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C : li b b D e S o . a [, ■ n ti to p v t ; i i a ;, - « | , , , , • ] i I PUBLIC FORM GOES AWRY If Change to Fast Track at Tijuana Plays Havoc ! with Speculators Betting Wisdom. . il-HANA. Mexico, Jaaaary 15.— The retain to ■ !a-l track and I he appearance of freak horse- arere Ike iii-iiiunis t. upset the talent Saturday and their best judgment went awry, except in oae race, this beiag the seventh, in which the aged caiupaignei lion Dodge, tke public choiee. scored. Beautiful weather prevailed ami the visitors de- J elated thai at lasl all the good things said of Southern California climate were tinging Hue. The combination of a fine toaiec and perfect cliaaatic conditions were instrumental in aaaeathUag a big and enthusiastic attendance which was treated lo -me spirited racing. The three year-old race, at five and one-halt Im -longs, which was carded as the fourth, produced a stirring finish. In this four youngsters fiBished al most in perfect alignmeni. for Hey really ran down the finish like a detachment ot soldiers in com- I" pany front. The wiaaer was foaad in Plow steel, t which won by inches from Thriller ami Traatpet tall, with Nellie Harper, the favorite, fiaishiag ■ f.l-l. 1: Tiie best field of the -lay parallel in Hie fifth » race, in which the betting wioBOBI decreed Nonsuit v ike favorite. However, le- brought up tin- rear i this field after showing early speed. Herder, after rest, returned io the races lit and ready and showed his heels to Lady Small, with Bobby Allen : taking third money. The latter was shaffled rear- j ward soon after the stair. When he found a clear ■ path he closed fastest of all and showed that had he escaped interference he would have been a keeaei ,v reateaaer. The omen of ill link still follows A. 1. Austin, the Marylaad boraeauia, His Vic Maaoa was the victim of bad ride. Jockey Donotuu- efforts were both ludicrous and paiafal to watch. t DOCTOR D00RLEY SPRINGS SURPRISE. t Doctor Doerley, making his first start of the meet- , in-. Blade all blink th"ir eyes as they watched his , dazzling speed and ability to stick it eat. H - ,,i-BWay firsi and eettiag all the pace reached tie- | finish : bead in front ..i" By Rright. Doctor Doorley -..,- totally aaexpected. As a result be paid Bfl2.30 io I, the loagest price of the meeting t.. dale, lam biau fiuisheii third, while Bnaecraft. the favorite, , Was away -lowly and was never a serioas coijtender. , CI Kabht, wbieb, by virtare af his continuous Pl fotlllalice-. seems elllitled to the appelation of , "the iron horse." scored another victory yesterday William i "Bed" i Walker parted company with his old reliable Doa Dodge when r. P.. Irwia daiaied the horse for SSOO. Walker was io .i led with in eiiiply stall, for he claimed Shenandoah from H. 1. rates for .vs hi li was in the -aim- race. Jockey K. arlio waa the leading rider in western Canada lasl y.-ar. is now under contract t.. .1. A. Parson. This deal was coasaatatated yester-■ lay, Par-on buying the boys contract fiom Lea Galbraitk, who developed the lad. The consideration was not report e i. Stuart Polk has purchased the three-year-olds Plow Sieel and lacogaaace fi in the Meadowbrook Stable, and Plow Stee. won for his new owner Saturday. The male Jean Corey, owaed by A. L. Austin. will be on the shelf for some time, owing to a badly straiaed Ugaanal sastaiaed in raining. The race roars ■ does not forget it- own. When II fleets of jockey J. Malcahy were offered at am lion there was lively bidding thai tie- sum which - io be seat to the dead jockeys parents might be j -■welled. A MBf saai was realized, -ome articles j beiac eold several tiatea. . STge Hihlicbrand. aa umpire in the Ano-ii. an ! j League, was among the arrivals yeslerilay. A party of well-kaowa a ester a railroad officials arrived yesterday for a few davs at the races. It included H. M. Adams of Omaha. ice president of tke Inioii Pacific systeai; ! rank W. Bobiiison. Omaha freight traffic niaimger af the same road: .1. P. OBrien. Portland. Ore., general manager of ihe Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Company, and A. T. Mercier. general manager of lie-s.;ii Diega A: Arizona Railwaj