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LATONIA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR SATURDAY JUNE 11 V13ATH13Il CLOUDY TllACK HEAVY Bating starts at 200 p m Chicago time 200 Superior mud rutiner x Good mud runner st Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1300 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record June 7 1921 110 0 110 110Todays Todays Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 54755 bRedmon 110113 0114X750 540613 bHerald 107 112 0111X745 54411 Marse John 105 111 5 109X745 54054 Clintonville 105 112 4 107X745 54728 Napoo 99 113 3 103X740 54709 bGroundSwell 108 113 5 115X740 54728 Itritlsb Maid M 90112 3 92X740 640T4 bMlssed the Time 105 112 4 113 735 54198 bfitle 115 l14s 5 110X735 54081 bUell1 of Elizabeth town 105 111 5 111X730 54479 Cozette 98 112 3 92 725 54343 Cut Up 100 113 3 95 720 54513 T 1 Pendergast PendergastM M 102115 3 102 720 72054244s 54244s Blond Buddy M100 l18h 3 102 715 54732 Surmount M 114 110 3 102 710 51037 By Ginger 3 102 710 62835 Stoto M 100114 3 102 705 i Second Race 58 Mile MilePurse Purse 1500 2yearolds Allowances Track word June 22 1910 59 2 109 54708 MISS JOY 114 100 115 750 54517 Casey 121X740 54055 Colored Boy 112 730 54055 Banker Brown M 112 720 720Third Third Race 1 116 Miles MilesSiiilon Siiilon Hotel Handicap HandicapPurse Purse 2000 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record Oct 7 1910 143 3 122 54518 Busy Signal 114144 4120X750 54057 bWoodlrap t 112 144 7 121X745 54057 bMidway 109 1 45 7 100X740 54711 bKinbnrn 110145 4 102X735 102X73554413s 54413s bSterling 100144 410S735 410S735Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile MileNinth Ninth Running Quickstep Handicap 5000 Added 3yearolds and upward Track record June 7 1921 110 0 110 G4712 bMinute Man 102 111 4 110800 540S5 Mnrjoric llynes 110 111 4 113X795 54712 ibAngou Ill 111 4 115X795 54059 JbFlags 128 111 0 135X795 54000 Miss Jemima 107 111 4 110790 54057 bSaiids of Pleasure 108 112 8 110X790 54059 Distinction 105 111 4 120 790 54712 tDarjceling 112111 3 110 790 54059 fRrookholt H2 111 4 130X7S5 54208 Jack Hare Jr 112 111 0 1140780 11407805475rs 11407805475rs 5475rs bSowell Combs 110 111 0 105X770 54084 Miss Muffins 109 112 3 103 700 54712 bFern Handley 103 112 0 101X740 101X740J J X Camden and Montfort Jones entry JL Gentry entry entryFifth Fifth Race 1 12 Miles MilesThirtyninth Thirtyninth Running Latonia Derby 15000 15000Added Added Added3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record July 10 1920 229 G 115 54551 tBohave Yourself 131STO 54551 jBlnck Servant 120X845 54713 Rangoon 120 840 84054713s 54713s Uncle Velo 120X830 54812 Brother Batch 120X825 120X825tE tE R Bradley entry entrySixth Sixth Race 4 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse 1400 2yearolds Maidens Fillies Track record Time 10 1919 52 2 107 10754548s 54548s Bobbed Hair 112 54 115 725 54729 = Birdie G 115 55 lir720 54004 Ued Leaf lir7in 54082 Fusee 115 5G 11 710 54450 MtGees Pink 115 50 11 705 705Inquisition Inquisition 11 Santa Clara llr Louanna Hi HiSeventh Seventh Race 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse 1300 3ycarolds and upward Claiming Track record Oct 7 1910 143 3 122 122540S32 540S32 bCorson 100 145 5 100X725 100X72554083s 54083s bMerchant 105 140 7 111X720 54050 bFair Orient 115 145 8 112X715 112X71554734s 54734s l Tulsa 109 1 48 4 1081710 5470 bltapid Stride 101 148 4 100X710 4380s bTribiine 105J14G a 104 710 54083 bllondo 109 140 7 100X705 100X70554730s 54730s Xelle Yorko Ill 140 5 108X705 54417 Machiavelli 107 15 la 3 90 700 54709 bBritish Liner M 3 99700