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JACK FIELD FIELDI I ONLY GIVE ONE HORSE A DAY Scld DAYScld at principal newsstands 1 Daily DailyYesterdays SpecialMARSE Yesterdays One Horse Special MARSE JOHN 530 WON SpecialPL Tuesdays WONTuesdays One Horse Special PL NET 1540 WON Mondays WONMondays Ono Horse Special was scratched SATURDAYS 100 FREE SPECIAL WON How is this for information ch You can boat Ono Horse a Day hut not seven sevenBIG BIG 100 FREE SPECIAL TODAY Go tho limit to it as it looks like a WALK OVER for this horse The right boy will ride and I ex ¬ pect itMailed a REAL GOOD PRICE on it Mailed overnight received first mail in the morn ¬ ing 4 a week weekJACK JACK FIELD 505 South Dearborn Street Chicago Ilinois Sold at principal newsstands also at Louisville Eilcr Goodman 227 South 4th Clrcot Cincinnati O Bob Bishow 5th and Walnut Streets St Louis Mo Win Laser 705 Market St Lobby