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LATONIA The horses which seem best in Saturdays races arc arcLatonia Latonia Covington Ky Juno 3 1921 1 George Starr Columbia Tenn Dodge 2 Montjoy E H McLean entry Banker Brown 3 Kimpalong Honolulu Boy Wadsworths Last 4 E R Bradley entry Sway Ginger fi Montfort Jones entry Dream of Allah Startle G Flags Distinction Brookholt 7 GENERAL 1IAIG Legal Dimples DimplesJ J L Dcmpscy New York Handicap 1 Sewell Combs George Starr Clintonville ClintonvilleDodge Dodge 2 Montjoy Leocharcs II Banker Brown Colored ColoredBoy Boy 3 Docod Fair Orient Wave Sandy Mac 4 Rangoon Sway Busy Signal Best Pal 5 MISS JOY Fair Phantom Dream of Allah AllahAloft Aloft AloftC C Distinction Flags Brookholt High Cost 7 Accelerate Legal Kewpie ONeil General GeneralHaig Haig HaigChicago Chicago and Buffalo Handicaps 1 Clintonville Missed the Time Marvin May MayColumbia Columbia Tenn 2 Leochares II Moutjoy Colored Boy Gentle ¬ man Jouett 3 Wave Docod Sandy Mac Honolulu Boy 4 High Command Sway Busy Signal Best Pal C MISS JOY Fair Phantom Dream of Allah AllahStartle Startle StartleC C Flags Distinction Minute Man High Cost 7 Legal General Haig Harlock Matinee Idol IdolObservers Observers Handicap 1 Clintonville Marvin May Dodge Missed the theTime Time 2 Leocharcs II Montjoy Lugs Hanker Brown 3 Wadsworths Last Docod Honolulu Boy BoySandy Sandy Mac 4 Busy Signal Sway High Command Ginger 0 MISS JOY Aloft Fair Phantom Dream of ofAllah Allah 0 Distinction Flags Minute Man Brookholt 7 Legal General Haig Whirling Dun Harlock HarlockConsensus Consensus of Handicaps 1 Clintonville George Starr Sewell Combs Mar ¬ vin May 2 E B McLean entry Montjoy Banker Brown BrownColored Colored Boy 3 Kimpalong Docod Wave Wadsworths Last 4 E It Bradley entry Rangoon Sway High HighCommand Command 5 MONTFORT JONES ENTRY Dream of Allah AllahStartle Startle Aloft 6 Flags Distinction Minute Man Brookholt 7 Legal General Haig Accelerate Harlock