hi Grade ch c by Delhi Starradia StarradiaBaker Baker 1 P Dr Little ch c by Dick Welles Shawana ShawanaBaker Baker J P Batty II b f by Dick Welles Knropa KnropaBlackford Blackford G L Pete Foy ch c by Prince Herinis Golden Lassie LassieHlarkford Hlarkford G L Maxiinnc b c by Golden Maxim Lily Mac Board Arthur DeBonero ch c by Tony Boncro Aunt Dee Deerohan rohan D T Brother John b c by Peter Quince or Light Brigade Bunchy Bohan 1 T Kuralist cli c by Peter Quince s Xell Wilder WilderBohan Bohan I T Miss Hope cli f by Ballot Star Berta BertaBradley Bradley K R Better Still ch c by North Star HI Sweet Alice AliceBradley Bradley E R Bit o Black br c by Black Jester Dreamy DreamyBradley Bradley B It Busy American b c by North i Star III Breathing Spell Bradley SpellBradley K 1 BeMorcCarcfnl b c by North U Star III Stumpy StumpyBradley Bradley K It Bill and Coo br f by Helmet t PadulaBradley Padula Bradley E R Banker Brown br c by Helmet t Vaila VailaBradley Bradley R Boy From Home br c by Hel ¬ met May Bird BirdBradley Bradley T C Yoshimi b c by Ballot Gold 1 Lady LadyBrannon Brannon B J Brown colt by Sweep Droll Breekinridge DrollBreekinridge Desha Chestnut colt by Uncle Dike DikeBruckinridge Bruckinridge Desha Chestnut colt by Jack At kin Princcxs Pat PatBreekinridge Breekinridge Desha Naughty Nisba ch f by f The Manager Daisy Platt PlattCamden Camden J N Bay colt by Light Brigade j Knignia KnigniaCamden Camden J N Bay filly by Light Brigade Bellita BellitaCamden Camden J N Bay filly by Peter Quince Proud Daisy DaisyCamden Camden J N Chestnut gelding by Peter Quince e lalhrlCebrian lalhrl Cebrian Edward Salamander cli c by Tim a Payne Saleska SaleskaCehrian Cehrian Edward Trumpet Call b f by Von H TromiH Seinphpritii Castle CastleCebrian Cebrian Edward Trump Card blk f by Von n Tromp Sain Shot ShotCebrian Cebrian Edward Hold Me b f by Von Tromp Dally DallyCebrian Cebrian Edward Isocoles b g by Von Tromj Isolation Christian E C Moon Winks br or b f by y Sweep Experience ExperienceMark Mark C W Tom Hare Jr br c by Vulcain Mooner Clark C WrToiii Hare Jr br c by Vulcain Mooner MoonerClark Clark C W Bay filly by Golden Maxim Yankee Tree TreeClark Clark IV A Gravitate br f by Rock View Lady Carnot Clark P A Exterminate ch f by Ultimus Fair Empress EmpressClark Clark P A Royal Primrose br f by Celt Primula II IIClark Clark IV A Blue Teal br f by Wrack Delft Cochran Gifford A Chestnut filly by His Ma ¬ jesty Golden Drop DropCocliran Cocliran Gifford A Bay filly by Broomstick Early Rose RoseCoe Coe W R Master Hand b c by Ballot Shuck H HCoe Coe W R Bay filly by Black Jester Pas quita Coe W R Chestnut filly by Harmonicon Laughaway Joe W R Chestnut colt by Hannouicon Merry Thought II IIConnley Connley J E Plieenle Finnell blk f by Dick Finnell Pheenie Fickle FickleConnley Connley J E Southern Avenue blk f by Diclc Finnell Chestnut Bell BellCosden Cosden J S Kedgwich b c by Sweep High flown Cosden J S Brown colt by Celt Moisant Davis P W King Paul cli c by Delhi Reality RealityDenny Denny R G Co Adventure b c by Jack Atkin liiyfie Simpson Denny R G Co Passepartout blk c by Jack Atkin Matttinhorn Dorlch Bros Klyjng Prince ch c by Zeus Sweet Pea Doyle George L Bobbie Shea ch c by Mag ¬ neto Liliie Krnter Ferguson A L Our Betsy by Huon Mary Le Bus Fisher II C Bud Fisher b c by Uncle Miss Granville Fitzgerald G L George Kuffau b c by Diet Welles Cireulla Forsythe F A Fancy Free blk f by Hessian Ruth L FraUes R C Lady Frakes br f by Watervale Vanen Frakes R C Ida McGec ch f by McGee Ida Harrison Frakes R C Florient br f by Yankee Belle of Glendale GlendaleGallaher Gallaher Bros Bay or brown colt by Rock View Mary Talbott Gallaher Bros Bay colt by Wrack Augusta Victoria Gerry Robert L Rectortown b c by King James Belphoebe Gerry Robert L Last Word b c by Ultimus Idle Fancy Goodc J M Sun Time ch c by Yankee Stella Moberly MoberlyGoriiam Goriiam J B Old Folks by Horron Imsmer Creenberg JakL Colonel G ch c by Dick Welles Flammtila FlammtilaHancock Hancock A B Blue Deep b f by Wrack Marie Frances FrancesHarrington Harrington W K Anglmn Maid blk f by Dick Finnell Pokey OMalley OMalleyHerz Herz Kmil Rib Grass ch c by Short Grass Marion Hood HoodHerz Herz Emit June Grass b or br c by Short G ra ss Comsora Herz Emil Ellandjoy b c by Spanish Prince Tiianta TiiantaHerz Herz Emil Long Grass ch c by Short Grass Queens Loch LochHewitt Hewitt II H Washington ch c by Ballot Hazzaza HazzazaHewitt Hewitt II II Startle ch f by Star Hawk Inspiration InspirationHirscli Hirscli Max Chestnut colt by Friar Rock Smoothbore SmoothboreHirscli Hirscli Max Chestnut colt by Friar Rock Lou Blue BlueHirsch Hirsch Max Chestnut colt by Star Shoot Old Squaw SquawHirscli Hirscli Max Black colt by Ogden Phantom Hirscli Max Black colt by Xeus Edna Collins Hirscli Max Chestnut colt by Dick Welles Flight Ella EllaHubble Hubble R L Billy Brush b c by Ben Brush Sweetheart Sue SueJeffords Jeffords Irs W M Bravo ch c by Ballot Tardy TardyJeffords Jeffords W M Macduff ch c by McGee Stolea Moments MomentsJones Jones Montfort Lieut Colonel b g by Light Brigade Yolanda YolandaJones Jones Montfort Chestnut colt by Star Shoot AVide Eyes EyesJones Jones Montfort Chestnut colt by Friar Rock Mallard MallardJones Jones Montfort Uncle Sammy ch c by Uncle Ballymena BallymenaJones Jones Montfort Pegasus b c by Golden Maxim BriglitstoncJones Briglitstonc Jones Montfort Chestnut colt by Cock o the Walk Private Flag FlagJones Jones Montfort Cap Rock ch c by Trap Rock Moulin Rouge RougeJones Jones Moutfort Chestnut colt by Dick AVelles Tallahassee TallahasseeJones Jones Montfort Our Filly blk f by Hessian Nellie Irene IreneKeene Keene J O G H Bay colt by Luke McLuke Agnes Virginia Kotiin J O G H Bay colt by Luke McLuke Carene CareneKelley Kelley Frank J Janku ch c by Uncle Blakeslee BlakesleeKelley Kelley Frank J Lady Mother ch f by Clti mus Nevada NevadaKelley Kelley Frank J Atta Gal b f by Assagai Misty Law LawKelley Kelley Frank J Article X ch g by Boots and Saddle Miss Behave BehaveKilmer Kilmer Willis Sharpc Sunreigh ch c by Sun dridge Sweet Briar BriarKnubelkamp Knubelkamp G Jim Ownbey b c by Hessian Ira Waddy WaddyKnebelkamp Knebelkamp G First National b c by Delhi Lamp Girl GirlKolm Kolm Theisen Tames B Brown br c by Master Roberts Marbles MarblesLawler Lawler L G rover Incognance b c by Dis ¬ guise Las Flores FloresIawler Iawler L Grover Plow Steel ch c by Honey wood Decency DecencyLehan Lehan Dan Spats b c by Sain Levia Lewis LawrentL Chestnut colt by Great Britain i May Ellen EllenLowenstcin Lowenstcin M J Red Wingfield b c by I Superman Off Offlxwenstein lxwenstein M J Daddy Wolf b g by Assagai Hathor HathorMcDowell McDowell Thos C Chestnut filly by The Man ¬ ager Schoolmistress SchoolmistressMcDowell McDowell Tims C Bay filly by The Manager Little Daughter McDowell Thos C Bay or brown colt by The Manager TheManager Star Jasmine McDowell Thos C Bay colt by The Manager Alanarka McDowell Thos C Chestnut colt by The Man ¬ ager Kings Daughter Williams AnnieWilliams McLean K B Bay colt by Sweep Annie i McLean PassanMcLean E B Bay colt by Hessian Passan McLean E B Bay colt by Friar Rock Queen i Dixon DixonMcLean McLean E B Bay colt by Ben Brush Rhpdas Pride PrideMcLean McLean E B Chestnut colt by Boots and I Saddle LightningMcLean Flash of Lightning McLean E I Chestnut filly by Colin Garden i of Allah Madden J E Chestnut colt by Friar Rock Mercadel Madden J B Bay or brown colt by The Finn i Star of the West WestMadden Madden J E Chestnut colt by Friar Rock Sea Shell Madden J E Chestnut fillj by Friar Rock Affection Madden J E Brown filly by Friar Itock Li Pa trie Madden J E Chestnut filly by Friar Rock Anlella Madden J E Brown gelding by Light Brigade B Heliosis Hortense Madden J E Bay colt by Sir Wilfred Hor tense II Gloria LaGloria Marino John Bashful ch f by Martinet La i Marino John Stamp b c by Ormohdale Post t Mark MarkMatlack Matlack I T Erskine Dale b c by Sweep 1 Francis Gullies Matlack 1 T Who Can Tell ch f by Dick Finnell Bright Start StartMerle Merle A J Alameda Girl b f by Jim Gaffney r SoniaMerle Sonia Merle A J Miss Merle b f by Jim Gaffuey iciuipMerle iciuip Merle A J Magnesia I f by Jim Gaffney Whats Left LeftMilam Milam J1 C Bay filly by Ormoudale Western I I Lady LadyMilam Milam J C Bay or brown filly by The Finn DisparityMocller Disparity Mocller P Chestnut colt by Brununel Panclla PancllaMoore Moore C W Jr Bay filly by McGec Boony J Doon DoonMorton Morton Sam G Belski br f by Enfield Belle Teuny TeunyMueller Mueller Brooks Grit br c by Magneto Last Leaf LeafNichols Nichols S K Bay colt by Wrack Frances M MPnrrish Pnrrish J W Bright Leaf cli f by Bulse Triad TriadParrish Parrish J W Red Leaf cl f by Bills Early Love LoveParrish Parrish J W Lugs br g by Bulse Princess Thorpe ThorpePendergast Pendergast T J Lord Allen b c by Frizzle Mary King KingPoison Poison W F Pay cli c by Dick Welles Marjorio Connor ConnorPoison Poison W F Parker cli c by Dick Wellrs Miss Lida LidaReplogle Replogle J Leonard Princess Palatine b f by Prince Palatine Frizette FrizetteRoss Ross Commander J K L Feylance b c by Assagai St Fey FeyRoss Ross Commander J K L Proclamation ch c I by Jim Gaffney Royal Message MessageRoss Ross Commander J K L Marble ch c by 1 Ballot Tiffany Blend BlendRoss Ross Commander J K L Truro ch c by Jim Gaffney Alice Dudley DudleyRoss Ross Commander J K L Celney b c by Jim Gaffney Irish Queen QueenRoss Ross Commander J K L Ferrura b c by 1 Ferole Mill Maid MaidRoss Ross Commander J K L Procyon ch c by Marathon Canice CaniceRoss Ross Commander J K L Elemental b c by Ultimus Xarco XarcoRoss Ross Commander J K L Bay colt by Mara ¬ 1 thon Pesky PeskyRoss Ross Commander T K L Spanish Maize ch c by Spanish Prince Wheat Ear EarRoss Ross Commander J K L Harmonious cli c 1 by Prince Palatine Melody MelodyRosseter Rosseter John H Chestnut colt by Friar Rock Bold Girl GirlRosseter Rosseter John H Chestnut colt by Friar Rock 5 Sweet Marjoram MarjoramRossntcr Rossntcr John H Chestnut colt by Friar Rock Rose of Gold GoldRosseter Rosseter John H Chestnut colt by Friar Rock Danceress DanceressRosseter Rosseter John H Brown colt by Disguise Sea Air AirRosseter Rosseter John H Bay colt by Disguise Agnes Velasquez VelasquezRyan Ryan C T Dan Boiling b c by Sea King Coat CoatRyan Ryan C J Black Fox b c by Sea King Alien B BRyan Ryan C J North Cliff ch c by Sea King Doria DoriaRyan Ryan C J Sherando ch f by Sea King Elizabeth D R RRyan Ryan C J May Hampton ch f by Sea King Court Holiday HolidayRyan Ryan C J Belle Boyd b f by Sea King Dorothy Gray GraySalmon Salmon W J Chestnut colt by Celt Merri ¬ i ment II IISalmon Salmon W J Bay colt by Superman Rnpl i cola Salmon W J Chestnut colt by Trevisco Starry Night NightSalmon Salmon W J Chestnut colt by Sir Wilfred Nadinette NadinetteSimms Simms E F Trajanius br c by Rock View Belgravia BelgraviaSimms Simms E F Summer Breeze b f by McGee Mary Davis DavisSimms Simms E P Waterloo b t by Great Britain Ethel Mason MasonSimms Simms E F Nubia blk f by Dick Finnell i Carrie Jones JonesSimms Simms E F Hephaistos b c by Vulcain Neva W WSimms Simms E F Phantom Blue ch f by Ultimus Algie M MSimms Simms Oliver Finery b f by Fair Play Felicity FelicitySimms Simms Oliver Fusee ch f by Fair Piny Ferment FermentSimms Simms Oliver Prelude ch f by Fair Play St Priscilla PriscillaSimms Simms Oliver Bellevue cli f by Fair Play BeldameSimms Beldame Simms Oliver Gladbrook b f by Fair Play Golden Sand SandSimms Simms Oliver Royal Tracings ch f by Tracery Royal Coinage CoinageSimms Simms Oliver Crossless b f by Fair Play or Honrless Crossways CrosswaysSimms Simms Oliver Missionary ch c by Hourlesa Mission MissionSimms Simms Oliver Swagger ch c by Trap ROCK SonVeraine SonVeraineSimms Simms Oliver Poe b c by Ilnori Crystal Maid MaidSimms Simms Oliver Lucky Hour lw c by Hourless Lucky Catch CatchSimms Simms Oliver Ballot Mark br c by Negofol Ballot Bred BredSimms Simms Oliver Go a Time blk c by Negofol Hour Glass II IISimms Simms Oliver Southern Cross br c by Luke McLuke Pamphyle PamphyleSininin Sininin Oliver Cliatterton ch c by Fair Play Chit Chat ChatSimms Simms Oliver Draft br c by Fair Play Dragnet DragnetSimms Simms Oliver My Play b c by Fair Play Mahnbah MahnbahSinclair Sinclair H F Brown colt by The Finn Kiluna KilunaSinclair Sinclair H F Bay colt by Wrack Medora II IISmith Smith R A John Morrill b c by Fayette Aerophane AerophaneSmith Smith R A Tom Cassidy b c by Wrack Sobriquet SobriquetSpreckels Spreckels A B Runstar ch c by Runnymede Salvatrix SalvatrixSpreckels Spreckels A B Avispa ch f by Ruunymede Napa Girl Spreckels A B Morwich br c by Runnymede IlymirThompson Ilymir Thompson L S Bay filly by Whisk Broom II Leayonara LeayonaraThraves Thraves W V BaV colt by Granite Liska LiskaThravos Thravos W V Colored Boy br v by Black Toney Melton Mowbray MowbrayVan Van Meter C C Demos ch c by Uncle Last Cherry CherryVan Van Meter C C Buckinghorn ch c by Tony Bonero Miss Eddie Van Meter C C Jordan ch c by Tony Bonero BojaWaterbury Boja Waterbury L Bay colt by Superman Galanta GalantaWaterbury Waterbury L Chestnut colt by King James Auntie Mum MumWaterbtiry Waterbtiry L Bay filly by King James Ildiko Whitney Mrs Payne Pirate Gold br c by Rock View Gold GoldAVhitney AVhitney Mrs Payne Skyscraper ch c by Ulti mus Ollie Belle BelleAVhitney AVhitney Mrs Payne Boxwood br c by Ballot BassetingWhitney Basseting Whitney H P Bay colt by Broomstick Cerise AVhitney H P Chestnut colt by AVhisk Broom BroomII II Pageant AVhitney H P Chestnut colt by Pennant Golden Rod RodAVliitney AVliitney II P Brown colt by Royal Eaglr Paradise II AVliitney H P Bay colt by Peter Pan Folderol Whitney II P Bay colt by Pennant Frillery Whitney H P Bay colt by Peter Pan Florence AVliitney H P Chestnut colt by AVhisk Broom II Inaugural InauguralAVhitney AVhitney II P Chestnut colt by Whisk Broom II or Thunderer Pankhurst AAhitney H P Bay colt by Broomstick Spun Glass GlassAVhitney AVhitney H P Bay colt by Broomstick First Flight FlightAVliitney AVliitney U P Bay or brown colt by Peter Pan BubbleAVhitney Bubble AVhitney H P Chestnut filly by Broomstick Coiirage CoiirageAVhitney AVhitney H P Bay filly by Broomstick Starling StarlingAVliitney AVliitney IF I Black or brown filly by Peter Pan Polly Flinders FlindersAVliitney AVliitney II P Chestnut filly by Pennant Regret RegretAVhitney AVhitney II P Bay filly by AVhisk Broom II Rainy Daisy DaisyAVilliams AVilliams Bros Chestnut filly by Hilarious Anna L Daley DaleyAVilliamsoii AVilliamsoii AA AAr Bay filly by The Finn Recession RecessionAAoodford AAoodford J Hal Jewtll A D ch f by The Manager Chllia