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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF Iluettiste. the eraea American steeplec hu-er ncew In Kugland, is held in high reaped h] the iinglisii hsailiappcia as. far iaataace, in t i ■ «- Victory Steeplechase j at Maaeheater, ia which he was expected to make his Lngli-i. debut but did not. lie was as-higne-d " even weights, 1T». with Silver Ring at the * tap of the list. The latter i- one ef the tepaetehen 1 niuoug Bapllah Jarapera. It is af-eited that Bapce Rools. the criu k handicap bane, which had a reeaneaee »f hi« aid leg trouble while preparing for the New Years Hand: cai al the Kair Grounds, may not get back to the I races before next spiing. Royee RooN is owned by Billy tiibsoit of the pugili-tie world, whe races with liavers as the latosaaat Stable. In his ,., iug career of four years — he did not Mart as | I two ytur-cdcl Koyc i. Mi has won twenty times * and earned $.•". ." 4S.