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KENILWORTH PARK. The horses .which seem lest in Fridays races are: ... Kenllworth Park Windsor, Ont., July 21, 1921. 1 Fanatic, Playwright, Humorist. 2 Ashland, Lottie Ioraine, Star Time. ; OhlChap. Lough Eagle, Josie Gorman. 1 IMA FltANK. Ultra Gold, Some Baby. 5 Benevolent, Docod, Frank Shannon. 0 Broom Icddler, Harry Burgoync, Iron Hoy. 7 Madge F., Vice-Chairman; Dixie Carroll. T. K. Lynch. New York Handicap. 1 Playwright, Fanatic, Humorist. Chloris. 2 War Relief, Star Time, Photoplay, Ashland. 3 Old Ghap, Sergeant York, Lough Eagle, Josie Gorman. 4 Im.v Frank, Ultra Gold, Smart Guy, Hidden Jewel. 5 P.K1BED VOTER,. Mountain Rose II., Jack Mount, Benevolent. 5 Broom Peddler, Our Birthday, Walter Turn-: bow, Lady Longfellow. 7 :Dtxb; Carroll, Exhorter,. Grace, Madge F. Chicago and Buffalo Handicaps. 1 Fanatic, Playwright. Humorist, Chloris. 2 Photoplay, Win. Oldr, Star TiraP. Orma Dale. .! Tuscola, .Surmount, Lough Eagle, Sergeant York. 4 Ima Frank, Hidden Jewel, The Baggage, Ultra: Gold. 5 Benevolent, Corson, Mountain Rose II., Mis-; tress Polly. G Harry Burgoyne, Brown Peddler, Iron Boy, Peerless One. 7 INCOG, Dixie Carroll, Exhorter, Grace. . Observer Handicap. 1 Fanatic, Humorist, Playwright, Chloris. 2 Photoplay, Lottie Lorraine, Star Time, Win. Oldt. 3 LoUgh Eagle, Tuscola, Josie Gorman, Surmount.: 4 IMA FRANK, The Baggage, Some Baby, Cot ton Jllossom. o Benevolent, Corson, Frank Shannon, Jack Mount. 0 Harry Burgoyue, Darnley, Broom Peddler, Lady Ixingfcllow.- . . 7 Dixie Carroll, Incog, -Madge F., Star Realm. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Fanatic, Playwright, Humorist, Cldoris. 2 Photoplay, Asliland, War Relief, Lottie Lo- raiue. 3 Old Chap, Tuscola, Lough Eagle. Josie Gorman. 4 IMA FRANK, Ultra Gold, Hidden Jewel, The . Baggage. 5 Benevolent, Bribed Voter, Corson, Mountain Rose II. .0 Broom Peddler, Harry Burgoyne, Iron Boy, Our Birthday. 7 Dixie Carroll,-. Madge F., Incog, Exhorter. : ; , i