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PIMLICO ENTRIES Past Performances of horses entered at Pimlico will appear in Mondays edition of Daily Racing Form Probabilities Weather clear track slow slowttnciuK ttnciuK murm ac 23U p m Chicago time 230 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner f Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice Ulowance l Blinkers First Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Track record May 3 MlZrrtil 2 115 115Todays Todays TodaysInd Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHnn AWtHnntCommandcr tCommandcr Colin 113 113tStarella tStarella 113 54034s Al M 112 59h 101 720 72053985s 53985s Caretaker M 115 715 52709 AVar Relief 109 710 54058 Tricks M 101 710 710tE tE B McLean entry entrySecond Second Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Nov 9 1920 111 J 2 101 53989 Billy McLaughlin 10i 112 117X710 53990 Babv Grand 125 113 117X745 117X74553989s 53989s By Jiminy 110113 112X740 53894 = Polly Ann 111112 107 740 74053989s 53989s Lough Storm 110 113 107X735 107X7355402G3 5402G3 Some Baby 101 llSh 112x735 53989 bW T G rives 112114 112X725 112X725Third Third Race 2 Miles MilesPotomac Potomac Steeplechase 4 yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record May S 1913 349 1 8 149 51358 bBullseye 4 141 700 51022 fbFrank B 5 139 095 095512G7 512G7 t Joy ful 5 137X095 54022 Earlocker 5 139XG90 540391 Syrdarya 5 144x090 51275 Candidate II 149XG80 149XG80539S7 539S7 Overmatch M G139GSO G139GSOtJ tJ E AVidcner entry entryFourth Fourth Race 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Maidens and winners of one race raceAllowances Allowances Track record May 3 1912 54 2 115 53892 Quick Run 114 725 54058 = Lecchares II M115 57sy 112X720 54034 = Uncertainty 115 58h 115x715 54058 Some Bird M 109 710 53988 Bounce M 112 705 705High High C 108 108Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile MileStafford Stafford Handicap Handicap3yearolds upwardTrack 3yearolds and upward Track record Nov 9 1920 111 2 101 101513GO 513GO tbCrank 11G 111 7 110X800 51290 = tKnot 113113 5105X795 5105X79554025bMotor 54025bMotor 0130X79053S95 Cop 134111 0130X790 53S95 JKing Thrush 108112 4 110 790 7905383S3 5383S3 Captain Hershler 114 112 4109X785 50974 Bly 106115 4100X785 50323s Carmandhle 109 111 4 113X785 53839 = Teg 114112 3 103 780 78053G96bThe 53G96bThe Archer 103113 4 98X775 53730 bSweep Clean 112 115 4 95 771 771539S9 539S9 Lough Swilly 114 llGs 3 97X760 tS Ross entry W K L Ross entry Sixth Race 1 Mile 3ycarolds and upward Selling Handicap Track record Nov 1126 53986 Siren Maid 101 140 4 110X750 54039 Court Fool 115 142 4 100X745 53S613 blJath 115 138 5 105 745 54026 bilelen Atkin 107 141 G 104X745 4SS56 bToiicanet 105 139 4 104 745 53810 bSnmmer Sigh 112 139 5 93X740 54011 bSiinny Hill 108 139 6 100X740 53129 Walnut Hall 110 139 7 109 740 54066 = King John 112 139 G 111735 54037 bUain de Cause 99 142 4 98X730 53986 Smart Money 118 138 7 101X730 53916 3940 Diadi 106 139 10 98725 98725Seventh Seventh Race 1 11G Milos MilosSndbrook Sndbrook Park Purse Purse3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Nov 1 1920 140 1 118 11810r9 10r9 MILKMAID 122143 5116X750 5116X7503S39 53S39 3S39 = Teg 3 102 740 54033 4033 Sunny Jim 3 100 740 53839 3839 = Teg 3 102 740 53839 Sporting Blood 3 105X735 53986 Uncle John 115 149 5 121 730