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WORKOUTS EAST AND WEST 594 594LOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE Ky May US Todays trainhiR gallops at the local courses included the following followingCHURCHILL CHURCHILL DOWNS Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Bred at Home 38 5Leander 37 = r 8iI5rass Tacks K Lieut Colonel 37 37591Mom r90Cinderella 37 37590Dad 591Mom 590Dad 7 7S87Eycs r0Marj S87Eycs of Youth35 Youth35Flor Flor Blossom 37 37rS rS lFourlea f 38 38rSSIIml rSSIIml AV 40 C92Sewell Climbs Climbs5113AVedgeon 574 Inspec Hughes 1 5113AVedgeon r 91KInglilc 38 591AVayward I ul Half Mile rsrit of Plack rl HSIMarg AViuso AViusorS1Mab r S7I5lue Paradise d rS1Mab riStiConceiitratc r r l rlnva nSSCoIliKe Cirl 40 40r880irrus rDOKockmiuister r880irrus 1 1fiSSIDresden r S7King Rose fiSSIDresden t l lfiJOI r92Kekab fiJOI fadrian IS ISnilOHcimi Spurts Man nilOHcimi KimliallSl HSrSpirit Lake TiSSlas 15 I5rownfi I iS9Spatt milLast I5rush 41 335St Bernard filllMontillo fi r 92Topmast nS7Marvin May 48 18 rtllWill rtllWill591Melvin o t WIsp4 591Melvin FiveEighths Mile 591Adventure 105 r920 nipotent 100 100MSIoiifcoe rHOIlarold K 103 MSIoiifcoe 101 101GillQuince rRlHutclilsoii 1H GillQuince Gardenl03 Gardenl03r9Tribune 590Inqniry 109 r9Tribune 1 02 089Lady Motherl04 93Aella K 105 Three Quarters Mile 592 Angon 1 20 rS9Aphie Dear 117 nsiCnen Grass 115 rS9B Idle Ilourl 59lIHgh Cloud 115 191151 Bubbles 121 riSf l udge Pryor 1 15 nniRit of White 113 ri79Marj IIyncsl14f r S5Brookholt 115 115ri87Corsoii G93Mighty Manl14 Manl14T92Rol ri87Corsoii 117 T92Rol llri3 llri3rOOThe 93Col Taylor 1 14 rOOThe AVit lli lliri92Unch 79Kthel Gray 117 ri92Unch Velo 1U fiSSGraco King 117 8CAV 3IcLemoret21 587Gvii AluoutclJO 092WilIow Tree 110 SevenEighth Mils MilsrllOltrimful rllOltrimful 131 finiPetrareli 1 1rSSDistiiiction rSSDistiiiction 127 fiSfiSt AtiKtim 1 fiSTIIish Comndl27 r S of Pleasure ro5Hoii r Man 128 uUOWickford 1 M3J S Heardoiil31 r90Amanda 144 r r03Mani r03Manifi93Acu 03Mands Coat 14 7 7fi93ld fi93Acu 142 fi93Old Chap l43 l43rS7Piuefrest riSDAjih 144 rS7Pine rS7Piuefrest 1 r 5SIAdelia W 143 fiSllPariirStiLouis fiSllParii Maid 143 = rStiLouis A 143 593Koya 593KoyaHDOLa HDOLa Foudre 144 144Mile Mile and a Quarter 591Lothair 20J DOUGLAS PARK Weather clear track slow ThreeEighths Mlla Aimer 39 MlHigh Cost 41 41r92Gibby r92Gibby 42 Half Kile Kileaii2Ainia aii2Ainia ry viiadio nn fiSl t I5lossomfi3 OSSSurinoiint M KataUana fil filFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mileri91Al ri91Al Thomas 107 fiSl Marie Maxim lOtVJ fiHO15 of KlMownllt r88M the Timel03 Timel03rSODovle rSODovle 111 SSSYTouneed 104 104OSUlrank OSUlrank K 109 109ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile fi8f piidy 119 rJlJge I5udrowl20 I5udrowl20fiSDHish fiSDHish Gear 119 119One One Mile fiS2I5Innd I5uddyl37 fiSO Frank 1 lrO 591Hill McCloy 153 r92Loe Leaves 153 153BELMONT BELMONT PARK PARKXBW XBW YOiriC X Y May 28 Todays training gallops included the foliowiiig Weather clear track fast ThreeEishtki Mile k k5SSLord 5SSLord 15altimore39 rS3IJancocas 39 39Half Half Mile VJOPilly Wats 49 Master Karma fin fin584Cimmarou 584Cimmarou Lind52fiSSDovesroost 49 5S7Xative Lind52 fiSSDovesroost 50 fiSriOrcus fi7 OSUDuucecup fi7OSUDuucecup 4975 0921ollyautha 495fc 579Printers Devil51 r S7Thistlo Bloom 49 49Superlative Superlative 49 589Tlmbrol 49 49CGOSaligula CGOSaligula 49 The Wag 51 51Spring Spring Title 50 The ClkmemlcriU ClkmemlcriU571Smoke 571Smoke Screen 57 5S4Vemlor 49 49Trevelyn Trevelyn 49 49Five Five Eighth Mile Mile592J 592J Paul JoncslOS 502P T Barnuiul05 Barnuiul05Light Light Rose 111 5SOlUioenix 103 103500Uttlc 500Uttlc Chief 103 5S9Rainkin 104 104Marsdale Marsdale 103 103ThreeQuarter ThreeQuarter Kile Kile5S7Chincotengue 5S7Chincotengue 110 fS9Mdens Bletl17 Bletl17r90Caubeen r90Caubeen 118 592Perfection 118 118rSSDoininiinie rSSDoininiinie 115 592Rcprisal 110 110r r 9liinlioyne 120 283lloval Jester 121 121r 121rS4Kllininate r rS4Kllininate 121 nS9Stroinboli 115 115fS9toiler 115fiS9tonler fS9toiler 121 5 rn2Snir 2Snare 110 110r92Kinnoul 110ril2Kinnoul r92Kinnoul 112 i92Twri Feathersl18r Featliersl18 Featliersl18r93Messines r r93Messines 114 r92Vista 117 117SevenEighths SevenEighths MUe MUef92Enfilade f92Enfilade 133 580MIle Cadeaul32 Cadeaul32r92Honey r92Honey Coll 133 580Topaz 132 132OSOKof OSOKof tirtherl34 f87Victor S 131 131One One Mile Mile592Ada 592Ada McGee 150 589Grey Jag 142 1425V2Bln 5V2Bln Laddie 148 583Ireland lr0 lr0rStBellsolar rStBellsolar 140 592IKcIair 140 140n2Hroomspun n2Hroomspun 151 r87Our Boots 144 144593Car 593Car Sweeper 141 5SOIJep 14 rSO1 of tValeyl49 tiSlSedgefiolil 150 r87iimmesdale 149 149Mile Mile and an Eighth Eighthr84Ailliro r84Ailliro 147 147Hilly Hilly Walts Viit well Cimarron and Pollyantlia went on viii terms Little Chief was not ex ¬ tended Reprisal has a good way of working Messines worked splendidly Maidens Ballet had an easy gallop Stroinlioll and Dominique weiu easily together Enfilade is training soundly Our Hoots and Hep did useful work Gray Lag seems in goou condition Carpet Sweeper is ready for s good race raceJAMAICA JAMAICA JAMAICAWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Kile riSnChiteau Thierry47 5S7Sircn Maid 39 HI 76 76WMInnie WMInnie W 30 r73Sammy Kelly 37 37rSOKillala rSOKillala 38 580Umnns 3 nSOPietrns 30 589Veto 40 40Simple Simple Simon 30 5S9Wishbone 47 47Half Half Mile Miler93Cazadora r93Cazadora 49 5SSMana Grass 53 53429Dnnsandel 429Dnnsandel 50 579Pavia r2 r2589Fort 589Fort Churchill 49 589Silence 0 0584Fred 584Fred Kinney 52 5SSlioveeonard 49 49rSSHnmanitarian rSSHnmanitarian 53 58JTingaLing 52 52r7Slohnny r7Slohnny Dundee 48 Tikes 4S 4S5S9Leghorn 5S9Leghorn 49 593Voogeria 49 49r93Manheim r93Manheim 48 48FlvnElifhths FlvnElifhths MllA MllAM2Daydne M2Daydne 101 589Orleans Girl 105 105093Dr 093Dr TSDneyl00 592Stannth 100 100M2Knot M2Knot Grass 102 5S5W1iimsy 113 113081Morvieh 081Morvieh 102 102ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Mile592Bennington 592Bennington 119 592Xancy 110nUClarice 119 nUClarice C 117 5 iMmer K 125 125593Gray 593Gray Gables 110 580Oecasion l2v l2v589Hoatherton 589Hoatherton 121 592Sagaeity l19f l19ffU2Marjorie fU2Marjorie M 110 58JSt Isadore 1111 1111One One Mil 589Black Thong 147 592Leonardo II 143 1435SOCrystal 5SOCrystal Fonl 144 587Uockport 140 1405S7lorcas 5S7lorcas 148 ri03Iomiiiy 144 144088Klcrnal 088Klcrnal 147 5S7Sumiyland 147 147lohnhy lohnhy Dundee worked well Morvich under strong restraint showed remarkable speed Knot r ss went well Dayiluc showed improvement lie i nington and St Isidore went easily togrtlier IAI lardu II was not extended Eternal galoped nil asy mile Crystal Ionl and Komany wen well fro i the barrier