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BLUE BONNETS ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR SATURDAY JUNE 11 WEATHER CLEAR I TRACK FAST Racing starts at 1130 p m Cblcago time 130 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice tllowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Race 58 Mile MilePurse Purse 1000 LyearoIds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record June 13 1JOS uJji 1 108 108Todays Todays Horse ELEMENTAL 51718 fWolfs Gry 118 101 111 7 51571 All Fair fvllO 101 100 7 51718 Col Chile iiri 101 Jf 105 7 7i4718 i4718 Quick Run 115 101 A lllX7 51718 fBilly Dunn Mll 103 10JJX7 10JJX75ir 5ir Jt Cornstalk 111 l03s 105 7 75111r 5111r Star Time 107 51021 Dorothy Buckncr M T 111 7 7fNevada fNevada Stock Firni entry entrySecond Second Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1000 10003yearolds 3yearolds and upward Foaled in Canada Track record Sept 4 1915 112 5 105 3473 Oakling 3 100 7 7517ia3 517ia3 Flea M 03 115 3 101 X 7 754li85 54li85 fAll Amiss Ill 11 7 114 7 7ltiS93 ltiS93 AVar Fox 105 l18sy 3 11LX7 11LX7547IW 547IW Rugged Robin M 13 ll3sy 3 10 X7 18117 Xoiiiis M 3 107 1 15Ilil4 5Ilil4 fJack Shrine M 101 ll0h 3 107 7 fAV T Trenliolme and P K Lalauuc entry entryThird Third Race 34 Mile Piirse IOOrf1 d jsveiarioltt5llajid npward Claimiii Track record Sept 4 1015 111 5471i blma Frank 11 111 54705 Talisman 97 111 54739 Pauainaii Pauainaii54C921 118 112 = 3 54C921 lulls Love 108 112 54707 Citizen Citizen51435s 103 114 114li 51435s Titania Titania54C91 li lii 54C91 blwopair blwopair5471C 115 113 5471C Knkliix 105 112 5471 = bViicChairman bViicChairman547K 101 113 547K bToaiuiiia 109 113 533JO1 bStepson 113 112 54131 Fort Bliss 10Sr13VS 10Sr13VS10S 54710 Coming M 10S llis gging Spirit M105 JU Fourth Race About 2 Miles Twelfth Running Prince of Wales Steeplechase 2500 Added 4ycaroIds and upward Handicap Handicaprl rl bltenclier C 157X700 17 Soiiiiiiingha M 133IHI5 11 bAVar Togs 5 141 1593 1 Jim Thorpe 10 140XC90 54717 Lytle 7 149XI 0 51717 bButcber Boy li 13SXOS5 01737 Algardi S 13GXU83 13GXU83Fifth Fifth Race 1 18 Miles Eleventh Running Windsor Hotel Cup Handicap 3000 Added and Cup 33earolds and upward upwardTrack Track record June 0 1913 152 3 109 51523 tBoniface 122 150 C 12CX800 517Ci fKing Thrusli 114 153 4WUO793i 511552 t Milkmaid 12r U5t r5 J 1X795 51iC5 bBeaverkill rT 112 150 7 1000780 517 5 Sandy Peal 118 l55s 4 113X770 547192 By Jiininy 3 9SX75 54707 Lucy Kate 9S 154 K 84X750 54740 bGain do Cause 104 104202 104202fT 202 4 95X750 fT K L Ross entry entrySixth Sixth Race 1 Mile MilePurse Purse 1000 3ycarolds and upward Track record Sept 7 1911 137 3 107 54741 bUndine 105 141 3 93X 51731 bSalcsmati 107 143 3 9S720 51073 Beau Briimmcl II 95 142 4 107X715 51741 briiilistinc 107 140 f 8 108X715 108X7155173i 5173i Discord 110 140 if 5 10 X715 51587 Madrono IK 141 4 107 710 54741 bBond 107 139 f 7 108X715 108X71554C90 54C90 bKiraii 104 145 4 10SX715 10SX715143S3 143S3 bSemper Stalwart 108 141 8 108X710 111171051C93 5101 bloint to Point 10l 139 7 1111710 51C93 112X71051C24 bShe Devil 100 141 5 112X710 51C24 bCharley Boy 3 98X703 51411 Sea Mimic M 98144 3 105 703 54720 Jellison 109 142 li 108X703 54721 Suez M 02 142 3 95j70 10JX700J54409 f1735 Iooti Fay 5 10JX700 J54409 bCirculate 109 140 S 108X700 54472 bRavensea 100 141 4 113 700 54731 114x70015C0 bEfficient 5 114x700 15C0 Handful 105141 8114X700 8114X700Seventh Seventh Race 1 316 Miles MilesPurse Purse ClaimingTrack 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Sept 13 1910 159 1 111 547403 bTantalus 203h 5 107X725 54719 Sans Petir II 101 158 5 98X720 5i74lf baln de Cause 101 202 4 104X715 547403 bFizer 7 110X713 54 Cs bAttorney 3 92 710 3 WX705