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I R fI A f IRACLE NYESTORS mconiiD ECOUP i RIPPLING BOSSES NTIRELY AVE OURSELf ETBACKS HAT VAPORATE FULLY COPYRIGHTED AND PROTECTED PERCENTAGE PERCENTAGEWINNER NO NOIFS WINNERSUPREME WINNER IFS ANDS SUPREME SUPREMEWONDERFULLY OR BUTS BUTSSIMPLY WONDERFULLY WONDERFULLYSIMPLE SIMPLESIMPLY SIMPLY SIMPLYWONDERFUL SIMPLE THE SUBMERGED NINETENTHS NINETENTHSKACT PLAIN DERIVED SIMPLY SIMPLYPLAIN FIGURES FIGURESDERIVED FROM FROMFACTS WONDERFUL FACTS KACT TALK NUMB IS It 1 U Of course there are people who drift through life never knowing what is going on around them and the field of Turf Speculation will always have its SUBMERGED NINETENTHS We know that thousands have played without satisfactory results that very probahly you will be skeptical If so we arc glad and proud It places us in the class with immortals immortalsTHE THE WRIGHT BROTHERS were told If man was intended to fly he would have been given wings GALILEO tho astronomer spent twelve years in prison for teaching that tho earth is only one of several planets comprising our solar system MARCONI inventor of tho wireless was considered insane and committed for observation ALEXANDER BELL inventor of tho telephone was thought crazy FULTON inventor of tho steamboat was laughed at and called a fool Congress told MORSE inventor of tho tele ¬ graph money might as well bo appropriated to build a railroad to tho moon Every man who has ever strayed from tho beaten raih has been pilloried by a creedbound SUBMERGED NINETENTHS Every man who has over thought his way through to a BETTER METHOD has been regarded with suspicion That Is why the confidence man of today uses tho same bag of tricks as his predecessors If ho attempted to use a new idea it would be his ruin ruinA A Word Concerning SoCalled Systems DO PEOPLE KEEP Off RAILROADS BECAUSE WRECKS SOMETIMES OCCUR OCCURSuppose Suppose you have had unfortunate experiences with some 5 or 510 willo the wisp Bubblelike affaire Who is to blame We never heard of a Rolls Royce being rod at the price of a flivver It is worthy of note that thoco who say Rrcinrr cannot be MADE TO DECLARE CONSISTENT PREDE ¬ TERMINED DIVIDENDS have never operated our product but that hundreds of prosperous satisfied clients located from coast to coast have testified to tho unvarying consistency of this MARVELOUS MASTER METHOD which wo NOT ONLY MARKET BUT OPERATE DAILY They appreciate tho wisdom of Emersons maxim that Principles built on the unerring foundation of averages and established laws must necessarily stand until the dissolution of nature itself We ever stand prepared to submit a collection of these flattering endorsements in ORIGINAL FORM with the envelope attached showing postmark and cancelled stamp stampOur Our CRYSTALIZED RACING MANUAL containing 28 pages of valuable turf data vitally important racing pointers sworn results and statistics tho 21 FAMOUS WALTER SUCCESS MAXIMS and a review of tho bestknown Systems published will be sent you absolutely without charge or obligation Postals arc ignored We are waiting for you to check us up If you appreciate tho truo meaning of the word NOW you will soon spell it tho other way around WON BUT not every man INVESTIGATES which accounts for tho SUBMERGED NINETENTHS NINETENTHSLIBERAL LIBERAL TERMS contingent upon resultant earnings Our Credit System is a very simple one and can be covered in three words Confidence and Good Faith It is open to thoso persons of good inten ¬ tions If the System does not win consistently and fulfill every claim you owe us nothing nothingBEWARE BEWARE OF FRAUDULENT OFFERS to supply zocalled copies of tho Miracle System at a com liarativo few dollars cost These FAKES will cause you LOSS DISAPPOINTMENT DISASTER Turn all such ILLEGITIMATE PROPOSITIONS over to the proper authorities authoritiesUTSA UTSA fyr p WA1YTFT MEXICO c MEXICOc TI ii A JV Jri JL juii cr v v CO vy ENGLAND CANADA ENGLANDCANADA THE TIFFANY OF SYSTEM CONCERNS AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIAS S E ARTHUR Public Relations Blsr PRIVATE LOC1C IIOX 4O1J TOWSON Hin BID