First Race [1st Blue Bonnets, Daily Racing Form, 1921-06-09

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FIRST RACK 5S 31 lie 2yearolds Claiming June 1 rS 45 2 10S 10SIndex Index Course Dist TiraeTckOdds Wt St U Sir Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish IT ch c 2 102 By Norito Bemay by Albert AlbertTrainer Trainer W D Millard Owner W D Millarc G4GSS Dorval 58 l04slow 8 103 G 2 3 4 = J Gneisen G LyRochter WRelf MFland 54G61 Dorval 5S l09hvy 3310 107 G 5 41 518 J Grneisen 7 Ijuily Rochester liveliest Lina 640CS Tijuana 41 f 57 mud 4 118 118G3S27 3 II Rowe 7 Sample KmWilllauis N Harper G3S27 Tijuana 12 4SfaHt 21 107 107GS490 2 D Powell G BlazingKire Tabloid IMowStfel GS490 Tijuana 41 54fast 8 118 8 8ASHLAND 8 8 8 P Martinez S J Dundee PepTea Inroguaucn ASHLAND b c 2 117 By Honeywood Busy Bee by First Tenor Trainer W S Heath Owner Nevada Stock Farm 545S1 Thrncliffe 4Jf 57hvy 145 111 I1 B Parke G Lottie Loraine Oo La La Orris 5444 Wdbine GS l02slow 9 112 5 5543SG 2 3 33 3 ° 1 E P Dnny G Caretaker TCassidy TheCigte 543SG Wdbine 58101 slow 8 11C 4 C C Gl 68i E Denny 8 SecThghts Ddema WolfsCry 54313 Wdbine 58102 fast 135112 2 253Ti73 4 4 4t 3 = E Denny S WolfsCry Clsiuan WarRelief 53Ti73 Tijuana 12 48fast 11 113 5 4 4J 4 = 1 P Martinez G Incognce JDundee WolfsUry 53040 Tijuana 31 f 44 hvy 9 113 5 G 41 2J C Thpson G PepTea PolWale Incoguauce 52914 Tijuana 31 f 44slop 1910 IIS 2 2E2872 2 y 11 EDenny 8 JoeCamphell PSteel HelMaJor E2872 Tijuana 38 36fast 12 113 6 4l 2 1 E Denny 9 CrestBoy UMaJor CaptGreet LADY ROCHESTER b f 2 109 109Trainer By Dick Finnell Bellona by Beau Ormonde Trainer H Keusteter Owner H Keustetor 546SS Dorval 5S l04slow S5 101 2 23 11 1 R L caster G War Relief Miss Frauland It 54061 Dorval 58 l09hvy 95 112 1 1 1 1B 1s R Lanster 7 Loveliest Lina BabyVauip 54574 Dorval 5S l01fast 41 107 2 1 I 41 J Ryan 7 All Fair Devonite Dare 54344 Churchl 4 f 54fast 21 110 3 3 2i 2 = L Lyke 10 GamGurton Alverida EdnaSfk 54000 Lexton 4J f 57hvy 175112 6 603U7 G G 6 N Barrett G WmOldt Stamp Mabfl Curtis 03U7 Lexton 12 fO mud 2i10 112 3 2 21 2 N Uarrett 11 MarFallon BernlceK BTrasn 53832 t xton 12 49 inud 20 112 2 2 2 21 M Garner 10 CdAmour BemiceK BTraak BTraakBy LOTTIE LORAINE b f 2 112 By Horron Ethelberg II by Hapsburg Trainer C T Worthington Owner C T Worthington 54605 Thorncliffe 58 l01fast 75 112 I3 II Saladin G Ashlin AdoptodDaughter Orris Orris54S1 54S1 Thrncliffe 41f 57hvy 85 10S 2 H Saladin G Ashland Oo La La Orris OrrisES9G5 ES9G5 Lcxton 41 f 55fast 75 115 1 2 2 22 E Pool 5 BiightTrash CarBaker FI FLark irk 532 Tijuana 12 49tffust 2110 IT 2 1 I8 1s II Saladin 7 Apricot tapt Clover Ale o 52702 Tijuana 3S 36fast 15 110 9 i II Saladin 11 Photoplay Polly Wale AMiland 52667 Tijuana 3S 3Shvy 16 117 117LINA 6 H Salauin S DoraT Swiftcket CaptGreet LINA br f 2 89 By Frizzle Alix by Star Buby Trainer S M Henderson Owner S M Henderson 51661 Dorval 5S l0tfhvy IS 97 f 7 7 6s 3 F Andson 7 LyRochter Loveliest BVamp 54616 Dorval 5S l05hvy 10 101 3 2 6 C G F Andson 7 War Relief Dare Rack Em Up 53747 HdoGce 12 49ifaHt 9 1041 2 5 C A JMchcrk 5 Duneecap RosaLee DViirdPii DViirdPiiS 53530 Huwiu 12 4Jigood 7 109 7 S 9 93 A Hlchcrk 0 GraccK Dolly Varden MadNell 53152 Shport 3V f 44fast 12 113 1 1 i 3J A nichcrk 7 BelWrack Desperalitm Muzz 530di Khjlort 31 f 47 hvy 710103 2 1 I1 Il A Kiclicrk 7 B Wrack B Kvelyu Mala F WAK BELIEF br f 2 109 109Trainer By Granite Kopje by Kroocatad Trainer C F Clark Owner J II Louchoira G4GSS Dorval 5S l0slow 1 101 1 55 4i 2t II Stearns G LadyRorhcstor JIi sFranland It EIG1G Dorvil nS l03hvy 1110 115 115G455i 5 G 4 43 11 Stearns 7 Pare Rack Kin Up Desperation G455i Dorval 58 l02ifast 32 ll 1 3 3 21 1 II Stearns S Loveliest RabyVamp Jtistinal E4313 AVdbine 58102 fast 7 113 5 tf G 0 4 = i J AlcTast 8 Wolfs Cry Clansman Ashlaml 54091 Plmlico 41 f f 5fast 6 110 4 4 5 G 6 A 1 AVillia iis i Caretaker Al Starella 52709 FGndg 3S 3Gmuil 1S5111 1S5111B23SG 2 cu 4 1 J Ulllla iis 8 Stamp Little Patsy Mail Nell B23SG FGuda 38 3Ti fist G5 lit litifast 5 41 21 J Willla us 8 Flylieauty Onelin LittlePatsy ifast 4 117 6 42 4 i J Willla us S SlarTime AlissFinn LitIatNy d 3S 35tfast 8 103 3 3i Il J Wlllia iislO One 1in Loveliest Baby Kvelyn KvelynBy JUSTINA E cli f 2 8 By Palo Alto Mistlebloom by Borgia BorgiaM Trainer II G Wilkins Owner M Summers 54GG1 Do val 5S l09 4hvy 15 109 1095S 1 4 G 5n f J Rowan 7 Lady Rochester Loveliest Lina E4G1G Do val 5S lOT = hvy 5 115 1155S 2 113 5 ° i II Romcllt 7 War Relief Dare Rack Km Up E4354 Do val 5S l02fast 115 101 2 4 4 4s 4s II Gregory 8 WarKelicf Loveliest ItVamp 63137 Ha ana 12 49Vffast 2 OS 3 4 I I1 V Wilson 7 RittrlWing littaG Coscorron 63111 Ha ana 12 49 fast 1 IdS 2 2 li 1i V Wilson 0 Naviseo Flaxy Mae HycrcH HycrcHG 6290S Ha nan 31 f 427 fast G5 104 G 33 3J U Lcastcr 8 Coseorron Hycres Bitter Biting BELLE WRACK b f 2 100 100Trainer By Wrack Trojan Bcllo by Hamburg Trainer W Carr Owner G F ApplcgatcG Applcgatc 64GSS Durval 5S l04slow 13 W G 4 4 G GM II Tliurbcr i LyRorhtcr WRelf MKlatul 64554 Dorval 5S l027sfast y 10S 7 7 S S S5i E Taylor 8 WarKilief liveliest It Vamp Vampio 64133 AlLRoyal 12 4Xfast 215 113 io p Orrucs CapGrcet Uteronoy MadamcX 63530 Bowio 1 4KOf fl 10 111 2 G 4 5s A Johnson iracoK Dolly Vanlcn MadNclI 63503 Bowio 12 4Sfast IS 114 3 5 C G = ° II Ericksn G StAlanricc Alawrcoron RToiu

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1921060901_5_5
Library of Congress Record: