First Race [1st Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1921-05-27

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FIRST RACE 78 Mile SyearoldH Claiming May 21 1531 ii33 15 i no Index Course Dist TimeTckOdda Wt St Btr Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish COZETTE b f 3 104 By Sain Semprite by Bempronlus Bempronlus2s Trainer F Coyne Owner G J Long 54289 Church 1 34 l12fast 13 03 2 11 11B1378 2s 2 L Penman 11 MabelG BritMaid CBlossom B1378 Churchl 34 l14good 15 101 1 5 C 41 39 J J Mney 0 Loveliness GoldDrms Romance 61167 Latonla 01 f l08mud 17 115 7 89 9 921 C Buel 9 Iongte Julia N Dimples 60982 Latonla 34 l13fast 12 113 3 1 1 21 21 C Buel 12 Dimples Acclaim Tawasentha 60734 Latonla 34 l14fast 12 112 4 36 d C5 D ConnllylO LucyKate liveliness PepPolly 60530 lAtonia 51 t l08fast 145 112 1 11 Il I T Murray 12 Countess Maysville Mary G 48675 Latonla 51 f l07fast 26 112 3 22 224S580 21 6SJ D Connllyl2 RlsingRock DarkBen KFraley 4S580 Latonla 51 f lllhvy 15 112 2 34 344S424 4l 5 D Connlly 8 PepPolly G Autumn MMcKaj 4S424 Latonla 61 I l07fast 14 112 5 21 4 4 1 D Connllyl2 Bettina Tawasentha Penwell 48006 Latonia 68 l01fast 23 115 10 10 9i 911 W Wright 11 Julia N Present Mary Gaffnej NAPOO ch c cTrainer 109 By Martinet La Glori by Woolithorpe WoolithorpeOwner Trainer F 3 William Owner Williams Bros 54178 Churchl 34 llChvy 1 10S 9 4 4 4s 2s J Francis 10 Doric Blemished Sea Court 63934 Lex ton 34 lI4hvy 1C 991 3 33 3 3i 3 G Fields 8 MarvMay JHan JllareJr GrnG E3823 Lexton 34 lllfast 47 981 4 34 4s 4IS J McCoy C Brookholt Ben V Valet Flag 61115 Latonla 34 l12fast C 99 2 3 2 4 21 S Wida 5 SirLawiifal Bung 51002 Latonla 1 l38fast 77 10CJ10 10 10 10 9 9 II J BurkelO B Yourself McGd 0912 Latonla 1 l41Vfcfast 37f 110 8 Fell G Mangan 12 Bettina BroBat 60682 Latonla 34 l12fast 27f 112 9 10 8 71 7U G Mangan 12 Rangoon Coyne C0531 Latonla LatonlaROMANCE 61 f lOGfast 08 112 8 85 J C G Manganll Muskallonge Brut ROMANCE b bTrainer f 3 107 By Luke McLuke Tranid by Voter VoterW Trainer W Buford Owner Hal Frioe Head ley 639C4 Lex ton 34 l14fast 10 115 S CX H Kins 12 Sikhim Sleepy Dear Corilla 61378 Churchl 34 14KOod2910 110 2 4 J H King 1 liveliness Gold Dreams Cozette 6117G Latonia 34 l16mud 14 103 2 1 Il 1 H King 11 Frivol Mam o Mine MGaffney 61113 Latonla 01 f 108 fast 29 112 3 1 I1 I1 H King 12 LChamp Eleanors KathleenK 60999 Latonia 34 l13fast 10 112 6 3 5 C11 II King 11 DLuriotte GQuince L Wynne 60734 Latonia 34 l14fast 91 105 3 2 51 7 W Jarrell 10 LucyKate Loveliness PepPolly 47984 Latonla 58 l01fast 3G 109 6 7 71 710 H Lunsfd 9 Loch Leven Frivol Miss Dora 4731G Churchl 41 f 5Cmud 20 115 2 4 6 81T D Connllyl2 1ekoe MFoutaiue M J Bakei BakeiBy GENERAL AGRAMONTE b c 3 111 111Trainer By Hetilan Aitarita by Bithampton BithamptonV Trainer J W Murphy Owner L Erb 64304 Churchl 78 l24fast 3310 107 7 G 5 V T T63S09 9 10 L Penman 14 MtheTime Adonis firdSwoll 63S09 HdeGce 34 l12fast 7 113 10 7 J 5 6 55J H Sande 14 PollyAnii Baywood Flambette 63708 HdeGce 1 l41fast 7 1041 134 1346SG73 4 41 W C Ponce 5 BOrand NiKhtRaider Aillno 6SG73 HdeGce 34 l14fast 8 110 9 9 7 G2 2 C Ponce 10 NRaidrr Js Unima Kuniiiioi 63583 Bowie 34114 fast 1210 110 4 4 I 3 2 13 F CltllettI 7 LucyKate Chevalier SocialStar 63546 Bowie 78 l28good 4 105 4 5 3 S 2 I2 1s F Cltilettl 8 Chevalier Galiot Morning Face 63516 Bowie 01 f l07fast 1910 103 5 4 I 3 2 1 F CltllettI 10 Celt Lass LuuyKate PepPolly 63495 Bowie G f 121 fast 12 97 S 3 J 3 3s 22 F Cltilettil4 SKelly Amackassln ChPrnbino 62763 FGnds 61 f l09hvy 3J 113 8 2 t tBALANCE 5 4J 5T C RobsonlS MGunr MDixon YellRIosm YellRIosmBy BALANCE WHEEL b c 3 111 111Trainer By Ben Brush Whisk Broom by Cosarion CosarionG Trainer M Shields Owner M Shields 64267 Churchl 1 l37fast 10 114 4 4 G C G S6 511 L Lyke 0 Coyne Darjeeling SirTliosKean SirTliosKeanC 64103 Churchl 78 l23 fast 1C 112 S 9 S C C 451 D ConnllylO Djeeling B Valet Castlereagh CastlereaghC 639S3 Lexton 1 11G l4Smud 2910 109 G 5 C C C 6 C C Tmpson 1 Ben Valet Advocate Planet PlanetC 63824 Lexton 1 11G 42fast 1C 103 1 G 5 C C C G19 C Thpson 7 Leonardo II Jouett Inquiry 61213 Latonla 1 45hvy 1 113 5 2 1 1 I1 I10 L Lyke 0 Merrimac TVirginian CtView 60912 Latonla 1 41J4fast 12 114 12 4 5 4 11 31 L Lyke 12 Bettina BroBalcli Sirl iwnful 60557 Latonla 61 f 08 fast 2310 115 7 9 5 54J148 8 71 5 A Collins 12 Darjeeling Rama Clem Theisen 4J148 Sartoga 51 f OGV fast 15 11C 4 G G C1 0 L Lyke 12 Exodus StMichael GenAveragp 4S297 Latonla 51 f l07Vifaat 1310 115 2 C 3 34 2 L Lyke 12 Coyne By Ginger McGoodwln DANTZIC br g 3 106 106T By Bryn Mawr Dance Spirit by Rock Sand Trainer T E Edwards Owner T E Edwards EdwardsS 54178 Churchl 31 llCVthvy 01 103 4 45i S 9 S1 5J N J BrneslO Doric Napoo Blemished 63512 Bowie 5i f l07fast 91 101 4 3 4 4U 4 j N J Brnes 8 TubbyA JnsUmma SocIStnr 63174 Havana 34 l13fast 7 100 G 7 7 8 78J J Smith 8 Perhaps Pansy Cabin Creek C2349 Havana 34 l14fast 4 104 7 7 7 7 OH N J Brnes 7 Aikcn Rama Hnoiiec 62286 Havana 34 l10fast 12 103 G 3 5 3J 2 N J Brnes 8 Gratian Natural Roseate E2120 Havana 01 f l14hvy 2 IOC 1 3 C 5l 5 ° N J Brnes C Kings Belle Mavehoua B Top C1S94 Havana HavanaSEA 68 l02fast 8 loS G G 6 C C7i N Barnes 7 QIIII orTrumps Rama Cubanita SEA COURT b g 3 112 112C By Sea King Lady Hilllngton by Garry Herrmann Herrmann5s Trainer C H Trotter Owner E Trotter 64178 Churchl 34 lGhvy 5 107 10 10 10 5s 45 E AnthonylO Doric Napoo Blemished Blemishedin 64104 Churchl 1 116 47fast 8 110 1 3 3 3 in 1 J K Anthony S Nurture Corilla MarylaneBaker 62374 FGnds 34 15fast 75 113 10 8 C 21 11 C RobsonlS SSprings JWhipple Reluctant 62135 Jefson 34 15 fast 115 113 4 42 2 2k T Murray 10 The Moor Sil Springs Superb SuperbI1 62095 Jefson 34 1C slow 75 111 0 42 I1 1 1 C Ponce 10 Boffireen HPrinccss LIeveu 62009 Jefson 1 42good 4 107 4 4 4 3 21 2 II Haintn 9 Tan Son Walk Up linen E19C6 Jefson 34 18hvy 85 107 10 87 3 2 H Hamtnl2 SilSprings LiseWynnn Dannell Dannell2i 51900 Jefson 5 f l07fast 41 115 2 43 2i 2nk ii Haintn 9 TheMoor SllSprings MCnnnei MCnnneiink 61845 Jefson 34 l18hvy 12 108 8 75 ink 2s H Hamtnll CAByrne MaryFonso MaryErb MILLERSBURG b f 3 106 By Great Britain Maid Militant by Rainbow RainbowTrainer Trainer 7 H Nichols Owner 8 K Nicholi 64104 Churchl 1 11G l47fast 13 107 2 7 7 7 51 7s M Garner S Sea Court Nurture Corilla 63978 Lexton 34110 mud 235110 7 4 4 4h G l M Garner 8 Sure Yel Blossom TlieN phew 614 Churchl 1 141 fast 4310 112 9 10 10 G 71 918 D Connllyl2 Undine Lucy Kate Jim Daisy DaisyM383 M383 Churchl 34115 good 7 106 7 43 2 21 B Pool 7 White Star Merrimac Pongee 51157 Latonia 51 f lOSmud 7 115 9 9 8 Gl 6 H J Burke 9 Pongee Julia N Dimples 61075 Latonla 34 l12fast 245 103 3 3 3 41 4 1 B Kenndy 5 Miss Muffins Bettina Pongee 60734 Latonla 34 l14fast 1 112 10 4 3 41 4s O Willis 10 LucyKate Loveliness PepPollj 60642 Latonl 5if 107 fast 31 104 3 32 3 1 3s O Willis 7 GossipAve Bettiua Last Rof TRUE FRIEND b c 3 M 108 By Great Britain Edith Inez by Jack Point PointTrainer Trainer J H Baker Owner J H Baker BakerC4244 C4244 Churchl 1 l40fast Of 103 G 11 12 12 8J 9 ° F Porrettol5 Radio Wislimaker BldBnddy 64164 Churchl 1 11G 152 hvy 11 104 3 2 1 5 C G L Penman 0 BStone M Fontaine MJBaker MJBaker64001Lexton 64001Lexton 1 11G lrlhy 10 112 5 44 4 31 3 D Connlly 9 NWyatt TVirginn MPperity MPperityM873 M873 l exton 34 l13hvy 18 111J 2 2 3 4l 4 W W Tloi 12 Bvaleae Advocate MIBiierit PHILANDERER KingitoaTrainer ch g 3 106 By HU Majesty Fretty Maiden by Kingitoa Trainer J C Cahn Owner J C Cahn Cahn5421S 5421S TNephw5415S Churchl 78 l2Gfast 13 103 11 13 13 13 131 13l ° F Smith 15 AAlexder GdSwell TNephw 5415S Churchl 34 117 hvy 12 104 3 3 3 21 22 F Smith 10 Hereafter TNorrls EdGarrison EdGarrison5113S 5113S Churchl 34 l157ihvy 12 9613 31 1 3s L Penman 7 Trooper Nurse Jane Tharon 53978 Lexton 34 11G mud 33 106 5 33 6 1 8 F Smith 8 Sure Ycl Blossom TheNephew 53913 Lexton 34 116 mud 6 102 2 1 1 61 5 J F Smith 11 Melvin Sure Cobalt Lass 52833 FGnds 34 l13fast 5 951 8 4 2 61 2 1 F CltilettllS General Moroni First Pullet 52722 FGnds 34 l16hvy 20 106 S 44 10 10 F Smith 11 Resist Marmite Serbian SerbianE2568 E2568 FGnda 34 l12fast 20 105 10 8 10 10 10 E Smith 12 Meliora FredtheGt TNephew QUICK VIEW 1 blk f 3 106 By Hock View Mistress Quickly by Nasturtium Trainer R F Brooks Owner Kohn Theisen 51307 Churchl 34 l15good 28 10S 11 11 10 105 1012 N Barrett 15 Sandalwd Machiavelli TDilsy 51033 Latonia 1 51 f l07fast 21 108 G 7 C 41 4s E Pool 10 PepPolly SocialStar RingRose 509G2 Latonia 34 l14fast 28 107J10 11 11 115i HJIO N Barrett 12 Pongee Natural Peppery Polly 50G10 Latonia 5i f l 8fast 19 112 1 15 155J CJ CT C VanDun 8 MyRose NurseJane M Fontaine M1S Lexton 5J f 1 08fast 7 10S 3 11 115J Il 11 E Pool 8 Countess Mary G Machiavelli 50300 Lexton I 5J f 1 07fast 12 1001 4 4 4 434103hvy 31 312 W Heinch 7 MaryGaffney Mayflower Spngs 49S62 BGrass 34103hvy 34 104 2 F Wilson 4 KFraley Versailles Mayflower 49S03 BGrasa BGrasaJIM 58 l00fast 2310 102 102c 2 F Wilson 4 NiekLondon KFraley Mayflr MayflrBy JIM DAISY ch c 3 106 106Brooks By The Manager Watorblocom by Waterboy Trainer F Brooks Owner D W Scott Scott7S 54C04 Churchl 7S l24fast llf 105 12 14 10 S 1 G i S Wida 14 MtheTimo Adonis GrMSwell M178 Churchl 34 llGhvy 10 110 5 G 8 92 91U E Graves 10 Doric Napoo Blemished Blemishedlh G3S85 Lexton l40gooa 15 1031 2112 lh 5s J D Mney 5 Kfiray ITKColrmni Inquiry 51422 Churchl 1 141 fast 11 112 4 1 1 1 2 33l E Pool 12 Undine LiicyKute MissFontalne 51367 Churchl 34 llrKood G 109 2 22 31 3 4 J J Mney 15 Sandalwd Machiavelli JulIaN JulIaN4h 51255 Latonia 34 l13fast 8 110 5 45 4h 43 E Pollanl 9 Miss Fontaine Red Legs Doric 51137 Latonla 1 lS fa t 42f 112 3 612 12 12 12 E Martin 12 Mioothvin Coyne SirTKean 50531 Latonla 51 f lOCfast 22f IOC 1 66 71 71 J Howard 11 Muskallonge Brunswick Rangn Rangn1s 49428 Sartoga 34 l14V fast 31 1081 1 21 1s Il A Schugr 7 Sheha Eye Opener Fornovo

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1921052701_4_4
Library of Congress Record: