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FIRST RACE JS 1 Mile Mam Coarse ICycarolils anil upwaril Maidens Claiming MaidensClaiming Sent 1 1JHO 11O 55 1 lIQ lIQIndex Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St i v4 Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishINVINCIBLE INVINCIBLE BlaiseTrainer ch c 4 M 103 By Pataud Lady Vincent by St Blaise Trainer W S House Owner R W Durant 64105 Jamaica 31 l14fast 15 100 4 2 1 2 = 2n F CltilcttllT Nohaiit Sister Flo Turnabout IrishAbbessE1051 C1357 TurnaboutC1357 Pimlico 31 l13fast 23 215 4 7 8 8 7 = J liutwcll 13 JyiveTap Kromelhi IrishAbbess E1051 Empire Ab 34 lllslow 8 115 3 2 3 33 5 L Ensor 12 Moroni Teach sPet SirClarnce 60900 Jamaica 34 114 fast 75 110 G 33 3J 4s L Ensor 8 Wconne Tcherslet GCadorna 60518 Aqduct CJ f l21good 7 108 6 2 4 3l 4s W Kelsay 10 Ueaumis SirClareiice LuGlois THEODOSIA b f 3 M 93 93Trainer By Theo Cook Slim Princess by Semproniu SemproniuZh Trainer Wm Garth Owner J S Cosden 51507 Bclmt 34 JIG l13Jfefast 12 92 6 551 Zh 3l E Kummcr 9 HoldDp JockScot LeadingStar 64152 Pimlico 34 l16slop Si 10S 3 55 41 40 f jtcc jj Actress Phelion WofCotomn 63856 IIdcGco 34 l14fast 135 100 4 321 22 2i A Allen 15 Citizen HighValtie Rinkavous 63633 HdeGce 5i f l07fast DO 111 1 9 7 S1 6 i T Rice 10 JJaywood Registrar PPandora 48928 Empire 51 f l ialop 10 111 7 63 35 352 C Itobson 0 Knobble Guvnor Wapreague WapreagueSWEETEST SWEETEST StoryTrainer STORY ch f 3 M 93 By BallotsLove Story Trainer H Garth Owner Garth 54507 Belmt 31 MG l13ffait 8 97 4 2 1 2J 65J J Callaban 9 HoldUp JockScot Theodosia 61239 Jamaica 34 l13fast 10 93 2 1 3 3J 33J J Galluhan 10 Occasion Asterisk TIielgianll 64105 Jamaica 34 l14vsfast 10 99 7 13 12 12 92 H Swart 15 Nohant Invincible Sister Flo FloTURNABOUT TURNABOUT OgdenTrainer b f 3 M 98 By Fair Play Job Lot by Ogden Trainer J Notter Owner M L Schwartz 54111 Jamaica 1 11G l4Sslow 10 r S9 1 1 2 2 4l SU E Kummcr 10 Mr X Salute La Kross D4372 KrossD4372 Jamaica 34 l13V fast 10 SSilO 14 14 14 14l E KummcrM Alllainiltqn JockScot CarlineS 61170 Jamaica 34 l14inud 8 111 4 43 6J 9 W Kelsay 11 SislerFlo Diomcdes Dunsamlel 64105 Jamaica 34 l14fast 7 93 10 4 3 3i 41 E Kumnicrlu Nohant Invincible Sister Flo 60G21 Flo60G21 Jamaica 5S l01fast 5 112 G 3 2 2 2 = L Ensor 9 Flambette Dcwey Eve Atala AtalaFRINGE FRINGE b f 3 M 93 By Frizzle Primbutton by Bachelors Button Trainer J 1C Frayling Owner Palm Stable 54573 Bclinont SO 113X D 7 13 15l 15B A Jobnsonl7 Mainmast Esquire GoldenFIint 61171 Empire 58 l01fnst 7 115 G G l J Briinner 7 Foam lamaicaltelle Lady Stella 61071 Empire 58 101 fast 100 114 1 5 11 11 = 11 = J Hrunner 12 Honey Cell Summit Ravanna 49128 Empire GS l01fast 60 111 4 3i 7l F Wilson 9 Frizlet Toreador Rancocas 4SS35 Empire Gi f l07fast 30 107J 8 8 9 9 918 II Myers 9 Prodigy Paulalette Iolly Ann CAUBEEN AdamTrainer br f 4 M 98 By Wrack Ballymena by Adam Trainer T Moran Owner W X S Martin Martin5I2GS 5I2GS CarlineS6S810 Jamaica 34 l13fast S 103 9 9 9 10 10 10s = s J Callahan 10 Whimsy LcadingStar CarlineS 6S810 HdcGe Im70y I4r1fist fi 9G 3 2 7 8 91 127i J Callahan 14 Am loy Wdthnish DCarroll 63728 HdcGee 34 l14fast 7 101 6 3 4 41 2i J Callahan 12 Napoli Midian Frcdk theGreat 60581 Laurel 34 115 slow 22f 97 10 11 10 10s 10 J Callahanll Pofliulia BettyJ UnclesLassie 60068 Belmont 31 114 fast 2 109 4 4 4 6s 612 J Callahan 10 Sea Sinner Frank 15 Victor S ARAPAHOE CiceroTrainer ch c 3 M 108 By Hannonicon Laughaway by Cicero Trainer K K Karrick Owner W R Coe CoeG40S7 G40S7 ViewG0193 Jamaica 34 l14fast 20 115 3 7 9 9 913 P Burl 9 Itcniiington M Marine E View G0193 Aqduct 34 114 fast 10 112 2 G 7 71 65 L Me A tec 10 Spgltld MaidensU Pyfellovt 49750 Sar toga BJ f l07slov C 110 9 76 7 78J C Fbther 11 Itelmvc Yourself Atala SpBlood 4582 Sartoga 5i f l05fast 20 10S 9 11 11 12 12 L McAtee 12 Kcrapis Hildur Dartmoor 49198 Sartoga 58 100 fast 60 109 15 13 15 15 15 L McAtee 15 Exodus RisiugRock Brunswlcl 1ECXAIR ShootTrainer ch c 3 M 112 By Colt Star Lady by Star Shoot Trainer S McNaughton Owner Foreign Stable 54573 Belmont 34 l12fast 20 115 7 C G SJ J0 l C Kummcil Mainmast Esquire QoldenFlint 43983 Belmont GJf st l05fast 20 11G S 3 4 71S C KummerlO Our Hoots Inglecrest Cote dOr 49198 Sartoga 58 100 fast 50 109 9 9 10 9J 913 A JohnsonlS Exodus RisingRock Brunswick 4i60 Brunswick4i60 Empire Ab 34 111 fast 30 112 G 44 4 412 A Johnson 7 Eternity Wapiti By Jove JIMMIE br c 4 M 110 By King James Grey Agnes by Pepper and Salt Trainer SaltTrainer J H McAvoy Owner J H McAvoy 44078 Jamaica 51 f lOSiiiul 100 111 S 7 7 9 9 = 7 J Phillips 10 Ballybcll Dunsandel MRoberts 4S912 MRoberts4S912 Aqduct 58 59mud 100 110 10 11 11 11 11 J Phillips 11 Crnarvon LLanell Dunsandel BEP b c 3 M 115 By Picton Enchantress II by Collar Trainer CollarTrainer S P Harlan Owner L VTaterbury 54573 Bclmont 31 l12fnst 20 11G 4 4 4 51 43A A Collins 17 Mainmast Esquire GoldenFIint GoldenFIint611M 611M Jamaica 34 114 fast 8 106 242 3 = 4si A Collins 9 MMarine BeachStar Messines 64087 Jamaica 34 lll faat 15 115 4 G 4 4 = 4J A Collins 9 Bennington M Marine E View 63809 HdcGce 34 l12fast 82 110 12 11 8 12 = 9 A Collins 14 Iolly Ann Baywood Flambette 63693 ILdGeco 51 f l07fast 50 116 2 3 4 62 5J A Collins 10 Baywood Registrar PPandora ARROW OF GOLD ch f 3 M 104 By Peter Quince Blazo o Gold by St Florian Trainer FlorianTrainer H McDaniel Owner R P Smith Smith4S557 Fright4703C 4S557 Aqduct 58 l01fast 30 115 12 13 13 13 W Kelsay 15 Joan Marie Fluff Fright 4703C Pimlico 12 49 fast 2Sf 109 3 G 4b G o R Troxler 13 Intrigante Dough Girl G Water WaterRHINESTONE RHINESTONE ch f 3 M 100 By Pebbles Ely sia by Voter VoterTrainer Trainer A Gunther Owner J Butler 51299 Jamaica 34 l12fast 40 100 3 37 S10 Sl = J Mooney 9 CumSah UnclesLassie Arhead 64170 Jamaica 34 lllmud lu 107 7 G 7 1 715 C Ponce 11 SlsterFlo Diomedea Duusandel 1517 Bowie 5J f 109 fast 19 111 2 42 2i 2t P Welner 13 PTBarnum Sikhim Parhelion Parhelion514G9 514G9 Bowie C f l23fast 11 111 3 24 8J11P Welner 12 Master Jack Huonec Trantula 61455 Bowie 51 f l10 jslow 14 114 5 21 Il 22 F Welner 11 MilloFleurs MBarnes Staunch StaunchDEVASTATION DEVASTATION OgdenTrainer br c 3 M 112 By Wrack Treeless by Ogden Trainer W Booth Owner Redstone Stable 54103 Jamaica 34 l14fast 65 103 13 10 10 10s 8 = 3 B KenndylS Xohant Invincible Sister Flo 63922 IIdeGce 34 l14fast 7 11G 4 4 3 3 3i J Pierce 7 PcessPandora Esquire Wraith 3809 HdeGce 34 l12fast 146 110 11 10 11 10l S J Pierce 14 PollyAnn Baywood Flambette 49582 Sartoga 5i f l05 = fast CO 10S G 9 10 lll 9 J Pierce 12 Scrapis Hildur Dartmoor Dartmoor4S528 4S528 Sartoga 5i I l05fast SO 105 10 10 10 102 10 S Wida 11 LcouardoII Muttiklns PollyA PollyAIN IN THE DARK b c 3 M 105 Ey Zeus Dorothy K by Kilmarnock KilmarnockOwner Owner R H Toland 64573 8eJm9rt 5 ia2fast 59 ll H 17 J7 17 17 M Cu tQn 17 Mtticm t Bsiuirv GvWtsnFJlnt SPARKLING b f 3 M 100 By Pebbles Ambrosial by Voter VoterTrainer Trainer A Gunther Owner J Butler G133S Jamaica 34 l14good 20 100 7 3 G 6 ° G13 B Kcnndy 8 RegalLodge LibGirl OmerK 51 f l095mud S 112 2 3 31S G Ponce 3 Aida McUc Lady Algy 511G6 Empire Ab 34 l10V fast 60 1031 4 4 3 3 3 = C Ponce 5 Caligula Black Knight Pansy DOROTHYS PET b f 4 M 99 By Dalhousie Rosebay by Hindoo HindooTrainer Trainer F Byer Owner M Byrnes ByrnesCI5SG Flypaperni411 CI5SG Bowie Im70y 150 hvy 59 107 Jill 4 7 7 S F Hunt 14 Nebulous Pansy Flypaper ni411 Bowie ImtOy 149 fast M 103 899 7 73 5 F Hunt 10 Favour Kingling II May W 51452 Bowie ln 70y lr 3 hvy 38 98 2 3 3 2 G 6 = F AVclner i Columbine Mislolly SKrnblem 51429 Amackn513G1 Bowie 61 f l22fast 5f 101 8 66 Gnk G F AVelner 15 Ti Portuguese MayW Amackn 513G1 Pimlioo 31 114 fast 23 109 8 9 8 SJ S19 F Weiner 11 Klmont Loughland Fluff MARJORIE M br f 3 M 97 By Zeus Lassie by Knight Errant ErrantTrainer Trainer J E Nash Owner J E Nash 51279 Topa1836S Jamaica 34 l14fast 15 1121 1 4 6 5l M Rowan 7 Diomedes Care Free Topa 1836S AqMuct 68 69fast 50 114 12 12 121H M Rowan 15 Nancyl e M ddleCadeau ldleCa ieau DGir 18221 LadyLovittIS121 Jamaica 58 l01 = fRooil 4 112 5 4 3 32 3 310 ° M Rowan 7 Rustler Jim Daisy LadyLovitt IS121 Jamaica 58 102 fast 30 112 5 3 7 72 8 T Rowan 10 GoodByc PrcRcnt MlleCndcau 17387 Jamaica 6S 101 fast 6 112 8 6 6 G 6TJ M Rowan S Jacobina Foam Chincoleagne ChincoleagnePOLAR POLAR GatienTrainer ch c 3 M 107 By Superman Gatien Belle by St Gatien Trainer M Hirsch Owner G W Loft 51573 Bolmont 34 l12fast 10 Ho 6 9 12 123 12 W Kelsay 17 Mainmast Esquire GoldcnFlint 64150 Jamaica 34 114 fast 15 106 G 88 8 = 9 A Tryon J MMarine BeacliStar Alessnica 54027 Jamaica B3 f l07good 20 10310 2 2 81 9 C Buel 11 LastStraw UurcPrec Cimarron TOPAZ RubyTrainer ch f 3 M 105 By Uncle Ruby Ncthersole by Star Ruby Trainer X Feustel Owner Glen Riddle Farm 51633 Bclmont GJ f l18fast 5 115 1 1 1 2i 3 ° C Kummer 5 Beach Star Scotland Yet Vivian 51107 Jamaica 34 llmud 10 101 7 777 7 = = S Bullinan 7 Flambtu Musklonge Kancocas 51279 Jamaica 31 l14 fast 20 110 2 14 32 3 i E Kummer 7 Diomedes Care Free Trader FOLLY MawrTrainer b f 3 M 99 By Meridian Brynavia by Bryn Mawr Trainer R F Carman Owner R F Carman 51156 Bowio Gl f 125 slow GO 107 87 S S = 3 II Myers S KingsB IiGraiiitu Fad Star 51313 Pimlico 55 f l07fast Mf 101 8 8 5 7J 6 T Jarvis 12 Sobade MyFndPat Jamaicalt 512C6 Pimlico 34114 fast 110 112 4 4 4 a1 G8 1 McAtee 8 DrCharlesWells Rep Trantula 50971 Laurel 34 l15fast 77 109 8 10 10 10s 10 = R RomelHll Parailcr Loughlaud Lough Red HIGH VALUE b c 3 M 112 By Ferole Malachite by Rock Sand Trainer C A Applegato Owner C A Applegate 51280 Jamaica 31 l13fast 20 115 4 23 5j 5i S SndmanlO Dunsandel Golden Flint CView 54230 Jamaica Im70y l44fast 30 103 534 G 6s S Ss = s F Gltiletti 8 Ivernian Scdgelicld Diomedes 54105 Jamaica 34 l14fast SO 97 9 87 SJ 7 = i B MariellllS Nohant Invincible Sister Flo 53922 HdeGce 34 l14fast 116 5 55 G1 65 T Davics 7 PPandora Esquire Devastatn Devastatn33S5G 33S5G ILdeGce 34 l14fast 16 110 8 77 31 3 = 1 J CallalianlS Citizen Theodosia Rinkavous TRADER b g 3 M 103 103Trainer By Ormondale Dicker by Ogden Trainer W H Fizer Owner W Farnum 54279 Jamaica 34 l14fast 40 115 4 63 4J 411 J Conlcy 7 Diomedes Care Free Topaz 54087 Jamaica 34 lllfast GO 115 1 1 7 S S1S J Conley 9 Bennington M Marine IS View 53922 IIdeGce 34 l14fast 127 116 6 667 718 J Conley 7 PPandora Esquire Duvastatu 53 3 IIdcGco 5J f l07fast 5017 116 13 15 15 15 = 15l J Conley 10 Baywood Registrar PPandora 52639 FGnds 51 f l07fast 15 110 5 12 13 13 13 F CltilettllS Jim Fog Repent Dainorln FRANK CeltTrainer FOGARTY br c 3 M 103 By Wrack Irish Wit by Celt Trainer J Fitzsimmoas Owner Quincy Stable 1573 Bclmont 31 l12fast 30 115 S G G GJ Si J Mooney 17 Mainmast Esquire GoldenFIint 542SO Jamaica 34 l13fast 25 115 756 G3 6 3 J Mooney 10 Dunsandel Golden Flint CView o4150 Jamaica 34 114 fast 30 106 S 6 7 7 7 J Mooney U MMarine BeachStar Mcssincs ASTRAL LadaaTrainer III ch h 5 M 107 By Verdun Saint Astra by Ladaa Trainer J M Black Owner W R Martin 54217 Pimlico 34 lllslow Gf 115 7 76 73 6 i 3M MountnlS Titania IjMaudic Phtom Fair 31177 Pimlico 34 l17hvy 58 112 9 99 82 S W R iltin 9 Ettalie EnricoCaruso Mainmast 54033 Pimlico 34 llGhvy 69 115 9 999 S MrWR Mn 9 SunJim ScaPirate Whalebonu PHOENIX TroutbeckTrainer br c 3 M 105 By Garry Herrmann Phenicia by Troutbeck Trainer A J Joyner Owner G D Widcner 61280 Jamaica 34 l13fast 40 115 10 10 10 10 1010 J Zocllcr 10 Dunsandel Golden Flint CView 51206 Jamaica 1 116 l48slow 100 M 2 4 4 4 4 4 = T Doyle 4 Servitor Honey fell Fair Gain 54087 Jamaica 34 lllfast GO 115 6 667 710 J Koeller 9 Bennington M Marine E View 17991 Belmont 58 st l00fast 20 110 714 T Rice 8 Dimmcsdalc Oriole Tottie 17830 Belmont 68 st l01mud 30 115 1 77 71B A Johnson 7 Normal Our Flag Moody MoodyGRAY GRAY MeddlerTrainer GABLES b g 4 M 113 By Assagai Busy Lady by Meddler Trainer A G Blakley Owner T H Cross 54573 Belmont 34 l12fast 20 120 17 1C 16 IG IG C Fbther 17 Mainmast Esquire GoldenFIint 52691 FGnds 1 11G l48fast 5 111 25 G 6i G3A N Barrett 8 Raider J C Stone StOcrmaln 4S093 Jamaica Im70y l45fast 12 112 7 7 7 9 9 921 C Fbther 9 RoyaUcstcr LaRablco TcuCan IGS10 HdcGce 51 f lOSfast 21f US 12 12 10 9 75 G Fbtlier 10 Scurry The Nephew Gallagher 46144 Jefson 61 f l03 good 1U 1131 7 6 7 9 = 9l L Lyke 14 War Club Sataua Repeater