Third Race [3rd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-14

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Til I II II IIACK 3-4 Milo. M-yoar-oldt* I upward, riaiiiiiiitr. Dee. 20, 1UU-r— 1:11 *i-r»— •-:. 1 1 4a- a V.1SF JVDC.E, b. e. 4 109 By Jndgo Wri«lit»-Mrs. Wright, by M«-i«lto. Xaiiwr, II. Tullfctt. Owar, t»m o Shanler Stable. 6 ..741 Tijuana 6 f l:«-;..iaat 15 112 7 7 7 7 714 It Uority 7 Lit.lointor. M. Dunbar, JkLedi i 82653 Tijuana M f 1:09 lat 13 112 S 11 11 II 11** C Whittn 11 Ceorge Jaiuc. Alajah. Aiyauua 1 6:»22 Tijuana .2-4 1116 faat 11-5 110 « 8 7 7i 6»i C WhlttonlO Tawasentha, JkLedi, Sis. Polly - 62846 Tijuana 61 f 1 Mii a»t li-ef 100 3 6 4 3J 1: NFodiu la Croupier, TbeVnuip. ShpSuuirrcl U791 Tljoana oj i l:«»3WU t k f III l»7 N Fuden Ui Cii«iinant, John Lake, Tbcfpmp 1 £ £ . I I I i j f i ; : INDIAN BRIGADE, ch. r, 8 118 By Brigade— Wild Irish, by Pontine Trainer. W. O Smith. Owner, A. Wright. ."95.i; Tijuana 2-t 1:21 hvy L9 10 Ho Z 5 3 2- 2« K Noble 7 Lewis P... T; Btkel 5! is7 Tijuana 5-8 1:07 slop 14-5 110 5 5 5 4s 4-1 R Duggan « Jos.Corman. DalsyN.. KondHope 59451 Tiiuana 3-4 l:22%mud 42-10 MB 4 1 1 11 2» F.Noble 10 Raisy, Lavaca. I.adv Jo?.epbin« 688M Tijuana 51 f 1:13 slop 7 110 I 5 4 4» 2»J B Noble S Charmant, Fund Hope. liwls B. 59353 Tijuana .".4 1:0 mud 12 116 2 4 4 23 3" D Frogtte C Har.hmarr. Plantagenet, L faaa 69227 Tijuana lm70y l:52*lslop 46 113 4 2 4 4 61 8l» J Murray 7 Dalwood, Gen.Byng, Llt.Orphaa ROBERT XEE. b. g, 9 117 By General Roberts— Princess, b7 Cheviot. Trainer, J. G. Stadler. Owner. B. S. Irrin. 68869 Willows 8 f 1:34 List 16 iU 9" P. McFwen 0 I»la. Kio. ftlnaaiiiai 68113 Hasfgs lm70y 1 :50 fast 24 112 8- • F. Mc own OCouita. J»ldie Tranter,. Gift 55951 Rhouse 1 1 :41 :fast 29 Ml 9-" G Wlllims 8 Tok. March. Hubbub Dr.Saasael aSM8 Bhenaae 11:42 fast 18 M8 8 « K Neal ;s Pierrot. Dr. Sauitiel. Von Ijnl» ."51-7 Reno lm70y l:47"-,fast 7 108 10" J Majestic 10 Ruth Harrigan, Gift. Jewel City 55412 Reno 6| t l:08hfast 22 106 4« D Poweil S Hovi rs Topaz, J.Cwd, H.Dale CHROME, ch. g, 5 112 By Sigurd— ftueoncup, by King Eaustue. Trainer. J. Bainboth. Owner, J. Rainboth. 59485 Tiiuana 5-S l:«7%alop 9-5 IM 3 2 2 3* 31 F Matey 7 Ma-.Kranklin. Squasli. L"yl".i:i-i 59406 Tijuana 5-8 1 : 7--hvy I W8 I 3 3 8i 21 F Miicy 10 R..-.1 Atkia. Pan 1 Hope. Beatfal S8M5 Tijuana 6a f l:11- .mud 10 110 8 5 4 1"J 21 F Mlley 11 Orln-Cirl, DaisyN., Hds I Win 59259 Tijuana 51 f 1 :12=.-.slop 4 HI 3 3 3 4» 4"! F MJtey 7 Perfect Da v. tliarmant, L. lone 51223 Tijuana 5-8 l:051islop 36 110 4 3 4 4l 2- F Miley 8 Bill Head, Squash, Daisy N. PETI AR. b. g, 9 117 By Collar— Petit Tor, by Wolfs Crag. Trainer, H. Rasmussen. Owner. H. Basmusseni. 58648 Tijuana 5 f l:18%bvy l 113 1 7 7 5- 8«iL Hall 8 Beleal* as. Dol.Hart. Ourllazt-1 68861 Tijaaaa 2-4 1:S-smud 38S 113 8 5 8 7s «»J L Hall 10 Baisjr, Lavaga, Indian Brigade 595S!5 Tijuana 3-4 1 :19siop 72 1H 6 6 7 7 7 I, Hall 7 Merry Earns. Bai-». Daaoebj 5049 Omtiha 11:47 slow 44 117 6° I, Hall 12 N.K.Real. DgonBock, Mljeatrf 51873 Omaha 6-8 1:01 fa-t 29 1!« 24 L Hall 12 OldCoin, Blue.Iay. WaUhT.Hiep MEX. b. g, 10 117 By Mexican— Eastern Shore, by The Bard. Trainer, E. fltowell. Owner, E. Stowell. 51 562 Tijuana 5; f 1:18 hvy 1S-5 115 7 7 1 :• ,:rl, J Metcalf 7lle-tful. Infield. Dienep. 59222 Tijuana 5-8 1 :"».-.. hvy 6 114 I 6 I tr- 4*| C Cro-« Black Ledl, Boaa Atkin. Infiehl 68211 Tijuana 6-8 1:04s:. si op 3S-M 181 G G 4 41 4« C, Willfms S 4Tr the Way, JaeklVadl. FdHnp. CS929 Tijuana 6i f 1 M fast 28 112 6 10 10 8l 8"i B McEwoall Baay Bird. ladling. Our Maid 67854 Willows 3-4 1 31 109 fi12 O WllUm.*10 Mar.Pet, Due de Guise, Volima 67751 Willws Ab 5-8 1:01 %hvy 34 114 6" F J Bak-r 9 S.pi.ish, Coni.lion. Koemsn 57696 Willws Ab 5-S 69 fast 14 IM 6J B Pinnep/rln Mad. Hurry. Oaaetea, K.Tranter 57155 Hasfg3 6i f lSialop 8 107 813 G WilUms 8 Choir Master, Tutt, Beyn P.ED MAX, ch. g. 8 117 By Abe Frank— Alma Gardia, by Rancocas. Trainer, A. White. Owner. White A Lilly. 55220 Reno 3-4 6 188 6t W Mclnre 8 Smil Anna. Lantern. BLFIewCf 56881 Rene 3-4 1:11 fast 17 110 :.". w Mclnre 7 MaakJnIL, MerryLaaa, Lantern 64888 Reno GJ f 1 :N% ood 26 ill v 1: Turk 7 DaedeGatee, MissSedalia. Btael 51077 Tijuana 3-4 l:landHalow 8 118 5»| J Majestic 14 Piaarro, Humma, Medfnr.1 B01 63898 Tijuana 3-4 1 :15 fast 9 111 1- B Taylor 0 Med. Hoy. Dr.Kendall. M.Baraef 53863 Tijuana 3-4 l:14*ifast 12f 11113 13 13 13 1 .-■ .V Z igler IS Capeta, Bnaltaaa, Patsy Mack ARGEHTO, br. g, 8 117 Ey Jake Argent— Ardenes, by Amigo. Trainer, A. £. Sherman. Owner. Lane and Sherman. 56263 Reno lm20y l:42%fast 72 113 V A Zebjter I Cafeteria. BeraleeB., MJ*pbaaa 55178 Ri no lm70y 1:47". fast 25 116 l*RC|ritt S M. Fuller. M. Josephine. BatOM 54971 Beao 3-4 l:17::.good 33 113 8" ■ Fator tt Plaager, Tansbiaa, 0 Ilsaiiilia8 5177 Tijuana 3-4 l:15r=,slow lof 115 8 " Powel 14 Piaarro, Hnmasa, Medfatd Boy : t: Tijuana lrn70y 1:19 sior l"f lit 10-- B Carter 10 Dieaero, Caardom, Vaa Lady 63881 Tijuana i 1-1. 1 :4X-..f;r,t tif 11, H:n B Carter 11 Nasootali. CoLMatt, K.oflythlsa IRISH REIKA. b. f. 3 M 98 By Irish Exile— Queenland II., by Cliaveden. Trainer. F. II. Copciand. Owner, F. Copcland. 69486 TIJaaaa 5-8 i:ov i,,j, 7U vt I 5 «; t,- 1. : w ie:iii 7 Mas. Praafclin, SQaaaa, Cbrowe 69426 TIJaaaa. t 3-4 l:-2 mini 17 9j 3 t 7 ~t 7- P Hum .» Pignron, Sippara, Miss Hilda II. 68086 Tijuana 11:1: . r.i t 1.7 7 1 3 7 8 8» 8» P Hum .1 Ballotear, Tutt. Piaeeftal 69883 Tijuana 61 f 148 faat 188 97 I I 11 11- :• ■• P Hum 12 Garden City, Pii rest, lij.ip.n 688 82 Tijuana 5X1:0;: faat l-f 83 9 12 12 U |IM A Arviri 12 Maaerick, Stiletto, W. O. Paaly 64874 Kei.o 1-2 4*%sood 41 IM 715 M aTtbewa 7 I.ste.-i. MsigUtStoriea, Mrs Pat 63686 TUaana 1-8 48%faat 26f 115 1 4 4* 9» T Me.ullhio Pol. Wale. pisaiOatU. MTalalitna riTZOEBST.B. br. g. 12 118 By Hurst Park— Helen Connelly, by T/ncomnum. Trainer. V. A. Sandidge. Owner. B. Sandidgc. 593 ■:: Tijaaaa ■ H:8*%hvy 10 109 8 8 8 7-i 1 .1 Htamer S Jack Ledl, Rosa Atkia, lafieM 6::97l Tijuana 1 1-8 l:58%fast 41 113 8»» T Kindle 7 GoOn. Ckattaa Court. Staule.-.S. 68537 Tijuana lrn7oy l:47%faat 4if IM 9 9 9 9 M M*a T McCairbll Propltecy. M. Dunbar. R Ucwn S33S4 Tijuana 3-11:15 fust 86f 103 14 14 13 12« 12» T Kindle 14 Dienero. Baotew, Last Qpaea 62484 TUoaaa 1 l:46mud Mf 188 10 =• C Whiftonll Prevaricate. Hoaolala, AnnqSlar 52298 I i juana 1 l:42%Cast 131 108 910 C Whitton 1 Tambian. An..Iackeoo, Tjophecy 52190 Tijuana 1 l:42Vandfast 1 3 113 1* R Dority 12 Welga, TJaJaa, Gift MONTPERRI. ch. h, 5 M 117 By Montgomery— Perrier, by F. W. Barr. Trainer, A. S. Williams. Owner, A. S. Williams. 69498 Tijuana 5! f l:l".-.hy 6 113 3 I G •- 7 C BrowB 8 AsbtoaGirl, DcwyFieM, j.Hart 591L5 Tijuana 5-4 1:22 mud 38 11". G 2 1 4*1 4*1 C Brown 8 Pigaron, Sippara, Miss U.,1 -la II. 69186 Tijuana 5. f 1:11 -.-.slop 72 M8 7 6 6 7V 7s T Wilson 12 LittleBoniper, HilIHeal..*igaren 59063 Tijuana 6] f 148 fast IM 111 M 11 9 7-i 7" B Denny 12 Gaidea City, Piaecreat, Figaron 5S933 Tijuana 5-S l:02V-=fast 2« Hill U U 11 11" W Perry 11 D. tie Guise, W. Wliitaker, View McCROAN. b. g, 6 117 By Modred— Leenja, by Hastings. Trainer, T. Hunt, Owner, Smith tc Williams. ." "1 Tijuana 3-4 1:23 hvy 38 tM S 5 G 5 5" P Hum S L.Ilouiper, W.Saaake, DouDodge 59407 Tijuana 1 1:51 slop 17 105 2 3 2 3 6* 5*i P Hum 0 Dora, Bnaltaaa, Sippara 59271 Tijuana 3-4 l:18-..mud 6f 96 9 10 10 10 10* P Hum 10 W. Smoke. M.Rute, avalradrll. 59282 Tijaaaa 1 1-8 2:«3%slop 23 IOS 112 2 4 i* J Htamer ■ Baekaorall., W. Smoke. B.SIe4er 591X6 Tijuana 2-4 1 :17i.alop 52 110 7 6 5 5J 6 5 F Miley 7 M.Srathem. Rv.Harsan, ByBird 5908s Tijuana 51 f 1:09 fast B-tt 108 8 10 11 11 H» F Miley 11 View, Bl Sabio. l-.asy Bajd i9 il6 Tijuana 5-S 1:0: Vast 112 P 7 6 8 8 8 8:l W Matey 8 CiearLake, H.Suiarr, Hap.Vall#y

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