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FIRST RACE 1 Mile tyearolrtn and upward Maiden Claiming ClaimingJune June 1 1iI1 t K IIS IISindex index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St Vi Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish POLAR ch o 3 M 110 By Superman Gatien Belle by St Gatiea GatieaTrainer Trainer W Booth Owner G W loft loft54G18 54G18 Belmont 34 l12fast 5 l 9 12 1 1 IS 3 k W Kelsay 20 Invincible Phoenix Rhinestone 5457 B lrnont 34 l12fant 10 115 C 9 12 I21 12 W Kelsay 17 Mainmast Es julre GoldeuFliut 54150 Jamaica 34114 fast 15 IOG 5 8 8 a1 9 A Tryon 9 M Marine HeacliSlar Mmaliiea 54027 Jamaica 51 f l07Kood 0 10310 228 9 C Buel 11 LastHlraw CareFree Clmarron DEVASTATION OgdenTrainer br o 3 M 110 By Wrack Treeless by Ogden Trainer W Booth Owner Redstone Stable SobrigadeS4Cr 54702 jBelmont 1 1S8 fast i5 111 7 7 4 3 2 2J C Kummer 8 Fantoche Natural Sobrigade S4Cr Uelmont 1 l3G fast 5 112 7 7 7 C 41 4 C Kummer 7 Plfellow CtVIew LuckyFlnd 54105 Jamaica 34 l14faHt C5 105 13 10 10 10 S3 B Kennedy 15 Nohant Invincible Slater Flo HdeGe 34 l14fa t 7 11G 4 4 3 3 3i J Pierce 7 PYessPaiidoru Ksquire Wraith Wraithi i HdeGe 34 l12fast 146 110 11 10 11 10l S J Pierce 14 Polly Ann Kaywnod Klaiubette JUiJi iJurtoga 5J f l03 = Lfuut CO 103 C a 10 II1 9 J Pierce 12 Scrapiss Ulldur Dartmoor TURNABOUT b f 3 M 100 Trailer N Bycr Owner J J OToole 54722 Belmont Cl f l19Vfast 12 09 9 5 4 32 3 = B Maricllll ClineS Pcrigrdine Tliooilosia Tliooilosia5461S 5461S Belmont 34 l12fast 10 is It 4 10 123 12 = It Penman 20 Invincible Phoenix 1olar 64441 Jamaica 1 11G l4gslow 10 SO 1 1 2 2 4l Si K KununcrlU Mr X Salute La Kros Krosf4372 f4372 Jamaica 34 l13V fast 10 SSJ10 14 14 14 141 K KummciM AlHnmlUoii JocUScot CarlineS CarlineSG4170 G4170 Jamaica 31 l14mud 8 111 4 4 3 61 9 W Kelsay 11 SisterFlo Diomedcs Dunsandel 64105 Jamaica 34 l14faat 7 93 10 4 3 31 41 E Kummerl5 Noliant Invincible Sister Flo Flo60C24 60C24 Jamaica 5S l01fast 5 112 6 3 2 24 22 I Ensor 9 Flambette Ilcwey Eve Atala AtalaMANDALAY MANDALAY ch g 4 H 115 By Marathon Foxy Mary by St Lawrenca II IITrainer Trainer R Colston Owner E Arlington ArlingtonS4722 S4722 Relmont C1 f l19 fast 7 114 4 7 7 2 CBi J D Mneyl CarlineS Pcrigrdine Tnalmut 54512 Belmont 1 l396fast 20 112 9 6 2 42 SV C Ponce II Lending Star Omer K Galiot 64227 Jamaica lm0y l414 fast 15 109 4 1 1 1 22 31 P Cltiletti 7 WMachine LLillhui Clilenger 64166 Jamaica 1116130 miul 20 111 311 1 2 27 C Ponce II Elmcndorf Chevalier Streamei 64103 Jamaica 34 l14fast 40 105 15 11 11 II2 122 C Ponce 15 Noliant Invincible Sister Flo 63633 Bowio C f l21fast 65 10S 8 65 6 710 H Gregory 8 DbleVan Amackassln Tdstool Tdstool6SG08 6SG08 Bowio 1 11C l51 fast 107 103 4244 fil 914 C Ponce 11 Kcziab Yaphank ItciiTIniniison 63545 Bowlo 34 l14good 28 116 12 11 It 9 9 F CltilettllJ GunCailorna Noliant Toreador 53495 Bowio Gi f 121 fast 12f 109 11 79 llill15 J McTagtl1 SKelly GAginoiite Amkassin AILLIRO ch gr 3 M 110 By Cicero Orillia by Lockryan LockryanTrainer Trainer S P Harlan Owner L Waterbury WaterburyG4734 G4734 Bclmont 1 l3S fast 10 110 9 10 3 S S1 7 ° A Collins 11 ScotlandYct CtView VRegal 64592 Bclmont 1 l37ifast 10 106 4 4 4 4 4 313 A Collli s 1 ITyfillnw TItuttmis MMrine 64572 Bclmont 1 lS9fist 6 114 446 7 S 7 ° t A Colli is 8 TlieEnquirerMissl tcMasrTack 64230 Jamaica Im70y l44fast 16G 103 S S S S 8 7 1 Callal an S Ivernian Hcdgelicld lioniedei 64146 Jamaica Im70y l45 fast 133 113 344 4 4 22J J Callal an 7 Lunctta Debidon Honey Cell 63771 HdeGe Im70y l47V slop 33 lt 6 555 5 5 6IS A Collis s 5 Careful Star Voter Nancy Lee 63708 ILdcGco 1 l41fast 30 OS 5 5 G 5 5 321 L Penn in r BGrand NRaider GAmonte GAmonte63C73 63C73 HdcGce 34 l14fast 75 110 G 8 10 9J 77J A Collins 10 NRdcr GAgmonte JsUmma 60901 Jamaica 34J15 fast 31 115 S 764 4 i W Obcrt 8 Ulacklvht Sportiboy LuckyFiuo THEODOSIA b f 3 M 100 By Theo Cook Slim Princess by Semproniu SemproniuTrainer Trainer Win Garth Owner J S Cosilen 51722 Bclmont C1 f l19Mfast 5 91 11 S 6 4i 41 E KninmerlT CarlineS Pcrigrdine Tnabont Tnabont64M7 64M7 Bclmt 34 MC l13 fist 12 92 6 5 f 31 31 K Kunimer 1 HoldUp JockSeot LcadlugStar 64152 Pimlico 34 l16slop Si 10S 3 5 G 41 4 T Rice 13 Actress Pholion WofCotomn WofCotomnE3856 E3856 HdeGce 34 l14fast 135 100 4 322 21 A Allen J5 Citizen HigliValue Rinkavous 63693 ILdcGce Gl f l07fast GO 111 1 97 81 GJ T Rice 15 Baywood Registrar PIandora 48928 Empire GJ f l07slop 10 111 7 63 3 33 C Robson 9 Knobbie Guvnor Wapreague HOUYHNHNM ch c 3 M 110 By Huon Bobbinet by Inverness InvernessTrainer Trainer W H Karrick Owner Oneck Stable E4754 Bclmont 1 fast 20 110 G G C 7 7 S C Fljtlicr 12 ScotlanrtYct CtVicw VRcgnl 54653 Belmont 1 l36fcfast 15 10S G G 0 5 G1S 6 614 C Buel 7 Ilfelloxv CtVicw J LuckyFind uckyFind 61573 Belmont 34 l12fast 10 113 12 10 9 9 75J C Buel 17 Mainmast Ksquirc GoldeiiFllnt 48C83 AqMuct 34 112 fast 20 112 4 44S1CI 888 713 C Fbthcr 8 Incliciipc Ilroum Spun Jcg Jcgij 4S1CI Jamaica 51 ij f 107 ROOI Rooil 12 112 7 74S045 74 4i 4J I McAtee 9 Trystcr Pluribus St Micbael 4S045 Jamaica 58 100 fast 95 115 4 65 51 4 J I McAtee 9 Tltoheniian Seranis StMliacl StMliaclst 47991 Belmont 58 st l00fast G 109 109SWEETEST 412 L McAtee 8 Diinmesdale Oriole Tottie TottieLY SWEETEST STORY LY ch f 3 M 100 100Trainer By Ballot Love Story StoryGarth Trainer H Garth Owner L Garth GarthG464S G464S Bclmont 34 l12fast 20 K 2 379 SJ T Finn 20 Invincible Ilioenix Polar PolarHC 64507 Belmt 31 MC HC l12fast 8 97 4 4G42U9 2 1 2J 5J J Callahan 9 HoldUp JockSeot Tlieodosla G42U9 Jamaica 34 l13 l13fast fast 10 95 2 1 3 31 35J J Callahan 10 Occasion Asterisk Tllelgianll 54105 Jamaica 34 l14fast 10 99 7 13 12 121 92 H Swart 15 Noliant Invincible SisterFlo SisterFloGRAY GRAY GABLES b s M 115 By Assagai Busy Lady by Meddler MeddlerTrainer Trainer A G Blakely Owner T H Cross 64648 Bolmont 34 l12 ast 20 116 20 17 IS IS1 17 = ° C Fbthcr JO Invincible Phoenix Polar PolarG4573 G4573 Belmont 34 l12 fast 20 120 17 16 16 16101G = 5 C FbtherlV Mainmast Esquire GoldenFlint 52694 FGnds 1 116 l4SV fast 5 111 3256 6J 63J N Barrett 8 Haider J C Stone StGerinain StGerinain4S09S 4S09S Jamaica Im70y l4Gfast 12 112 7 7 7 9 9 9 = 1 C Fbthcr 9 UoyalJesler UiItablee TcnCan TcnCan4C810 4C810 IdeGce 51 f l08fast 2K 11512 12 10 9l 7 = i C PbtherlB Scurry The Nephew Gallagher 46141 Jefson GJ f lOSgood 10 113i 7 C 7 91 9l L Lyke 14 War Club Satana Repeater Repeater1ECLAIR 1ECLAIR ch c 3 M 110 By Celt Star Lady by Star Shoot ShootTrainer Trainer S McNaughton Owner Foreign Stable 64573 Belmont 34 l12fast 20 115 7 65 Si 10 C Kummci 17 Mainmast Esquire GoldcnFllnt GoldcnFllnt499S3 499S3 Belmont 5if st l05fast 20 11G S 3 4 71Z C KummerlO Our Roots Inglocrest Cote lOr 49198 Sartoga 58100 fast 50 109 9 9 10 9i 9IS A Johnson 15 Exodus RisingRock Brunswick Brunswick4fiGO 4fiGO Empire Ab 34 111 fast 30 112 6 4 4 41 411 A Johnson 7 Eternity Wapiti By Jove JoveCURRENT CURRENT EVENTS br c 3 M 110 By Wrack Votes by Voter VoterTrainer Trainer J Titesimmons Owner Qnincy Stable 54375 Jamaica 1 116 146 fast 20 101 1 S S S S S11 J Mooney S Itiffltnng XRaidcr CrystalFord CrystalFordG4112 G4112 Pimlico 1 18 l53fast 4i 100 5 2 2 5 6 G R Icaster i Comme Ci I ucyKate PirMcGee 64011 Pimlico 1 116 l52 slop 5 102 1 1 1 2 21 21 J Mooney C ComincCi WBedotte Sunllill 51462 Bowie 61 f 125 good 66 102 2 6 C 5 5TJ J Mooaoy 0 BryMoon BMclhlin DdeMny 61449 Bowie 1 146 hvy 69 101 1 3 6 6 G G R Icaster lionlloinmc SptglSlood DoIlyO 61414 Bowie 34 l13fast C9 103 7 9 9 81 821 J Mooney 10 Rnoipmc BMcIVhlin Polythift 61357 Pimlico 34 l13fast 45 100 6 69 91 81S J Mooney 13 LoveTap Bromelia IrishAbbess IrishAbbessMABJOEIE MABJOEIE M br f 3 M 100 By Zeus Lassie by Knight Errant Trainer J E Nash Owner J E Nash G4G1S Belmont S S1 52 S Bullman ID Invincible Phoenix Polar 64279 Jamaica 34 l14V fast 15 112S 1 4 G G M Kowan 7 Diomedcs Care Free Topaz 48368 Aqduct 68 59fast 50 114 12 12 12 12Jll18 M Rowan 15 NancyLee MddleCadeau DGlrl 48221 Jamaica 6S l01goo l 4 112 5 4 3 3 3 ° M Rowan 7 Rustler Jim Daisy LadyLovitt 48121 Jamaica 58 102 fast 30 112 G 37 7 813 T Rowan 10 Goodljye Present MlleCadeau 47387 Jamaica 58101 fast G 112 8 6 6 61 61 M Rowan 8 Jacobiua Foam CltmcoteagUB ASTRAL in ch h 5 M 115 By Verdun Saint Astra by Ladas LadasTrainer Trainer J M Black Owner W R Martin 51618 Bolmont 34 l12fast 40 107 33 11 11 7 = GJ C Ponce 20 Invincible Phoenix Polar PolarE4217 E4217 Pimlico 34 l14slow 61 115 7 76 7s 51 M Mountnia Titania IjMaudie Phtom Fair 64177 Pimlico 34 l17hvy 68 112 9 99 S2 8 W U Mtin 9 Kttalie EnricoCarnso Mainmast 64033 Pimlico 34 l16Mhvy 63 115 9 999 8 MrWR Mn 9 Sun Jim Sealirate Whalebone FLYPAPER blk f 4 M 110 By Aeronaut Foothold by Dieudonne DieudonneTrainer Trainer T H Tault Owner T H Tault TaultG42SO G42SO Jamaica 34 l13fast GO 113 S 77 S2 S15 T Tault 10 Dtinsandel Golden Flint CVicw 51585 Bowie Im70y 150 hvy 3710 102 7 2 6 5 4l 3le II Icaster 14 Nebulous Pansy Vesuvius 61457 Bowio 1 l49Vfslow 63 107 3 1 1 1 81 S11 F Uiley 11 TusMaidcn SClareiurc BarCoj 61227 Empire 1 l45hvy 5 102 3 1 1 2 2 311 B Marelll 5 Lovely Caddie Tlie Roc Roc4S837 4S837 Empire Ab 34 111 fast W 110 15 15 14 13s 13 H King 15 Universal Double Eye CarlineS 44308 Jamaica 58 101 Mifast 15 115 4 G 3 Gl 64 J McCabe 7 Lady Wood MayAlley BrPlayei 44196 Jamaica 5i f lOSsow M 109 4 44 61 6 J McCabe 12 II Weapon ItPluycr Tnderbird JIMMIE br c 4 M 115 By King James Grey Agnes by Pepper and Salt SaltTrainer Trainer J H McAvoy Owner J II McAvoy 64722 Bclmont Gi f l19V fast 50 114 12 10 10 9i II C RobsonlT CarlineS Pcrjgrdinc Tnabout 54648 Bclmont Hl l12fast GO 110 19 10 17 17l 1SS M Mountn O Invincible Phoenix Polar 44078 Jamaica 51 f l08nmd 100 114 S 7 7 9 U J Phillips 10 ISallybell Dunsandcl M Roberts 4o912 AqMuct 8 5yj mud 100 110 10 11 11 11 IIs J Phillips 11 Crnarvon LXanell Duusandel DOMINGO b g 3 M 115 By Marathon Edna Shannon by Onondaga OnondagaTrainer Trainer W II Fizer Owner W Farnum 54150 Jamaica 34114 fast 10 106 9 56 61 G Babin 9 MMarinc ItcachStar Mcssines McssinesfiSH fiSH Bowie Gl f 121 fast 88 112 G 65 510 4l ° J Conley C Vulcanize GurgWater Nohant NohantE1I9G E1I9G Bowie 34 114 fast 74 116 1 69 9 ° 9 = J Conley 10 Wellfdcr Itivooil Gurg Water 62444 FGnds 34 114 fast 15 114 8 7 9 Ol 78 J Conley 11 Cut Up Vulcanize Plato