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ADDITIONAL JOCKEY LICENSES ISSUED ISSUEDMONTIIKAU MONTIIKAU Quo May 2S Licenses have been gi anted to the following riders O Atwcll A Arvin E Atkinson E Parns W Poganowski G Itulcroft X Burger J Connors M Cruise O Dcnn ler J Dryer J Dawson If Krieksnn It Kstep X Foden Forest F firrity II Gamer J Class JJ Huntamer A Jacobs C Jackson G I man II Lafferty J MeBride A Matthews P Madcrla C Martin P Oimcs C OMahoney It Pauley II Powers J Penalver li Post K Seaquiu G Stone M Siinnnnis C Stanford J Smith E Taylor and C Underwood UnderwoodLicenses Licenses for W Taylor nnl J McDowell were held up