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SIXTH RACE S Mile Pevrce Valley Purse 3yearolrts Allowances May AllowancesMay 7 121 1JJ4 55 O 127 BEN VALET ch c 3 110 110Trainer By Great Britain Virginia Nunn by Gold Heeli HeeliI2 Trainer B T Morris Owner S Bedford BedfordKP83 KP83 Lexton 1 116 l4Smutl 5 109 1 1 1 1 I2 I4 E Pool Advocate Planot Botheration 5918 Lexton 1 142 mud 125 102 1 2 2 2 2E3823 3 33 E Martin BHomnie Touett Marsu John E3823 Lexton 34 lllfast 17 9 2 2 3 3511U7 21 25 T Jarvis Brookliolt Flags Napoo 511U7 Lutonia 34 l15hvy 5 107 1 44 4 4 3 S Wida ItroItatcli BlowBbles Guvuor 61057 Latonia 34 l12fast 32f 107 C 77 Sl 9 S Wida 12 Muskallonge Coyne RisingRock 50682 Latonia 34 l12fast S 110 1 5 7 SI 812 B Kenndyl2 Rangoon Coyne Itrunstv ck 50531 Latonia 51 f l06fast 51 109 4 34 42 47 S Wida 11 Muskallouge Brunswick Rangn 0351 Lexton 51 f l07fast 5 112 2 22 224S679 21 34 B KenndylO Bettiua Coyne Billy Barton 4S679 Latonia 34113 fast 11 117 1 44 31 31 S Wida 9 GoldDigger LastRose Monsoon 4 581 Latonia 6 f l10Mhvy 5 112 4 3 3 21 2k s Wida 5 Monsoon Ace High Pekoe 48481 Latonia 34 114 mud 5f 118 13 12 9 81 S12 J SmallwMlS StarVoter BlServant AceHigb APHIE DEAR ch f 3 110 110Trainer By Ivan tho Terrible Armilda by Bryn Mawr Trainer A Baker Owner A Baker 53981 Lexton 31 l15mud G 112 1 24 11 I1 M Garner 5 Pongee Day Lilly GolDreams 53785 Lexton 34 l13slow 11 112 4 34 32 31 M Garner 8 G Dreams LMadcap BofWhite COSb7 Latonia 34 l12fast 95 114 4 43 3 2i O Willis i GussipAve LKate MissMiifny 60789 Latonia 34 l12fast 9 US 11 13 13 122 122 B K nndyia Raiign Muskalloiige McGMwiu 505GO Latonia 61 f l07fast 34 115 3 33 32 3J O Willis 7 Bettina GossipAvenue Myltose 503S4 Lexton 51 f l07fast 2110 115 1 11 I2 Il O Willis 7 Millersrg LantRose MJBaker 48371 Latonia 51 f 108 fast 35 11G 2 22 lll 1 D Connlly 7 MT Baker Pekoe MaryGaffuey 48244 Latonia 51 f lOSgood 32 110 2 43 12 1 H J Burke 8 MJBaker MoMine LastRose GANGWAY b c 3 106 106Trainer By Luke McLuke Little Oasii by Bolvidere Bolvidere3h Trainer G Land Owner F J Kelley 51396 Churchl 34 l13fast 6 109 9 94 3h 55 H J BurkalO Coyne ItisRoyk BlowBtiblilcs C1355 Churchl 78 l26fast 10 105 12 12 9 8 42 421 C Buel 12 Coyjie Red l egs Sir Thos Kean 51002 Latonia 1 l38fast 12 110 G 9 9 7 Sl 8 N Barrett 10 BVojrself McGdxvin BrotherB 60979 Latonia 34 113 fast S310 112 7 11 I2 1 N Barrett 12 Botheration Merrlraar Nonskid f0912 Latonia 1 l41fast 6 IOG G 3 3 3 3507S9 9 92 N Barrett 12 Bettina BroItatch BalWheel 507S9 Latonia 34 l12fnst 10 104 G 67 42 441 3 Wida 13 Rangn Muskallonge MtGdxvin ch c 3 108 By Light Brigade Muriel by Watercress C Milam Owner J N Camden 34 113 good 9 114 1 1 1 1 J I4 M Garner 8 AceHigh SirTKean Bothtlon 78 l27mud 225 101 S 66 7 7 i 7 H King S Brol5atch Rangoon SportBlood 1 l39fast 29 112 4 75 4 51 63 E Pool 12 McGoodwin Coyne SirTKean 31 l12fast 56 107 2 4 4 41 523 N Barrett 12 Muskallonge Coyne RIsingRock 1 l4H fast 1110 110 9 9 9 10 10 10 W Morseyl2 Bettina BroBatch BalWheel 34 l12fast 20 110 5 4 4 31 34 W Morsey 9 BBubbles Rising Rock BKean 51 f lOGfast G 114 11 10 10 91 914 W W Torl2 BehaveYself Muskge CBaker 51 f 108 fast SI 115 11 7 4 41 l W W TIorl2 Rama Clem Theisen Merrimac DAY LILLY br f 3 110 110Trainer By Olambala Orange Lilly by William tho Thirds Trainer J Tigue Owner F St John 539S1 Lexton 34 l15mud 7 1001 4 4 3 31 321 E Pool 5 AphieDear Pongee GolDreams 53785 Lexton 34 l13slow S 112 7 7 5 54 o J Roberts 8 G Dreams LMadcap AphieDear 52815 FGnds 78 l2Gfast 45 109 6 3 3 1 H I1 J Roberts 9 Lucy Kate Doric Julia N 52CG1 FGnds 34 l13ysfast 3 105 G 6 6 4 Il J Roberts 9 Rolo Rancocas Julia N NLost 52539 FGnds 34 l13fast 12 99 7 Lost rider J McCoy 8 Un Verde BungaBuck Rancocai 52478 FGnds FGndsFLAMBETTE 34 l13fast 41 10S 2 4 4 21 Ik F Wdstk 11 Rancocas Rolo Ocean Swell FLAMBETTE b f AjazW 3 103 By Durbar La Flambeo by Ajaz Trainer J W McConnack Owner F A Cl ark 53809 HdeGce 34 l12fast 9f 110 4 C G 4h 3 L McAtee 14 PollyAnn Baywood J TJmma 51186 Empire Ab 34 lllfast 31 112 2 5 fi 2h 1 E Sande 9 OceanSwell CRambler Episode 51106 Empire il Episodeil f 107 fast 12 111 3 34 43 2s C Kummer 5 LightRose CriraRamb GdBye 50SG9 Jamaica 34 l14Vsgood 12 114 7 7 C 7 G C Ponce 7 Conine Mnvoiirneen JoanMarie 50624 Jamaica 58 l01fast 4i 113 5 2 1 I2 I C Kummer 9 Turnabout Dewey Eve Atala 50548 Aqduct 58 l03Mslop 15 115 4 2 3 ° 21 C Kummer 7 LhtRose Turnabout NeapTide 50501 Aqduct 58 l01slop 15 112 10 8 92 8 C Fbther 12 Curfew Ruddles Rep Repch CASTLEREAGH ch c 3 M 103 By The Curragh Silica by Rockton RocktonTrainer Trainer B Lehan Owner B Lehan 51407 Churchl 1 l41Vsfast 11 112 3 1 1 1 21 2l H J Burke 8 Tribune Eleanor S Fantoche 51380 Churchl 34 I14goodl910 112 1 2 3 21 2 H J Burke 8 AllRtSir Crk oDawn CtView 51355 Churchl 78 l26fast 67f 10310 324 61 C i L Canf leld 12 Coyne Red Legs Sir Thos Kean 51295 Churchl 34 l14slow 41 112 2 88 82 8 E Pool 11 Merrimac BygoneDays Tribune TribuneLOVELINESS LOVELINESS BiirnlMTrainer ch f 3 103 By Charles Edward Spanish Maid by BiirnlM Trainer G H Keene Owner M H Fletcher 52815 FGnds 78 l26fast 5 104 3 5 S 6 54 6 H Thurber 9 Day Lilly Lucy Kate Doric 52520 FGnds 1 141 fast 2 104 2 1 3 4 1 4 = J J McCoy 9 Pimlico MasJack TForgner 52446 FGnds 78 l l267sfast G fast 7 97 3 4 3 4 31 32 J McCoy 8 BrCheck Botheration Twopalr 52355 FGnds 34 114 fast 10 lot 1 99 5t 5fc 5 = G Stone 10 TOfficial BCheck Js Umma 52251 FGnds 34 l16hvy 4 104 4 4 3 31 42i G Stone 8 MLillian JsUmma Wedgwood 51378 Churchl 34 I14goodl910 106 6 6 2 11 I5 E Pool GoldenDreams Cozette Romance RUNZAF IITrainer br c 3 110 By Runnymede Zafra by Solitaire II Trainer J W Forman Owner J W Forman FormanE2S35 E2S35 FGnds 1 l39fast 20 111 2 2 4 4 41 71 N Barrett 9 BnnBuck Fantoche Bothation 52785 FGnds 34 l13fast 10 113 6 4 4 61 63 N Barrett S Musknge Bothation BungaBk 52724 FGnds 51 f l09 hvy 920100 3 4 3 21 la N Barrett 8 Johns Umma Beg Pardon Ras 52602 FGnds 34 113 fast 31 107 4 2 1 2 2 N Barrett 9 MasJack WStar TrstOfficial 52497 FGnds 34 l13fast 12 114 6 56 G2 4 N Barrott S Twopalr Joaquina Alcatraz 48327 Latonia 51 f lOGfast 35 115 5 4 6 71 6i L Mink 8 B Servant Last Rose Monsoon BUNGA BUCK ch c 3 110 By Vulcain Mary Orr by Orimar 54066 Churchl 34 lll fast 69 96 S 7 9 9IC T Jarvis 9 HClouiI PWeidel ColTenn 62835 FGnds 1 l39fast i 99 5 3 2 2 I1 1 ° S TMcGraw 9 Fantoche Botheration MasJack 52785 FGnds 34 l13fast 12 1081 2 3 3 41 33 L Morris 8 Musknge Bothation Mythogy 52602 FGnds 34 113 fast 3 107 7 8 7 83 73 T Jarvis 9 MasterJack Runzaf WhiteStar 52539 FGnds 34 l13fast 20 106 4 4 4 32 21 T Jarvis 8 Un Verde Rancocas TstOfficl 52116 Jefson 34 l14fast S 111 4 555 5 1 H Lunsfd 5 Parader Polythia Mad Lillian 52042 Jefson 34 114 fast 3S 110 1 22 2k 24 W Heinch 7 Polythia Madeline Lillian Aco 51949 Jefson 1 l43hvy 165108 111 1 11 21 H King 5 Fantoche WhiteStar Day Lilly 1887 Jefson 34 114 fast 12 95 3 5 G 53 51 S Mitchell 0 ERbacher Sterling SmartGuy SmartGuyBEG BEG PARDON YankeeTrainer b c 3 106 By Smoke House Morning Hours by Yankee Trainer J McKinney Owner R P Marshall Marshall527S5 527S5 FGnds 34 l13fast 15 102 S G C S S7 J J Mney 8 Musknge Bothation BungaBk 52724 FGnds 5i f l09hvy 15 104 4 2 4 4 3 J J Mney 8 Runzaf Johns Umma Has 1396 Churchl 34 l13 fast 50 105 4 5 5 10 J0s A Collins 10 Coyne RisRock BIowBnbbles 51355 Churchl 7S l2Gfast G7f 106 G 2 8 11 11 11 M Garner 12 Coyn Red Legs Sir Thos Kean SportBlood4S563 1233 Churchl 78 l27mud 44 107 4 3 8 8 8 828 T Murray 8 BroBatch Rangoon SportBlood 4S563 Windsor 51 f l06fast 41f 108 11 12 12 12 12 A Collins 12 BGrand Polythia JSReardon 49550 Windsor 51 f 108 fast R 110 8 6 6 8 8J J Butwell 11 MauriceH JBudrow Easteslde 48774 Windsor 58 lOS ihvy 185 116 1 11 11 Il W J OBnl2 OldChap GoldAutuinnBerthaS GoldAutuinnBerthaSMONSOON MONSOON b c 3 112Trainer 118 By Peter Quince Mattie C by Out of Reach Trainer J M Goode Owner B F Swift 54002 Lexton 34 l16 ihvy 25 103 C 64 5s R Hargtn G Herald British Maid Tulsa 6045J Lexton F C l09Hifast 27 118 5 64 5l 6 J A Collins 7 BldleHour SrVoter SirTKean 50267 Lexton 51 f l07 fast 2110 113 3 2 1 li 43 F Merimeel2 Bettina AuntieMay SirThKeau 48679 Latonia 34 113 fast 11 125 9 9 8 41 42 A Collins 9 Gold Digger LastRose B Valet 48581 Latonia 61 f l10hvy 7 US 3 2 1 1 ink A Collins r Ben Valet Ace High Pekoe 4S4S1 Latonia 34 114 mud 5f 118 6 16 16 162 16 A Collins 18 StarVoter BlServant AceHigh 4S327 Latonia EJ f l06 fast 21 US 1 1 1 21 3J C Robson 8 BServant LstRose NElkhorn SIR LAWNFAL b c 3 108 108Trainer By Sain Rezia by Meddler Trainer P Coyne Owner G J Long 51396 Churchl 34 l13fast 33 105J 5 79 91 812 N Barrett 10 Coyne RisRock BlowBubbles 51355 Churchl 78 l26fast 18 110 1 6 4 7 101 10 H Lunsfd 12 Coyne Red Legs Sir Thos Keau 51197 Latonia 34 l15hvy G 106 6 5 6 6 62 N Barrett RroBatcti BlowBbles Guvnor 51115 Latonia 34 l12fast 1110 104 5 5 3 11 I1 B Kenndy 5 Napoo BungaBuck NElkhorn 51057 Latonia 34 l12fast 18 107 10 88 61 652 E Pool 12 Muskallonge Coyne RisingRock 50912 Latonia 1 l41fast 36 110 1 2 2 1 21 41 D Connlly 12 Bettina BroBatch BalWheel 50GS2 BalWheel50GS2 Latonia 34 l12fast 26 103 7 76 51 5T N Barrett 12 ICangoon Coyne Brunswick BrunswickSIR SIR THOMAS KEAN b c 3 108 By Golden Maxim Guion by Dr Rice 53890 Lexton 34 113 good 75 113 3 33 T Murray 8 Darjeeling AceHigh Bothtion 1425 Churchl 7S l26fast 8 106 8 S 7 7 4 3J A Collins 8 Rangoon WhiteStar l U 11355 Churchl 78 l26fast 5 1051111 7 6 3 3 E Pool 12 Coyne Red Legs Gangway 1135 Latonia 34l15livy 4 103 5 5 5 1 2 J Roberts 0 ColBaker RisingRock BDu BDudley 1137 Latonia 1 l39fast 19 1131 863 3 31 351 L Mink 12 McGoodwin Coyne Loveliness 0912 Latonia 1 l41fast 17 113 11 11 10 9 G 7T L Mink 12 Bettina BroBatch BalWheel BalWheelAST AST MidlothianTrainer ROSE ch f 3 103 By Handsel Janice by Midlothian Trainer B J Brannon Owner B J Brnnnon 3939 Lexton 34 l13slow 235 103 4 42 24 24 F Smith 9 Meliora MyGaffney GAutumn 3853 Lexton 1 l43imud 1910 121 1 4 2 2 2s 24 W W Tlor 5 Pongee LMadcap GoldDreams 0789 Latonia 34 l12fast 25 110 4 46 71 783 M Garner 13 Rangn Muskallonge McGdwin 0642 Latonia 51 f 107 fast 18 105 6 75 4l 441 J H Burke 7 GossipAve Bettina Millersburg Millersburgi0384 i0384 Lexton 51 f l07fast 3710 112 3 2 2 3 32 N Barrett 7 AphieDear Millersg MJBaKer 0335 Lexton 51 f l07fast 910 110 4 33 32 3 N Barrett 5 Millersburg AuntieMay KFray 9448 Sartoga 34 113 fast 50 108 7 65 61 6H J H Burkell S Screen GJMGomez Kbbie BALANCE CesarionTrainer WHEEL b c 3 112 By Ben Brush Whisk Broom by Cesarion Trainer W Hurley Owner E R Bradley BradleyE39S3 E39S3 Planet53S24 Lexton 1 11G l4Smud 2910 100 656 C 6 6 Q Tmpson i Ben Valet Advocate Planet 53S24 Lexton 1 11G l42ifast 16 105 1 6 5 6 6 613 C Thpson 7 Leonardo II Jouett Inquiry 51213 Latonia 1 l45hvy 1 113 5 2 1 1 Hj 1 ° L Lyke G Merrimac TVirginian CtView 50912 Latonia 1 l41fast 12 114 12 4 5 4 11 32 L Lyke 12 Bettina BroBatch SirLawnful 50557 Latonia 51 f 108 fast 3310 115 7 98 71 5 A Collins 12 Darjeeling Rama Clem Theisen 49148 Sartoga 51 f l06fast 15 115 4 66 G2 5 L Lyke 12 Exodus StMichael O en Average 48297 Latonia 51 f l07Wfast 1310 115 2 6 3 34 24 L Lyke 12 Coyne By Ginger McGoodwin