Belmont Park Entries And Past Performances For Monday, May 30, Daily Racing Form, 1921-05-29


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BELMONT PARK ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR MONDAY MAY 30 WEATHER CLEAR j TRACK PAST Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 Superior mud ruuiicr X Good mud runner 5fc Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Race 1 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record May 29 1920 135 3 118 118Todays Todays Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHau 51130 lerigourdine 99 139 110X72 54441 = bSalute 113 143 5 110 720 540S93 Tan II 113 13 115X715 r4409s bMose 108 139 C 110X715 14441 hKlincndorf 109 138 i 125X715 54258 bBantry 115 715 14441 bFlorsaiii M 4 108 710 54227 Favour 111 140 S 10SX710 1372 bSliMiidoii 102 141 i 110 710 1 109 bKockport X 140 7 110X710 04239 Clierubino 115 141 5 110 710 5425S Klection 7 110X70J 14338 Gloomy Gus 7 110X70 50513 Ticacoy 115 141 5 113 700 154507 bKewessa 11 115X700 Second Race About 2 Miles Miles4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Steeplechase Maidens 10972 C S Grason 4137X700 1138 bTattlo 4 137X 0 53857 James A Sheridan 5 142 190 54333 = bComiciue 4 137 CS5 14333 bSiiy which 4 135 ISO ISO540U3 540U3 Overmatch G 142 695 695Third Third Race 58 Mile Straight StraightFortyfifth Fortyfifth Running Juvenile Stakes 5000 Added Added2ycarolds 2ycarolds 2ycaroldsTrack Track record Sept 12 1918 53 2 110 54405 = Little Chief 115X750 54408 lynl Baltimore 128X745 54478 Itighuart 115 745 54178 = Lettciman M 112 740 54241 Nancy F 119 740 54053 Good Times 115 740 7405440S3 5440S3 Hilly Watts M 112X745 14243 = Bud Fisher M 112 735 14443 = Column 115x735 14410 Mustard Seed 115X735 544103 Modo M 112X735 54478 Galantman M 112 730 14478 Post hide M 112 730 14213 Broomster 115 730 14410 Sweep By M 112 725 14512 Tulwar M 119 725 54114 Black Rascal tM 112 725 Fourth Race 34 Mile Straight Twentyeighth Running Toboggan Handicap 4000 Added 3yearolds and upward Truck record May 19 190S 1 OS 1 137 54228 DOMINIQUE 122 112 f 4 128X 128X800 14228 bXat ura list 12fi 109 7 13207 13207S5 14471 liMad Hatter 107 114 5 13107 1310780 54440 Quecreek 105 112 3 105X7 105X780 4 125 780 54372 Alexander Hamil ¬ ton 3 105 780 5H7i bSenninjcs Park 5 111X775 5150 Lord Brighton 125 112 5 1220775 147 Blazes 4 124X770 15 bCare Free M104 112 3 97 750 750aws aws Montalvo 3 98 715 715Fifth Fifth Race 1 116 Miles MilesWoodsidc Woodsidc Handicap Handicap3yearolds 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record Sept 3 1920 1 13 4 122 301 Stromboli 12 145 10 12Gj70 1477 = blSigal Lodge Ill 145 C 114X745 37 i Gcorgic 4 115X745 281 Ualco 110 145 4 112X740 375 bBiff Ban 122145 4115X740 4115X740375s 375s bCrvstal Ford 110 145 5 1101740 375 = bNight Haider 112 l4i 3 10UX740 10UX740370s 370s Bcllsolar 117 145 5 107X735 107X735OlHK3 OlHK3 hltoyre Uools 118141 1180735 3895 = bSiinclial II 107140 5 114 735 509 = Xeddam 4 118 735 194 hTlmnderstonii 114 115 1 120 730 9SJl4i 118 l4iVf 54341 = bOnvid Harum 101 l51s 4 107X710 107X710Sixth Sixth Race 4 12 Furlongs Straight Straight2yearolds 2yearolds Track record May 19 1908 51 2 112 51229 = Zealot 115 725 11371 = Hose Brigade 112 720 7205440S5 5440S5 Billy Watts M 110X720 110X72054410s 54410s Modo M 110X715 54478 Galantman M 115 53 110 715 7155140S 5140S Toil 115 715 11478 Apex M 115 54 110 710 51212 Excuse Me 115 705 51110 Simple Simon M 110 705 14210 Dick Deadeyq M 110 705 51225 Marsdale M 110 700 54243 Beamer M 110 700 700NeaiK NeaiK litau 110 Violinist 110 Overtake 110

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Local Identifier: drf1921052901_6_2
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