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THIRD RACE J4 Klile 4yearolds and upward Fillies and Mares MaresClaiming Claiming June 7 19 1 11O 45 5 11O GROUNDSWELL ch m 5 113 113Trainer By Whisk Broom H Rockw ter by Laureate of ofClifford Trainer L Gentry Owner L Gentry Clifford CliffordIS 55002 Latonia 34 lllfast 225 112 2 1 IS lh T Murray 12 Sirocco HonorMan BlancheMac 54709 Latonia 34 l13fast 85 108 3 2 2 1 1 T Murray 12 Sw Liberty G France Amanda 54513 Churchl 34 113 fast 125 108 3 3 31 3n T Murray 9 Fifi II Sweet Liberty Penwt11 54304 Churchl 78 l24fast 3310 108 3 2 2 3l 3 T Murray 14 M the Time Adonis Youneed 54218 Churchl 78 l2GMifast 125 109 4 1 1 lh 2 T Murray 15 AAlexander TheNephew SReh 54118 Church 1 34 l14yGmud 11 110 4 4 6 G l T Murray lli Ruby Mabel G Kallipolis KallipolisS 5246G FGnda 34 l12 tfast 12 IOC C F S Mitchell 12 GreeiiGold JockScot MMaxim 342 FGnda 34 l12fast 12 98 2 3 71 7 J S Mitchell 13 UlGohl Tdllouur StIsidore 52180 FGnda 1 116 l47fast 32 108 2 1 2 2 21 351 T Murray 9 H King Madrono Speedster 52029 Jefgon 34 l14fast 2i i1 T Murray 9 Col Tean Sagamore TPguese SWEET LIBERTY b f 4 By Plaudit Looking Glass by Clear the Way Trainer J S Ownbey Owner G Knebelkamp 54918 Latonia 34 l13fast 1710 100 2 1 1 11 A Wilson 12 MaryFonso EyesofYth BigSon 54709 Latonia 34 l13sfast 2 109 1 1 li 21 W HeinchlU GSwell G France Amanda 54513 Church 1 34 113 fast 21 MS 1 1 I2 2 W Heinch 9 Fifi II GroundSwell Pcnwell 52292 FGnds 34 l14fast 8 98 2 4 5H 10s P Long 12 MarieMaxim HidJewel JkScot 52039 Jefson 61 f l07fast 13G 108 3 1 2h 9 W Heinchll Marmite JockScot Port Light 51072 Latonia 34 l12fast 10 1031 1 1 2 3 H King 9 A N Akin Sam Reh Legotal 50909 Latonia 34 l127sfaat 48 107 1 2 4s 4 O Willis 7 BBeauty GipsyQu LLuxury 0731 Latonia 34 l12fast W 107 5 2 4i G W Heinchll Last Coin Legotal War Idol 50329 Latonia 34 IrlSHfast 80 106 1 2 101 II16 W Heinchll Furbelow Dr Carmen Dodge 199GC Devre 34 I13goodl710 102 1 1 2 41 W Heinch 7 Bobby Allen Onico Lancelot LancelotBy MABEL G br f 4 105 105Trainer By Mart Santa Miss Present by The Tartar Trainer J Whitlow Owner W S Payne Payne54S91 54S91 Latonia 34 l12fast 1710 112 3 22 2 3i 5 J Francis 12 GlFrance BlancheMac JuliaN 54654 Latonia 34 l13fast 17f 113 4 87 7 7i 9 3 O Willis 12 Marvin May Dodge Meliora 54413 Churchl 78 l2Gmud 20 10S 3 4 5 6 8 8 O Willis 9 Dodge Furbelow Clhitonville 54289 Churchl 34 l12Vifast 75 107 3 22 2 11 ink O Willis 11 Cozette BritishMaid CBlossom 54118 Churchl 34 114 mud 11 113 1 22 2 21 22 D Connllyl2 Ruby Kallipolis Brig of War 51381 Churchl 78 l2Ggood 4 104 4 3 6 7 7s 712 C Buel 9 Tulsa Dr Carmen Bread Man 51175 Latonia 34 l14mud 4 101 1 24 4 4s 4 J Roberts G Meliora Furbelow Estero 51132 Latonia 34 l12Ufast 1910 104 1 2 22 2 1 1 1 C Buel 8 ApJackll MarseJohn PortLt MELIORA ch m 7 107 107Trainer My mtimui Altiora by Lamplighter Trainer W Perkins Owner R L Baker 54813 Latonia 1 l46hvy 21 112 4 3 4s 4C1 E Pool 5 Fallacy Bettina Mile Dazie 54G54 Latonia 34 l13fast 15 110 2 31 31 E Pool 12 Marvin May Dodge Geo Starr 53939 Lexton 34 l15slow 2310 108 1 1s I4 E Pool 9 LastRose MGaffuey G Autumn 62723 FGnds 34 115 hvy 1 107 1 32 52 E Pool 8 Fiibrtygibbet Herald GnGraiw 52641 FGnds 51 f 106 fast 14 101 2 2 2 k T Jarvis G Apple Jack II Ablaze Tenite 52568 FGnds 34 l12fast 165 110 1 1 11 T Jarvis 12 FrcdtheGt TNephew JkScot E2415 FGnds 34 l12faat 4 111 1 31 42 T Jarvis 11 TgaLg HidJewel MMaxim BELLE OF IZABETHTOWN 107 By Jack Atkln Cloiitereu by Carlton Grace br m 6 6Trainer Trainer W Coll Owner T Hoffler 54GS1 Latonia 34 l12fast 17 114 G Gi 6 J Hoffler 8 ANAkin RoyalDick CTaylor 54547 Churchl 34 l12fast 13f 114 5 31 Cl J Hoffler 12 Youueed HouMan BritishMaid BritishMaidG 54414 Churchl 34 l12mud W 107 G G G C2 J Hoffler G RisRock RapidDay Westwood 54118 Churchl 34 l14mud f 117 12 12 12 12 12l = l J Hoffler 12 Ruby Mabel G Kallipolis Kallipolislk 53415 Havana 34 l12fast 4 117 3 2 ink 52 523 j Hoffler 7 Sirocco Mayor House Dlf Eye Eye1i 53343 Havana 34 l12fast 4 117 4 1 1i 2 J Hoffler G MHouse Sirocco Sans Peur II III1 53302 Havana 61 f lOGfnat 5 115 4 2 1 I1 1 in J Hoffler C DifEyes Amer Ace Riverside 53181 Havana 34 l127cfast G 114 8 6 31 J Hoffler 8 Riverside DifferEyes LastOue 53102 Havana 61 f l06fast G 115 4 421 2 J Hoffler 8 American Ace Tacola Osgood 53082 Havana 34 113 fast 2 114 6 6 53 J Hoffler 5 MJumbo AttaBoyll Penelope PenelopeBy JANE PENNYBAKER b m 5 110 110Trainer By Sir John Johnson Dum Bum by Yankee Trainer E Brown Owner W Walker 55073 Latonia 34 l12fast IS 111 G 61 3s II King 10 Guvnor Cozette Klnglike 54681 Latonia 34 l12fast 2910 HO 3 Ch 7l ° H King 8 ANAkin RoyalDick CTaylor G4287 Churchl 34 lllfast 61 110 5 41 4 ° H King 9 Blueldise MarMay DrCmen 4SS97 Windsor 34 l13fast 2 110 7 24 2nk S McGraw 10 Kama DrOarmen CLeydecker 48293 Latonia 1 l33fast 7 109 3 65 6l ° H King 7 Iwin FHandley DancingSpray 48218 Latonia 34 116 hvy 1310 112 2 41 2 J Gruber 8 FHandley LadyLux BParase 4S091 Latonia 34 112 fast 55 109 4 61 75S C RobsonlO SewCotntis MisJtraa MotorCop 17GS3 Churchl 34 114 mud 4 106 2 I1 I1 C Bobson G Mile Dazle Looking Up Flag MISSED THE TIME ch f 4 110 110Trainer B Duke of Ormonde 8n an Lennox try Handset Trainer J I Paul Owner 7 L Paul 55078 Latonia 34 l12fast 28 110 6 7 7 74 7t W Lilley 9 BuddioKean MnrvinMay rEstcro 51654 Latorila 34 l13fast 18 113 9 10 10E4304 9 81 8 W Lllley 12 Marvin May Dodge JitHorn E4304 Churchl 78 l24fast 13 108 4 4 3 3 2s1 1J W Lllley 14 Adonis GroundSwell Youneed 54247 Churchl 34 l12fast 20 107 3 1 1 1 7 ° i H J Burkell DrCmen AJncklL SerstYprk 61350 Churchl 78 l2Gfast 20 107 4 2 2 3 41 361 II J Burkelr HiRhGeiir GdSwell BroLove 61322 Churchl 34113fast 12 104 4 4 6 4 4 J F Wilson 8 Ruby CotBloasom Bri of War 61132 Latonia 34 l12Vifast 9 103 7 7 7 7h 5 J J Roberts 8 MabelG AnJackll MarseJolm 60911 Latonla 1 116 l4Gfast 6 104 2 1 1 1 21 3S B Kenndy 8 Mazola Sams Boy Friz 60813 Latonla 34 lllfaat 215 105 1 3 3RUBY 2 2 3J B KenndylO LoulsA MabelG BclglanQueen BclglanQueenBy RUBY Ti f 4 105 105Trainer By Golden Maxim Hiva by Bempronint Trainer 7 T7mMottor Owner J Timer TJmenetter 54809 Latonia 34 118 hvy 3110 112 2 2 2 1s 1 = E Scobio 0 DrCarmcn Lancelot MyFonso 64547 Churchl 34 l12fast 23 108 8 8642S9 7 12 12 12 P Long 1 Younccd IIonMnn BritisliMaid 642S9 Churchl 34 l12fast 7 107 4 4 4 61 7 i P Long 11 TUabcIG Cozette BrJtishMaid 64118 Churchl 34 l14 mud 21 105 3 36140G 1 1 1s lz P Long 12 Mabel G Kallipolis Brig of Wat 6140G Churchl 34 l14fast 12 108 2 2 2 21 4 P Long 18 HonMan GlpsyQn TheNenhew 61364 Churchl 78 127 Rood 7 104 1 1G1322 12 2 61 9 P Long 0 ColuniTenn RufRlley LpuisA G1322 Churchl 34 l13fast 15 107 1 1E128C 1 1 UUP Long 8 CBlosspra BpfWar MtheTiine E128C Churchl 1 116 l50mud 25 97 1 111 I1 2 P Long 8 Accelerate Clmjuer WadsastL 61172 Latonia 34 l156mud 39 103 2 2 3 4 441 P Long 10 Mar May GipQueen LLuxurj 51072 Latonia 34 l12fast 36 101 6 6 8 8 P Long 8 ANAkn SamUch SweetLibtj VELLA K br f 4 M 100 By Buckhorn Evergreen by Ornament OrnamentTrainer Trainer J S Evorman Owner R Ii Hubble Hubble51S91 51S91 Latonia 34 l12fast 111 109 9 12 12 12 12 N Barrett 12 GlFrnnco BlanclicMae JuliaN JuliaN5117S 5117S Latonia 1 l42mud CO 104 G 5 4 4 4J 4 5 L Canfield Inquiry Friz Ttilsa TtilsaD1112 D1112 Latonia 34 l135fast 9f IOC 7 G 8 61 6 = L Canfield 12 Discnsn Pullux BofEliznbethn BofEliznbethnE0060 E0060 Latonia 1 l38 fast 72 100 5 5 5 5 4s 43 L Canfield HclgQtieen VAmerica GCurcl GCurcl60GP8 60GP8 Latonia 34 l14fast 14f 109 7 57 71 72 L Cahfieldl2 DomiaRoma DoLtorJiin Simonite SimoniteB0349 B0349 Lexton 34 l12 ifast 97 98 5 56 6s 715 L Canfield 7 VAmerica CBlosm ArrowPt 60297 Lexton 34 113 fast 34 981 5 6 6 G 5 L Canfield fl Jorjce BParadise LyFairPlay LyFairPlayCLINTONVILLE CLINTONVILLE b f 4 115 By Transvaal Maid Militant by Rainbow RainbowTrainer Trainer J H Nichols Owner 8 K Nichols 51951 Latonia 1 116 l45fast 3 114 2 4 4 9 10 10 ° E Pool 10 Title Marse John P G King 51654 Latonia 34 l13fast 7 10T 11 11 11 11s 10 J Francis 12 Marvin May Dodge Mcliorit 64415 Churchl 78 l2Gmud 4 110 4 2 3 2 3 3 E Pool 9 Dodge Furbelow By Golly 54198 Churchl S4 l12faat 95 110 3 76 61 3s M Garner 11 HiddenJewel GGold SComba 64061 Churchl 78 l24fast 6 115 6 5 4 4 31 2 M Garner 9 Flags Herald Louis A 63968 Lexton 34 114 slow 175 111 5 5 G 5 E9 J Rodgez 5 MinMan Brookliolt HighCloud HighCloud6S820 6S820 Lexton 34 l12fast 95 115 1 44 21 11 M Garner 10 Herald Gl France Dr Carmen 61392 Churchl 78 l2Gfast 7 110 3 3 5 6 4 4 C Buel 5 BluahingBeauty HarryB Dodge IMA ARCITE ch f 4 M 105 105Trainer By Arcite Bobs Pet by Cssarion Trainer W J Dowling Owner W J First start