Fridays Inferior Racing: Card Devoted Mainly to Humble Grade of Selling Platers, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-14


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FRIDAYS INFERIOR RACING1 • • P* J | Card Devoted Mainly to Humble I Grade of Selling Platers. i • m Irish Kiss Wins the Feature of the Day Without a Bit of Trouble — Fast Track Near. »- ■■ o — ■ NEW ORLEANS. La., January IS. — Today"- racing offering bad an offday appearance, the neaal 81,898 f.-u;uie failing " ettraert safflcieet entries ; and ennelng ■ blanket distribotion i panes, for whirl] hum" .f the i rer raeen competed. Their i-von grade, hears rer. awde taterestJag racier, possible, some ef the riaishee » ing extremely rleee. Plea of the daehes were at eeer mile and h«- public usually respond- better to this style- thai to the sprint races, which eccoonted far Hie generous atteadaace preaeat. Caal aad dear weather, with s rapidly drying tra.k. were the eatward cea-dition*. The only race net bavins n claiming elanee i brought ta the peat five p » » l eaee. with Li-h Ki-s the favorite and the winner in eaaj faahJoa from Wapiti, with Cearl View la third place. The eappeeed denfrronn contenders, Pnler and nalii ■ tigered exton-iveiy. with the farmer loading for tareeaarters, then dropped kaek and were far in the rear at the finish. The inaugural aaah introduced ■ cheap band af maiden- and it waa only fitting that the serea-year-old Marie Rnppold should al last place it vi. lory to her credit. Rhe ramf with a aeaaatieaal di-play of speed from l;:st place in the final quarter io achieve her entrees erer HeraMden and Aihive. The second race eanbted the Plerieeat stable to take down its fir-: pane ef the laeetiac whea Tni Ins, maklug i J i — de-hut for the winter, got i:n under Pools hard riding to outstay Cianny Lee. Ctona d flatll la the third race te ok the pane from Kaaajaei after this pair had induced Redmeo with the lead aatil the Inst sixteenth. The trio, however, were ridden oat t" the laai aaace and fnrnUbed i speetnralai straggle at aae -m;" ef lite piooeediiigs Wyaaen i ia the filth race pitre |ach ■ i. ac liis daily winning mount, but it a- only alio: ■ hard race to shake off Graj Gaale* .ml !ay Iillj. A stronger rider on Herd »;irl atiffht live-;_•.%. n her the victory. KcoMc neeaM not of form at preaeat. DOUBLE FOR JOCKEY MOONEY. Seareh Light 111. and Mi-s Faataiae faaaht ■ hard ttietch duel In the sixth race, wit, i Mooiicys ■ape i lai riding skill triaatpaaai arer Wilson and eaabliag Bearca Light III. to win. It waa Maaaeyi ■eroad wiaaer at ih - afternoon The eaaetaaaap race wa- takn ajr Midnight sun, Which beat Zone dAnnci- after I thrilling .s:;ttgv:!e. ij/.y Lou finished in third | lace. A hichl] racceasfol 1 1 i • ■ .t~ staged this ■ftcraoea by llajar laaea at the Aasericaa Beaianai Aasacia-1 1 n . Nutnoicrv lite ateaihen wore earalled, as well ■a member- for the easniaa jrear. it lariaded the yonapeat membe: la I ia aaaaclatlaa m the peraeia ■ ■: Robert Clifford Baxtoa, bara thl* aaacaiap. The !• ••n. ! father. Clareate Baxtoa, was teceiTiag coa-jTratulatfaMM from owners all cluiin. the afternoon a •■! the addii loa io ; ii« family. .lock-y Barrj Laasfard departs far Bavaaa today ami w in eadearoc ta radace his weight law eaaapb tci ride the season out at the Cuban track The .. aii r baa he-e-i against i.iin bare ia his efforts to kmer his paaadape and it was aal at the «aeatiaa 1 far him to - al.- low eaaagh to get aa kind •• ■ saeaaf at the Pair Granada. Bert W"i!lji.ii!s today disposed of .lago and Graai Tree- taW. D. Berahardt, htcal tarfasaa. iac- trans-aetlaa waa private. Atorneys for the Bashteas Men- Lacing Association this mo: ning filed ■ iiotiou far the dismissal j of charges against the direeton and affielala af the aaaaeiatiaa n the ground- thai the manner in [ Which di-trie-t attorney Marr had arranged for the arraignment of the Ufaed was illegal and ia violation of the constitution. Mr. Marr had filed five J • hinges against each affleial and had -o arranged thiaps that each criminal court judge would try each of the officials. Arguments on the motion will be heard tomorrow by the five criminal judges sitting in banc-.

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Local Identifier: drf1922011401_1_2
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