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CHURCH ILL DOWNS FORM CHART LOUISVILLE. XT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1921. Churchill Doaviis 1 mile. Eighth day. Kentucky Jockey Club. Autumn Meeting of 10 days. Weather cloudy; temperature 48". Stewards, Unas. F. Price, S. C. Nuckols, Jr., A. 5. Leonard and C W. Hay. Judges, W. II. Shelley, N. H. McClelland ami Edward Jasper. Starter. A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary. W. H. Shelley. Racing, starts.. at 1:45 p. in. Chicago time 2:45 p. in.. W indicates Avhip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses folIoAving the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and Aveight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. Kg - j FIRST EACE 3-4 Mile. Oct. 16, 19131:112105. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and DOXOtJ upward. Claiming. Not value to Avinner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqnlv. Odds Strt 5694331ISS,D THE TI3IE w 4 112 7 7 71 C? 4i lt F Paul J L Paul 530-100 58108 s BEN BOLT wb 1 10S 5 4 4J 3- Si 2 G Fields J W OJell 235-100 57728 UNCLE VELO avis 3 1?7 10 3 9l 93 7i 3i E Barnes G F falter 1955-100 58065!B. OF ELIZATNwb 5104 110 l 2i lh 4 12 Scobic T . Hoff ler . 3S0-I00 1 58038COZETTE AV 3 100 9 8 7! 5i Da B Parke G J Long ; 1475-100 1 58108BEG PARDON w 3 110 S 2 5J Ah 0l Cn J Francis It P aiarshall 1055-100 i 58108 REFUGEE II. AV4 1I2 2 5 2l li 2 73 P Long T 31 Murphy 1565-100 1 58038 GROUND-SWELL wb 5 10S G 1 81 S1 S2 S3 .t Kederis .T L Earl 540-100 t 57977 ED GARRISON avb 7 101 3 6 3 51 9s 93 A Wilson AV Feuchtcr 1GS7C-100 57502 PHILANDERER avs 3 100.. 1 9 10 10 10 10 F Smith J C Calm 39715-100 1 Time, 23, 47, 1:12. Track fast. 1 1 i 1 t 1 mutuels paid, Jlisscd the Time, 2.60 straight, .90 place, .50 show; Ben Bolt, .90 place, .10 show; Uncle Velo, .20 show. r Equivalent booking odds "aiissed the Time, 530 to- 100 -straight, 195 to 100 plnce, 125 to 100 show; Ben Bolt, 95 to 100 place, 55 to 100 sIioav; Uncle Velo, 310 to 100 show. Winner Ch. f, by Duke of Ormonde Susan Lennox, by Hnnd3el trained by J. L. Paul; bred by 3tr. T. B. Jones. Went to post at 1:44. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the-same. MISSED THE TIME began slowly and suffered from Interference; but came with a. rush through the stretch and overhauled BEN BOLT in the last seventy ynrds. BEN BOLT raced prominently .all the Avay finished gamely and had no mishaps. UNCLE VELO closed a big gap in the last eighth and was going, fast at the. end. BELLE OF EL1ZABETHTOWN raced REFUGEE II. into defeat, but tired from her exertions. . . . . Scratched 5S130Diana, 111; 57S04 aiarso John, 105; 5S108Clintonville, 121; 534892Pyx, 100; 5S10S Plus Ultra, 110; 5S13C Young Adam, 114; 57C202Gorham, 106; 5S13C aierchnnt, 100; 5S133 Pousse Cnfe II., 99; 57335 Babylonian. 101; 50970 ainyfiower, 103.. . Overweights Belle of Elizabeth toAvn, 1 ponhd; Cozettc. 1; Philanderer, 4K-- .. KQTi A SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Oct. 8, 1913 l:0l 292. Purse 51,206.; 2-year-Ool 4" olds. Maidens. Claiming:. Net valuo to winner 00; second, 06; thirfl, 00. . Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odda Strt 58014 RADIOLA w 112 5 3 21 1" 1" li F Weincr S Sklnr.or t2930-100 5801 4 BLOSSOM HOUSE W 110 3 4 2U 3 25 2s 1? Parke it L Rogers 2154100 57Q71 WAKE UP av 112 9 10 5 4"" 35 3" AV 3Iorsoy J B Respess 315109 58066 sAVHO CAN TELL w ll2 U 1 4 51 4 4h D Cnnelly Fair Acre Farm 1065-1W 5B06C EVENING STORIES av 112 2 2 lh 25 55 S B Barnes M .C.Moore. 155.-100 58104 FLYING PRINCE wb 115 12 C 71 C2 C5 G R aicDott Dortch. .Erpn 1312J-100 5777lFIRST NATIONAL w 110 1 5 8 7i 71 7l A AVilson G Knebplknmp e720rl00 56215SKOOTER WB107 4 7 C2 82 S 82 jO Fields A L Klrby 680-100 580"66FIELD LARK w 107 7 11 ll2!!1 9 9? 13 Scobie KSpence.. 2465-100 57944 HINKLE WB 115 S 12 12 12 10s 102 J Kedertn AV L .Lewis t 57676 IDA atcGEE w 112 C 8 9i 92il2 H4- H J Burke C 31 Hardy 7 57309 CAUTIOUS av 112 10 9 10"10J 12 12 J Howard T C .McDowell 152S5-100 tilutuel field. Tiine, 23, 48, 1:01, 1:08. Track fast. mutnels paid, Eadiola, field, 0.60 straight, 4.20 place, .10 show; Blossom House, 5.30 place, .70 show; Wake Up, .50 show. . .. . . :. .. : Equivalent booking odds Radiola, field, 2820 to 160 straight, 010,, tp 100 place, 205 to 100 show; Blossom House, 165 to 100 place, 85 to 100 show; Wake Up, 125 to 100 Show. " v Winner B. f, by Chnctunundn Madame Curie, by Radium trained by O. C. Rasch; bred by Mr. John Sanford. t, . Went-to. post at 2:14. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second And .thircTdrlf-lug. RADIOLA. nAvay well and given a good ride, was. saved "close up in the early running dfid, under hard, riding, took the lead In the stretch and, outstaying RLOSSOai HOUSE, won going away. TJie latter van the best race he has shown, but swerved In the stretch, WAKE- UP came- last through the stretch and finished gamely. WHO CAN TELL .suffered, from interference. EVENING STORIES set n iast early pace and Avas forced back in the last eighth when BLOSSOM HOUSE swerved. Scratched 5S101 Spods, 115; 58039 The Franciscan, 115; 5S104 Plunella, 112; 5S131 Ethel Vale, 112; 5S063 Ambush. 107; Ferguson. 115. . . " -d fy-i THIRD RACE 1 1-8 Miles. May 14, 1921 1:50 3-116, Purse ,200. 3.year.oids 5Q pJL.S X and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; tlfird,: 00.. ..-. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 57983 ELEANOR S. avb 3 1 02 3 2 2U 2 lh li l3 A AVilson A Baker 565-100 57810THE WIT av 4 108 5 7 C ?fi 22 25 2i B Parke R L Rogers 163-100 57979 BLARNEY STONE av 3 112 2 1 ? 810 52 4" 32 H J Burke Reiser Bros 3240-1Q0 57649 BIDDLEDEE avb 4 111 8 1M! 23 31 46 E Barnes ai Gbodpaster 1550-100 579832 GIPSY LAD - avb ? 100 1 3 810 75 7s 5 5 E ScObie R H Shannon 525-100 58044 KiaiPALONG avb 5 116 4 3 9 9 9 7s G3 J D aincy J L tCnlght 735-100 5813 6 D ARNLE Y" avb 5 111 9 S 5 Gl 41 61 7 E Josiah P J Graham 1790-100 57945LAC KAAVANNA w 5 101 G 4 45 5 Gi S3 8 G Fields AVilliams Bros 1065-1OJ 57977 AVISE aiAN av S 110 7 5 3 4h si 9 9 D Cnnelly J aicPherson 4140-103 Time, 24, 48, 1:13, 1:39, 1:52. Track fast. mutuels paid, Eleanor S., 3.30 straight, .70 place, .10 sIioav; The Wit, .40 place, .90 show; Blarney Stone, 2.30 sIioav. Equivalent booking .odds Eleanor S., 505 to 100 straight, 183 to 100 place, 103 to 100 show; The Wit, 70 to 100 place, 45 to 100 sIioav; Blarney Stone, 515 to 100 sIioav. AVinner Oh. f, by Ivan the Terrible Arline, by The Commoner trained by A. Baker; bred by air. R. n. Sanford. AVent to post at 2:49. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily,;, second and third" driving. ELEANOR S. was saved close up. until in the last quarter, where she raced into the lead with a rush and Aroii iii a canter. THEAVIT raced prominently all the Avay and finished gamely. BLARNEY STONE canie fast through the stretch. BIDDLEDEE set the pace to the far turn and tired badly. GIPSY LAD closed a gap. KIMP ALONG ran poorly. LACKAWANNAS race shonld be thrown out. Scratched 58105 Omond, 103; 57079 Mary Jane Baker, ,97., Overweights Eleanor S., 3 pounds;. Leckawanna, 1; Wise aian, 2. .. - 5Q- PfO FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Oct. 16, "1913 1:11 2 105. Pourtii Avenue Purse. Purse OIil ,2C0. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqnlv. Odda StPt 573C6 2 CENTIMETER av 3 102 9 1 2 25 l 1" B Kenndy G L Blackford 480-100 579.43 3 ESTERO n 4 112 3 10 St 41 25 2 R aicDott G ai Hendrie 1440100 58011J. S. REARDON wr. 3 107 1 5 iu it .-p 31 E scobie aiontfort Jones T1445-10O 58013 -Jiai DAISY ws 3 107 10 3 95 8"" 45 4l E Uarnes R L Baker 1800-100 58106 LADY" aiADCAP av 3 10S 7 7 7 G5 5l 5U J Howard D Breckenridge 255-100 58068 ailSS MUFFINS av 3 100 11 2 35 35 G5 C2 B Earke J O and G H Keene 860-100 580C83PLANET wb 3 107 4 G 4and 55 75 7i F .AVeiner Shafer and Conway J605-100 58043 3BULLET PROOF avb 4 105 8 9 102 92 S S12 J Kederis Shafer and. Conway t 58068 aiARCELLA BOY w 3 99 G 11 11 11 101 5at W Pool aiontfort Jones -t 57593SEAVELL CaiBS avb G 111 2 4 5 71 9U101 H J Burke Gallahcr Bros 1025-100 579802RAPID TRAVELR av 4 10G 5 8 GIO2 11 ; 11 J D Slney J aiarino 1030-100 tCouplcd in betting as aiontfort Jones entry; iShafer and Conway entry. Time. 23. 47, 1:11. Track fast. mutuels paid, Centimeter, 1.60 straight, .20 place, .10 show; Estero, 7.60 place, 0.00 show; aiontfort Jones entry, .90 show. , , Equivalent booking odds Centimeter, 480 to 100 straight, 310 to 100 place, 155 to 100 show; Estero, 7S0 to 100 place, 400 to 100 show; aiontfort Jones entry, 293 to 100 show. ; v Winnei: B. c, by Mcclick Rcgea, by Margrave rained by R. X. Vestal; bred by Mr. George L." Blackford. . ... - Went to post at 3:1S. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and bird the. same. CBNTI3IBTER followed JOHN S. REARDON in closest pursuit to the stretch, then took. tlic" lead and under hard riding outstayed ESTERO. The latter Closed a gap from a slow beginning with great speed and after being forced wide made a fast and game finish. JOHN S. REARDON showed fine speed in pacemnking, but tired in the stretch. JIJI "DAISY closed a big gap. LADY aiADCAP was" taken baCk soon after the start and tired after racing well to the stretch. PLANET and BULLET PROOF Avere always outrun. Scratched 5S133 Travesty, 103. Overweights Centimeter, 1 pound; aiiss aiuffins, 2; Rnpid Traveler, 1. 1 1 52"fll I7Q FIFTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. May 14, 1921 1:50 3 116. South Louisville Hanaiclp. OJL s O Purse ,400. 3-year.olds and upward. Net value to winner ,100; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqnlv. Odds Strt 580692DrR. CLARK av 4 119 3 2 1 15 li 23 1 D Cnnelly at Goldblatt 115-100 58069 FIREBRAND wb 3 llG 5 G 53 41 3 iu 2s B Kenn.dy J S HaAvkihs 535-100 58015 ROULEAU avb .4 107 4 1 42 ;3S 43 3 3 J D ai.jiey aiontfort: JOhea 1395-100 58009 aiARRIE HYNES w 4 114 6 4 21 2i 25 43 4 E Barnes Harned Bros 490-100 58069 DARJEELING avb 3 101 15 6 C C 55 5 F Welner J N Camden 579813ADONIS w 3 102 2 3 3U 5nk 52 6 6 J .Kederis J S Ward 700-100 tCoupled in betting as J. N. Camden and aiontfort Jones entry. Time, 23, 47, 1:11, 1:37, 1:49 new track record. Track fast. mutuels paid. Dr. Clark, .90 straight, .40 place, .40 sIioav; Firebrand, .10 place, .10 show; J. N. Camden and Montfort Jones entry, .50 show. Equivalent booking odds Dr. Clark, 145 to 100 straight, 70 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Firebrand, 155 to 100 place, 55 to 100 show; J. N. Camden and aiontfort Jones entry, 25 to 100. show. Winner Ch. g, by Broomstick Panasine, by Peter Pan trained by at. Goldblatt; bred by Mr. Harry Tayne Whitney. . AAent to post at 3:48. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and: third the same. DR. CLARK, under a good ride, set a fast pace to the stretch and, , after being headed, rallied and outstayed FIREBRAND in the; final stride. FIREBRAND rah a great race, and was holding on resolutely at the finish. ROULEAU ran a good race and had no mishaps. MARJORIE HYNES raced in closest pursuit, to the stretch and "qiiit badly; The others were badly outpaced. f7Q SIXTH RACE 6 1-2 Furlongs. Oct. 17, 1921 1:17 4 112. Purse ,200. 2-year-O 5QH JL 4 TC olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt str Fin Jockeys Owners Bqnlv. Odds Strt 57982 WOLFS CRY av 105 G 3 Ink 1 j ji 12 A AVilson G Knebelkamp 700-100 57li43BILLY STAR av 104 3 S Cfc-71 5 25 2 E Scoble aiontfort Jones 1150-100 58014BOBBED HAIR avb 93 2 5 2" 25 2 35 35 A Thelen E R Bradley C80-10O 580142BERNICE K. AvlOO 1 1 5"t 45 3 -1 4s B Parke C AATiedemann 450-100 57982 SREKAB wsb lOG 7 2 Co C5 5 52 E Barnes G F Baker 610-100 58042 RED LEAF avb 110 5 7 8 3l 41 6s C3 D Cnnelly B .T Brannon 2525-100 57727 LOUANNA avb 109 9 4 35 5 7J 75 72 II J Burke J O and G H Keene 450-100 575982SALAaiANDER wn 107 4 G 7 S S 8 S J D ainey J Lowe 2080-100 57171 ALOFT w 110 S Left at the post J Kederis Greentree Stablo 695-100 Time, 23, 47, 1:13, 1:19. Track fast. ?2 mutuels paid, Wolfs Cry, 6.00 straight, .40 place, .10 show; Billy Star, 0.90 place, .20 sIioav; Bobbed Hair, .30shov. Equivalent booking odds AVolfs Cry. 700 to 100 straight", 270 to 100 place, 155 to 100 show; Billy Star, 445 to 100 place, 2G0 to 100 show: Bobbed Hair, 1C5 to 100 show. Winner Br. e, by HoneyAvood Kumiss, by Athellng trained by L. Johnson; bred by Nevada Stock Farm. . . . . AAent to post at 4:25. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow for all but ALOFT. Won easily; .second and third driving. WOLFS CRY sot a fast pace, held sway throughout and won going away. BILLY STAR came fast back in the last quarter. BOBBED HAIR was in a jam In the early running ::nd made a game finish. BERNIOE K. tired. REKAB was knocked out of any chance after going the first quarter. RED LEAF and LOUANNA quit. Scratched 5797S Reliability, 100; 58010 Lina Clark, 100; 57365 Evil, 96; 5S016 Lady Astor, 90. .Overweights Red Leaf. 1 pound; Lonanua, 3; Benilce K., 2. nrtC SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Sept. 25, 1911 1:44 5 105. Purse ,200. 5Q O-lL 4 v9 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00.: Index Horses AWtPPSt H 3A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqnlv. Odda Strt 58132 DANTZIC avb 112 2 2 3and 25 15 l3 la N J Barnes T E Edwards 956-lpO 580712aiISS FONTAINE av 101 10 4 2i 32 3l 25 25 E Scobio K Spence 390400 57728 aiAVEHONA av 109 1 1 G 45 4J 45 3 E Barnes F J Kelley 450-100 58012 AU REAOIR av 106 3 5 55 C G5 C3 4i J D ainey J O and G H Keene 4710-100 58071 PENAVELL av 104J 9 3 l"k 11 25 3 53 H Gray Kohn and Theisen 620-109 57979 DAINTY LASS av 109 7 7 S5 92 7 7 C R aicDott J S Ownbey 420-100 58012. NOT YET w 103 5 S 92 S2 S5 8 72 B Kenndy Ford and Hider 16055-100 57977RING ROSE av 104 G 10 75 7k 55 55 85 B Parke J Masterson 445-100 58011 ALL RIGHT SIR avb 110 8 fi 45 55 95 92 9 D Cinclly Keith and Hak B75-10O 58071GRACE DAUGHTY" ws 101 4 9 10 10 10 10 10 "V Thelen at aiurnan "8710-100 Time, 23. 48, 1:14, 1:39, 1:46. Track fast. mutuels paid, Dantzic, 1.10 straight, 0.10 place, .90 sIioav; aiiss Fontaine, .20 place, .40 show; aiavehoua, .20 show. Equivalent booklug oiids: Dantzic, 955 to 100 straight, 405 tp 100 place, 195 to 100 show; Miss Fontaine. 160 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; aiavehoha, 110 to 100 show. " . rs ; .AVinner Br. g, by Bryu Mawr Dance Spirit, by Rock Sand trained by T. E. Edward; bred by Mr. Thomas Clyde., Went to post at ,4:5S. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow,. Won easilyf second and: thlrfl driving. JDANTZIC, lucky at the start. Avas saved close up to the stretch, then rushed into thdleid and won. in a cantpr. MISS FONTAINE raced forwardly from the start and made a game finish. atAVEHdNA ran well and finished fast and gaining.. PENWELL tired after setting a good pacQ to the stretch. AU RBVOIR finished closo up.. RING ROSE was always far back. Scratched 5S133 British "Maid, 109;. 58133 Greenland, 106; 58071 Old Faithful, 104; 57653 Montillo, 101; 58071 Doyle, 106; 5S071 W. G. McClintoek, 106. Overweights Peuwell, 1 pounds; All Right Sir, 1.