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Lady Baltimore, 5 to 1, Won AGAIN WE KILLED EM This Was Our 00 Guaranteed Special ANOTHER demonstration that we KNOW. Just another melon cutting, like Leathcrfftce. , 5 to 1, won. Head the comments of the racing- experts. Positively the ONLY horse sent JUST out on this track yesterday. Do you think wo KNOW? Let us PROVE IT. Several wecka ago wo announced in these columns a FREE Special Runolds Run. Recently they changed her name to lady Baltimore. Again wo say, "throw away your dope hooks," BUY INFORMATION. The purveying of "information" is, with us, a BUSINESS. GRAY GABLES 5-2 WON BR0MELIA 5-1 WON MAVWRNEEN 4-1 WON CH0 CH0 .20 WON FILED with the publishers of this paper. Our next 00 Guaranteed Special GOES Friday. AIL Like Xeatherfaco and Lady Baltimore, this is REAL "information." The price is 3100, and no propositions accepted. In order to circumvent the "pilferers," please INCLUDE your phono number. Wo prepay all telephone or telegraph charges on these specials. Tho next GOES Friday, Kush your subscription NOW. National News Service Turf Dept. SUITE 1002 - 100 NORTH DEARBORN" STREET - CHICAGO, ILL. C A GUARANTEED 31" SPECIAL THIS horse will be entered in a spot at Latonia Saturday where only exceptionally bad racing luck will beat him. A good boy will ride. Nothing will be overlooked to bring this horse down in front. Indications are that he will pay 4 or 5 to 1. I cannot say more. MY GUARANTEE If this horse does not win at odds better than 4 to 1 I will give you. FItEE. my daily wive at Latonia for the following six days. I cant be fairer. As mentioned above, this horse goes Saturday. The price is 0.00. No propositions accepted. Bush your subscription now. EASTESIDE .90- WON RUBY 2.90- WON WASHINGTON .40-?2 WON RADIO .70- WON 1 Third, 2 Losers, 2 Scratches. My record for the past 9 days at Latonia 07 per cent winner. Can you beat it V GEO. L. STRANG Suits 1920 CITY HALL SQUARE BLDG. CHICAGO, ILL. JACK FIELD THE MAN WHO KNOWS ONE HORSE A DAY PRICE Today Is the Day AT LATONIA Boys, if you miss this you never will forgive yourselves, as I have been waiting, for some time to get this one. Today I got the 6. K. that it is "in," and you know what this mcaiis. I also expect this to paj- a big price. COSTS YOU ONLY and if you paid 00 you couldnt get anything better. So rush to your newsdealer and get JACK FIELDS SPECIAL. JACK FIELD 20 W. Jackson Street Chicago, 111. I NATIONAL O. X. RACING LETTER j RANGOON 310-100 WON Was Yesterdays "Best Bet." Remember, We Absolutely Only Give TWO HORSES EACH DAY. Dont Hiss Todays. 50c At All Newsstands 50c Mailed Direct, 1 Week, .00; 2 Weeks. .00. "" NATIONAL O. K. PUBLISHING CO. Room 411, Baltimore Bldg, Chicago, 111. GUVNOR 370-100 WON j And a Loser Were Last Saturdays X Specials, j , Mail . We will wire you Satur- daJ" Sept. 17, two. We guarantee Uj0gS!and 1 winner. See latest REPORTER, V "jfc5ir 011 sau ,0aJ" newsstands. 35c, Wednesdays Special: Mail-Friday-Do-Us-Won-You THE TURK REPORTER. 22 W. aUINCY ST. Eatab. 1904. CHICAGO, ILL. BUSINESS INVESTMENT Would like to get in touch with a few reliable business men who wjll place $."? for me in return for real information uot tips from two stables only. About six horses each month. References required and exchanged. Write and I will identify myself fully and satisfactorily. Address W. D. L. BOX m t LEXINGTON Ky, Tippo Sahib SII.20-S2.Hon And a Loser Were Last Saturdays , XX Specials. Dont Fail to Get Next Saturdays Two Live Ones at Latonia All They Cost Is .00, and if One of tho Two Does Not Win You Get the Following SATURDAYS FREE KINGFISHER ....$ 4.90 WON APHIE DEAR ....7.50 2nd Were Saturdays Dailies. A Scratch and a Loser Were Mondays Dailies. CAP ROCK ...0.90- WON Other Result Not Known. Were Yesterdays Dailies, Terms for This Service: .00 for 6 Days. If Ycit Want to Get Next to the Live Ones GET NEW BOOK ON SALE TODAY 35 Cents at All Newsstands. HERE ARE A FEW WINNERS THAT WERE REPORTED IN THE LATEST BOOK: HUMPHREY ..2.65- WON THE WIT $ 6.25- WON R0CKMINISTER$ 1.85- WON WHISK 0.00- WON Itemember. when you are doing business with us you are dealing with one of the oldest and most reliable firms. TODAYS FORK SPECIAL: Octoher-Apple-21-54.CS.46 The Standard Turf Guide ROOM 403, 22 W. QUINCY ST., CHICAGO, ILL. H. E, DUGAN 515 MADISON AVENUE COVINGTON, KY. WE WON AGAIN YESTERDAY CAP ROCK 0.80-52 WON LAST WEEK WAS BIG WEEK FOR US TODAY AT LATONIA Terms: .00. Horse must win at o to 1 or better or you get next winner free. Expect todays horse to be best of meeting. Another goes tomorrow. Weekly Terms: 0.00. Remainder of Meeting, 21 Days, 0.00. FIREBRAND 1905-100 WON fjip- .;SS1 GALANTMAN 15-1, backed down to PyfflVjfiff 8-1, second, beaten a neck. Two KTm? nice ones, THOROUGHBRED, No. HfcjSs 531. Especially good, page gave. lftjHjpW Latest No. 032. Good all next week. HHB5andtfaJ On sale today wherever Kuciiig Form is, 35c. Todays best: Forward-Sc uth cm-Ate - Tar -Pay -Be . THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimore Bldg. Estab. 1907 Chicago, Illinois SUNNYSIDE HOTEL Magnolia Springs Baldwin County - - Alabama In tho heaxt of tho Fonco do Loon country, he tween Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Opes all the year round. Fine fishing. The Spring fiunl-ili a certain euro for kidney diseases.