Work-Outs From The East And West, Daily Racing Form, 1921-06-12

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WORKOUTS FROM THE EAST AND WEST 608 LATONIA LATONIALATONIA LATONIA Ky June 11 Todays training gal ¬ lops included the following Weather cloudy track slow ThreeEighths Mile 500Bobby Shea 30 C05Sim McMeekin40 McMeekin40COlCharline COlCharline 41 C04Shelbyville 38 38GOIiFewacres GOIiFewacres 38 CorSoa Prince 41 41COOGiiiger COOGiiiger 40 429Tacola 41 04 Honor Man ManG04June 40 004 Tom Norris 40 G04June Fly 38 r02Tvinkle Blue 40 Parhelion 48 COCWedgeon 41 41Half Half Mile Mile59SDocod 59SDocod 54 G04Lough Eagle 52 52501Dorius 501Dorius 52 003Mahony 53 53COlGloria COlGloria France 53 004Spirit Lake 53 53C05Tas C05Tas B Brown50 503The Porter 53 53r01Kingfislior r01Kingfislior 5i Vitamin 51 515C2Little 5C2Little Polly 5011 Wake Up Si 156 156G04Love G04Love Nest 5 003Wm Oldt 50 50FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile MileG05Bot G05Bot Mosio 104 O05Hinkle 107 107C02Brass C02Brass Tacks 103 COSHumphroy 105 105005Bornice 005Bornice K 105 003Hutchison 107 C05Boaton Path 100 001Jge BudrowlM5 COKBonus 104 UKLady Mothorl07 o2Billy Star 105 002LKrrant 108 C03loris CMCMay Bodine 108 COlDoric 004Mab 105 iOCLonl Allen 102 C05MalK l G 110 110COIEast COIEast Flower 105 COlQnee Garden 105 105C C mGonan Jouettl7 C04Ras 108 1085llGrcon 5llGrcon Grass 110 002Randol 105 = COIGold Droamsl07 COCWashington 1001 C03Grace Minardl05 Minardl05Three Three Quarters Milo MiloCOrAccclorate COrAccclorate 124 C03Montillo 125 125C05Atta 1259 1259C05Atta C05Atta Boy II 118 002Mazolu 121 121C3Amanda 121C3Amanda C3Amanda 121 r01Miss Muffins 118 118COCAph 1181 1181COCAph COCAph 124 503Our Birthday 124 124C07Bot C07Bot bora t ion 117 105Paris Maid 121 121C04Cindorolla C04Cindorolla 120 C05Runnan 120 120KinFurbelow KinFurbelow 118 C03Rama 121 121C04Hadherway C04Hadherway 119 C04Romance 11S 11SC0 C0 5Julia N 119 502Virgo 123 123C07Lough C07Lough Swilly 119 005Wild Flower 121 121SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile CWDulce Tokalonl3C Tokalonl3COne One Mile fiOOBest Pal 148 148501Bit 594La Foudre 501Bit of White 143 143501Conau COlLord Wrack 501Conau l5t l5tC0tlark 004Matinee Idol IdolCOlMint C0tlark Friar 151 151C07Frank COlMint Cat C07Frank F 145 145iOliFircbrand C05Make Up iOliFircbrand 141 507Poaco Pennt PenntCOlRomper Grace W 148 148C03J COlRomper C03J iiett 145 145505J COlTho Wit 505J C Stone 153 COWella K GOaLegal 150 001 Wave WORKOUTS FROM THE EAST AND WEST Continued from first page BELMONT PAKK NEW YORK X Y June 11 Todays training gallops over tliu local courses include the following Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile006Donnacona 006Donnacona 30 GOlModesty 41 5JOKaiSang 415JOKaiSang 40 OOlMarsdale 35 35Lydia Lydia 37 DSOTw Sevth Div30 Div30Half Half Mile Belle Boyd 4S 005Krewcr 51 Ciniarroii 51 005Koster Girl 000Dimmesdale 18 rSLazy Lady 590Dick Deadeyc 49s 005Lord Brighton 49 WKSExodtis 51 51i3 iKlOcoan Swell i3 reen Fruit 51 IMSOceanic GOJSt Michael BSTilrisli Confetti 53 Tricks Trickst05lnvincible t05lnvincible 55 55FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile001Adrianne O0lA 001Adrianne lrianne It 103 OOlLont 109 109004Rountiful 004Bountiful 101 0 Orciis 103 103005Oamoufleur 509Superlat000Finnish 0 005Oamoufleur Oamoufleur 1MJ 509Superlat 103 000Finnish Maid 105 Sea SCIH SCIHGOULd Scout 102 102GOGLd GOULd Baltimorcl0a 59SSherandi 103 103Three Three Quarters Mile Mile000Bayonne 000Bayonne 121 007Pahaska 118 118r8Blaek r8Blaek Fox 123 GiKiPeter Piper 118 118i05lominiiue i05lominiiue 115 OOiiRcprisa GIHElimiiiate 117 G07UoutledL 001Fancy G07UoutledL001Fancy Man 122 003Skittles 118 004JuIcs Verne 125 COlSiiuaw Man 115 MXKIIIIIOIU 121 001Servitor 118 118OOtSKof OOtSKof tirthcrl24 OOftScdgcfield 1 1002Mandalay 002Mandalay 117 r9t Streamer 1 1iOliOrcus iOliOrcus 117 005ThuadcrcIap 115 115GOOP GOOP T larnuml17 larnuml17One One Mile Mile001Itroomspnn 001Itroomspnn 155 57fiLottery 154 G07Courtship 154 007LEclair 145 Dartmoor 145 000Sinoku Screcnl45 fJXJGIadiator 149 ramSnare 145 590iralu 149 149MMiT OWUpsct 145 MMiT P Gricr 155 05Two Feathers 15 COGLady Emlinel47 003Vicc Regal 149 149Mile Mile and an Eighth GOGAudacious 150 150Mile Mile and a Quarter 590Swceimicnt 210 COlTIie Trout 212 212JAMAICA JAMAICA Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile500Boinbast 500Boinbast 39 000Lucky Button 35 05DrTSDabncy 35 005Llquid Fire 42 42G05lIorsaiu G05lIorsaiu 37 HtliMorvich 34 i05Glenbells 34i05Glenbells 39 5S4nidiiil 3S 005Jago 3S005Jago 30 nSSThe AVaiidcrcr38 AVaiidcrcr38Half Half Mile GOODaydue 53 5931ickwicl r 89Miss Uankin 53 fi03Snob 52 52004Mr 004Mr X 50 592Sweepy 52 52G0iMjimbi G0iMjimbi 49 HitWar Pennant 51 03Omer K 53 003Zclota 50A GOSOlynthus 50AGOSOlynthus 52 52FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile MileOOGBig OOGBig Noise 102 003Loghorn 110 110GOllIeckna GOllIeckna 102 C05M Antoinettcl03 332Grcenland Antoinettcl03332Grcenland 101fiOdGood 102 GOlMoody 101 fiOdGood Hart 105 G05rloans Girl 107 GOOGypsy 107GOOGypsy Lad 112 5S7Sea Sinner 100 100GOlIIeatlierton GOlIIeatlierton 104 GOjTransit 103 G04Jyntee 103G04Jyntee 103 103ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Mile005Blue 005Blue Belle 110 004Loipsic 118 118600IHff 117005Com 600IHff Bang 120 G07Mawrcoron 117 005Com Eishmanl2l GOlNohant 115 115G03Conint G03Conint 118 004Runatris 118 118G05Ft G05Ft CliurcliillI10 G07Rustler 119 119GOGIr GOGIr Brigadicrl21 G04San Primo 119 GOjjJcsava 119GOjjJcsava 120 G03Silcnce 121 121G05Killala G05Killala 120 GOO Whimsy 121 121SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile Nancy Bantryl35 Bantryl35One One Mile GOtBlack Thongl47 G05Mastcr Jack 140 140SonFading SonFading Starl5l G02Salule 151 151C04L C04L Gertrude 159 MGTeu liuttonsl4S liuttonsl4SLucky Lucky Itut ton showed fine speed Morvich worked fast and well Moody seems in good condition Jyntce was under restraint Noliant worked well Fort Churchill was not extended

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Local Identifier: drf1921061201_1_7
Library of Congress Record: