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BLUE BONNETS FORM CHART MONTREAL aUE WEDNESDAY JUNE 8 1921 nine Ronncts 1 18 miles Second day Montreal Jockey Clnli Spring Meeting of 7 days Weather clear temperature 75 ° Steward to Represent Canadian Racing Associations Francis Nelson Stewards of tlio Meeting Col AVilliim Hcmlrie K V Whitney and G W Cook Judges J 11 Campbell and II P Conkling Starter Hurry Morrissey Racing Secretary J R Campbell Racing starts at rOO p in Chicago time 200 p in Indicates apprentice allowance XfJr7E FIRST RACE 58 Miie Juno 13 1908 59 J 2 103 1000 Added 2ycarolds OTC O 3 Maidens Special Weights Net value to winner 81428 second 200 third 100 V 5i Sir Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt r k Oi In S Boyle G AV 1 Bisscll BisscllIll lS07i100 lS07i100arm Ill I1 2 B Paris o Nevada Stock arm t 0100 0100Farm 21 2J 2t 3J J Denny Nevada Stock Farm t tnd 7 k 8 73 4i H Ball W C Westmorel Westmorel4k nd 500100 4k 5i G k K Lanstcr H Neustetcr NeustetcrS 1435100 S 7 5 CJ 13 Taylor B Hardinp HardinpG1 105100 52505 EUMPKTV BUMPS w ICO 7 S G1 I1 3l 715 T Rowan J H Louchheim SG51CO SG51CO54C3J3NAOMI 54C3J3NAOMI K v 100 2 4 W Gk S S I Fletcher J W Plunkctt G323100 G323100jConpled jConpled in betting as Nevada Stock Kami entry entryTimo Timo 23 48 102 Track fast 2 mntuels paid Chateaugay 2995 straight 030 place 440 show Nevada Stock Farm entry 240 place 255 show showKiiivalent Kiiivalent booking odds Chateaugay 1397 to 100 straight 215 to 100 place 120 to 100 show Nevada Stock Farm entry 20 to 100 place 27 to 100 show showWinner Winner It f by Rapid Water Alberta II by Handspring trained by J II Stotlcr bred by Mr G W J Rissell RissellWent Went to post at 307 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same CIIATEAUGAY made a wide turn into the homestretch and lost much ground but finished fast and in resolute fashion and got up to win In the last stride SHADY NOOK set a fast early pace but was tiring at the end DARK AUKS raced in close pursuit of the pacemaker all the way and finished gamely RlMPETY RUMPS closed a big gap but tired in the last eighth DARE finished with a rush FAST TRIAL and ALKX H finished close up upOverweights Overweights Bunmety Humus 2 pounds SECOND RACE 34 Mile Sept 4 1915 112 5 105 1000 Added 3yearolds and unward Claiming Net value to winner 81423 second 200 third 100 Str Kin Jockeys Owners Eqmr Odds Strt SIURGOYNK wn 4 111 312 9i S 53 l t T Rowan C P Winfrey GoO100 54180 HASTEN ON wn 4 110 12 6 23 23 21 J Dreyer N S Vail 405100 54690 MURPHY wn S 115 i 1 1 = I1 li Si T Parrton AV Lock 205100 THE BELGN II wit 7 112 7 5 Ci 4t C 4 S Boyle Florida Stable 1020100 1020100i i m SPRING AfALE w 4 108 10 10 1 7 1 51 E Atkinsn D Indian 170100 53431 DISCORD w 5 110 11 2 12l 10 10 Gk G Bulcroft S Burnside t 5 4036 OLIAK JAMES w 4 10S G 7 10 S im 7i R Lanstcr R Scully t 53925 LEOTI FAY w 5 110 2 4 51 5i 4 S1 I Fletcher C F Brant t 54535 EFFICIENT wn 5 115 03 2h r1 3k 9 E Taylor T C Williams 965100 54238 SALESMAN wi 3 103 S 14 II1 12 II1 10k F Murphy M J Murphy 4CSO100 54530 FINIS w 4 10S 14 9 41 GJ S1 11J J Gruber C E Lenahan t t524JU 524JU TOM LOGAN ws 4 110 4 13 14 14 14 12 13 Pollard AV M Cain 21770100 54420 MADRID wii 5 112 r 11 S 132 13 13i AV Bosski AV A Crawford t 54035 3 LONELY w 4 IDS 1 S 13s 11 12 11 J Grncisen AV D Millard 400100 400100tMutnel tMutnel Held Time 23 47 114 Track fast 2 mntnels paid Rurgoyne 1500 straight 805 place 555 show Hasten On 780 place 5G5 show Murphy 355 show showKnivalent Knivalent booking odds Unrgoyne G50 to 100 straight 332 to 100 place 177 to 100 show Hasten On 20 to 100 place 182 to 10 show Murphy 77 to 100 show showWinner Winner R g by Meelick Army Maid by Yankee trained by G C Winfrey bred by Mr George L Rlackford RlackfordWent Went to jost at 338 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same BURGOYNB worked his way up on the inside from a slow beginning and finishing fast got up to win in the final strides HASTEN ON disposed of MURTHY but could not withstand the winner MTRPHY set a fast early pace but quit in the stretch THE BELGIAN II raced close up all the way LONELY ran a bad race and can do much better when fit fitScratched Scratched 51110 Ren Butler 112 54555 Langhorne 112 545352Lady Harrigaii 10S 51C3G Rcy Ennis 112 51335 Light Fantastic 98 54500 Handfull 112 112Overweights Overweights Rurgoyne 1 pound KlrTOrT THIRD RACE About 2 Miles Steeplechase 1200 Added 4yearolds and upward OTT A O 6 Claiming Net value to winner 101428 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AAVtPPSt 5 8 12 14 Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Sir 51358 FREE STATE w 4 132 2 1 4 3 1 I1 I5 A Sims J Lumsden 203010 2930100544tOSUPERBA 54410SUPERBA w 5 145 1 2 S 32 = 45 2 = 2 2 ° II McAfee G B Elliott IG510 51040 FLIGHT CAPTAIN w 7 145 S C 6 = 5 3 = ° 3 = ° 3 = M OConr J II Meade 900100 54521 ALGARDI w 8 145 4 3 5 G30 4 4 4 N Kenndy J I Murphy 990100 54191 CYNOSURE w 12 110 5 7 7 7 Fell S Iliggins G P Sherman 63 6354453LE 54453LE CYPRIN w 7 118 G 4 X 25 Fell N Green Mrs F A Clark 145100 145100497832PIIIL 497832PIIIL T w 0 145 7 5 li I1 Lt rider AV Borgan Red Bank Stable 1135100 1135100Timo Timo 406 Track fast 2 mntuels paid Free State COGO straight 1185 place 535 show Superba 350 place 205 show Flight Captain 390 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Free State 2930 to 100 straight 492JA to 100 place IG1 to 100 show Supcrha 75 to 100 place 32 to 100 show Flight Captain 95 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Ormondale Lacrimae by Rossington trained by J II Healey bred by Mr John E Madden MaddenWent Went to post at 410 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving FRKK STATE after Iwing saved through the first turn of the field went to the front with a rush and racing into a long lead won easing up SUIKRBA made a resolute attempt to get to the leader but was easily held safe FLIGHT CAPTAIN jumped well but tired CYNOSURE fell at the eleventh jump LE CYPRIN at the twelfth and PHIL T lost his rider at the ninth CrdTOG FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Sept 7 1911 137 3 107 51000 Added 3ycarolds tP a t OO and upward Claiming Foaled in Canada Net valuo to winner 81428 second 200 third 100 Index Homes AWtPPSt Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 54014 = AUNT LIN WB 3 91J 2 2 1 1 = 1 = 1 = 1 J Rowan M Gorman 305100 54520 ANMUT w 4 105 5 5 4h 4 4s 4 ° 2 F Murphy Brookdale Stable 1G5100 54035 ALLSMOKE w 7 100 4 4 3J 3 = 3l 3nt J Gneisen II F AVilliams 2GO100 2GO10054089CRN 54089CRN OF GOLD WB 4 11G 3 3 2U 2l 2 2 = 415 R Icaster Seagram Stable 205100 49901 ADOMAI WB 7 101 115 5 5 5 5 II Thurber S Nesbitt 17SO100 17SO100Time Time 23 48 114 l41 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Aunt Lin 990 straight 415 place 275 show Anniut 325 place 240 show Allsmoke 275 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Aunt Lin 395 to 100 straight 107 to 100 place 37 to 100 show Anmut 02 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Allsmoke 37 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by Dorante Lingar by Dublin trained by J G Gorman bred by Mr J K L Koss KossAVent AVent to post at 443 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving AUNT LIN set a good pace and saving ground on all the turns hung on gamely in the final drive ANMUT began slowly but came on the outside and wearing the others down in the final eighth made a fast finish ALLSMOKE ran well and had no mishaps CROWN OF GOLD tired at the end after racing in closest pursuit from the start startScratched Scratched 54575AIIics Way 101 101Overweights Overweights Aunt Lin 1 pounds Adomai 1 trr7 Cl FIPTH RACE 34 Mile Sept 4 1915 112 5 105 1500 Added 3yearolds and O OM M O y upward Handicap Net value to winner 111428 second 200 third 150 fourth 0 ses AWtPPSt A Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 54388 MOTOR COP WB G 120 7 1 2 1U I1 1 = H Thurber J 1C L Ross 270100 54525ED 27010054525ED RKENBIIU w 4 120 2 2 1 2 3s 2 R Simpson J R Hkinker 90100 54577 GOLDEN CHANCE w 7 9J 5 G C = 5h G = 3 = J J Hunmcr H E Davis 3585100 3585100045973PANAMAN 045973PANAMAN w G 05 3 5 5 4k 5J 4 J Rowan P J Miles 1125100 53014 1KEY T w 3 105 14 4 G 4 Di F Murphy II Tullett 2735100 54557CARMANDALE 273510054557CARMANDALE wn 4 113 4 3 3 ° 3 2 = Gnt T Parrton E F AVhitney f00100 54384SAVRACK f0010054384SAVRACK GRASS w 3 90 G 7 7 7 7 7 R Ranelli Mrs I A Clark 2100100 Timo 2100100Timo 22 46 l13 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Motor Cop 740 straight 315 place 205 show Eddie Rickenbacher 200 place 235 show Golden Chance 585 show showEquivalent Equivalent Imoking odds Motor Cop 270 to 100 straight 57 to 100 place 32 to 100 show Eddie Rickenhachcr 30 to 100 place 17 to lOI show Golden Chance 192 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner B h by Uncle Xarco by G AV Johnson trained by II McDaniel bred by Mr Hal Price Ileadley IleadleyAVent AVent to post at 514 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driving MOTOR COP raced into the lead on the last turn and drawing away in the stretch won easing up EDDIE RICKENBACHER set a fast early pace and dropped back when entering the homestretch but rallied in the final drive and finished gamely GOLDEN CHANCE finished witli a rush CARMANDALE was eased up when beaten PANAMAN ran well wellOverweights Overweights Golden Chance 1 pounds Wrack Grass 4 EZA17Afh SIXTH RACE 1 18 Miles Juno G 1914 152 3 109 1000 Added 3yearolds JTC 8 TcU and upvard Claiming Net value to winner 81428 second S200 third 100 Time 235 43 113 139 153 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Chasseur 590 straight 385 place 245 show Kizer 780 place 350 show Tantalus 250 show showEquivalent Equivalent bookini S90 to 101 place 75 to 100 show Tantalus 25 to 100 show showWinner Winner B h by Light Brigade Panne by Polymelus trained by G C Brenton bred in England by Capt E Tanner TannerAVent AVent to post at 550 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing CIIASSKITR sprinted into a Inog lead quickly and set a fast pace but was tiring through the final eighth FIXER raced in closest pursuit and made a game finish TANTALUS was much used in racing with BOLSTER and tired but outstayed GAIN DE CAUSE The latter closed a gap and finished with a lush BOLSTER showed speed but pulled up lame lameOverweights Overweights Tantalus 1 pound KfTflB SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile Sept 7 1911 137 J 107 Purse 1000 3yearolds tfi 4 Tit JL and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 5i Str Km Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt I 54039 MORMON ELDR wn 5 10G 17 S 4J 21 1 = 1 = 1 = II Thurber E T Zollicoffer 3 3J 54579DUKE RUFF w 5 113 12 G 3 4 43 2J 2 T Parrton Parrtonw J Do Estrampes 3 3tiuu tiuu tiuuP 54039HUEN w 3 103 1 1 ri rnt 53 3 E HarUne HarUneWB P L Putman 1315100 1315100M 54G94 DIADI WB 10 110 2 2 S 73 GJ 71 4i C Jackson Jacksonwn M Grant 900100 900100T 54000 = BLAZONRY wn G 110 S 5 t 1 2i 33 53 E Taylor TaylorWB T Hocges 405100 405100H 546C02UNDINE WB 3 95 1C 1C lGolC = 12i C1 G K Parrton Parrtonw H Ncusteter 20S5100 20S5100E 54015DOCTOR JIM w 4 105 14 10 12J 10 10 S 1 S Boyle Boylew E B Henderson 10GO100 10GO100A 54047 BANDYMQ w C 101 4 13 It1 It1 14 101 8 G Aralls ArallsWB A Li Kirby f fM 54004 CHEAALIER WB 3 103 G 14 11 111 7 = 91 91 J Gneiscn GneiscnWB M J Murphy t tG 545 6YUKON WB 4 100 7 4 1 31 3l 41 10k AV Bogski Bogskiw3 G Gray f fJ 54502 BY JOVE w3 97 3 12 10J 12 13 II1 lit J Rowan RowanWB J O Byrne 3395100 3395100J 54483LINK COY WB 4 101 10 3 C1 Ci 8J 12 12 I Gordon J Randolph J 54281BOND wsn 7 105 5 7 7i S3 lllt 13 E Pollard AV M Cain t t5455CGEORGE 5455CGEORGE AV w 1111 9 3 91 91 ltl I4l J Huniner M Scifert t t5339nGEORGE 5339nGEORGE C JR w 3 101 9 15 lV 1G = 15 15 If G Stone I Brown t 54017 RAMONA II wn 7 105 15 11 15 13l Cs ° l5 lC ° J Smith E Ui Pointe 51SO100 54315 PHILISTINE wit 8 10G 13 17 17 17 17 17 17 II Gregory M Kelly t ttMutuel tMutuel field Time 24 48 113 l41 i Track fast 2 mutuels paid Mormon Elder 950 straight G30 place 390 show Duke Ruff 475 place 300 show linen field 2l show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Mormon Elder 375 to 100 straight 215 to 100 place 95 to lOO show Duke Ruff 137 to 100 place 50 to 110 show linen Held 32 to 100 show showWinner Winner Blk g by Ogden Kate D by Ccsarion trained by AV A McKinncy bred by Mr John E Madden MaddenAVent AVent to post at 518 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing MORMON ELDER raced to the front when called on and held DUKE RUFF safe at the end DUKtt RUKK raced forwardly and outstayed HUEN for second place The latter closed up ground and finished fast UNDINE began slowly and closed a big gap DIADI and BLAZONRY ran well wellScratched Scratched 54G910Malley 105 51039 Wood thrush 111 54472 Ravcnsea 105 105Overweights Overweights George C Jr 4 pounds Chevalier 3 Ramona II 1