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THREE WINNERS FOR LANG Fine Riding of Diminutive Apprentice Feature of Mondays Racing at Ottawa OTTAWA Ont June 20 The riding of the diminutive apprentice C Lang featured an other ¬ wise dull card at Connaught Park this afternoon Lang had the mount on Aunt Lin Tarascon and Brown Bill and landed all three winners in a row The card was made up of a series of races at dif ¬ ferent distances under claiming conditions which served to bring a mediocre band to the post in each contest contestThe The talent started well when they centered their attack on the first two winners My Rosie and Stucco The opening dash fashioned for twoyear olds which brought together a band of maidens served as a medium for My Rosie to graduate There was considerable crowding right after the start Dare and Mary Rock were the worst suf ¬ ferers Dare almost went to her knees which ruined what little chance she might have bad badIdeal Ideal overhead conditions again prevailed and an ¬ other large Monday crowd was on hand to witness the running of the card Racing was of a spirited order many of the winners gaining the decision after hard drive5 through the stretch The talent suffered the hardest blow of the day with the de ¬ feat of Gilt Fringe This miss was backed into oddson favoritism with rare confidence but second was her portion behind Brown Bill BillStucco Stucco added another victory to his list when he accounted for the steeplechase James A Sheri ¬ dan was the one to offer the stoutest opposition only giving way in the final eighth All com ¬ pleted the course without accident although at the end Phil T displayed signs of lameness lamenessMr Mr Brummel was ordered scratched from the sixth race this afternoon on orders from the stew ¬ ards He had been placed on the schooling list by starter Morrissey MorrisseyBefore Before returning to New York J G Wagnon acting for the Pelican Stable took an option on the threeyearold Pimlico in the stable of T F Bornman BornmanThe The apprentice allowance was waived on Effi ¬ cient tliis afternoon The horse was recently pur ¬ chased by Wl S Heathand according to the Canadian raclng Associations rules Mr Heath having no contract rider hence the halving halvingThe The stable of J K L Ross was shipped from here to Hamilton on Sunday Jockey Claver ac ¬ companied the shipment shipmentAmong Among the stables already quartered at Fort Erie are the following J Randolph W C Wcant E W Moore J W Pangle C I Wilson S Garrett Kcnton Stable and H Webbs WebbsA A notice has been posted that owners are warned not to ship to Fort Erie unless they have been al ¬ lotted stable room roomW W A Porter made a hurried trip to Montreal to inspect the Ross horses at that point some six head which have been on the ailing list for some time timeThe The club membership of the Connaught Park Club has increased threefold since its inception inceptionSaturday Saturday marked the highest amount handled in the machines since the track adopted the system systemThe The J H Louchheim horses in charge of C F Clark shipped from Blue Bonnets yesterday to Hamilton HamiltonThe The Nevada Stock Farm will ship from here to Devonshire while A L Kirby goes to Hamilton The Brookdale Stable also proceeds to the latter point pointUncles Uncles Lassie came out of her race Saturday in a bad way being seriously kicked while at the post postArthur Arthur Brent will ship his stable from here to Quebec City There are several riders here that will partcipate in that meeting meetingCommissioner Commissioner A B Perry head of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police and Dr Grimsdale deputy minister of agriculture were visitors here Saturday Botli were escorted through the mutuel plant by M M Mahoney and were more than pleased with the workings of the establishment