Second Race [2nd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-16

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KRGOBD RACK — 35-8 Mile, ".-jcar-olds mill iipiuiril. Glnlanlnar. Bai UO. IB9NI r,» 1 107.1 LITTLE JAKE. ch. e, 12 119 By Krutsch— Stella Perkins, by Proi hfw,7. Trainer, M. P. Level. Owner, E. K, Iovel. • 1 Tijuana 5-8 1 : " .; igood II .. 117 1 14 7 W Gargan 8 View, Ask J. sic, Goldie r: ;- 69251 Tijuana. 6-8 IKMVislop s: IM t o r, 7- Slr.l Metcalf 8 jVjraahion, Rafferty, Bab.Bale 59017 Tijoana 6-8 ltOZftfaat 6 111 2 111* 4»| E Taylor 8 DyFashlon, Tillotvw Kglead.r 6-jnos Tijuana 6i f pcv1 ,fa.«t 4 io3 7 4 4 l| 4 J B Parke T Uranium, Barlymorn. BoselUa tSsSl Tijuana e- 1 :02%faat 9 Ml I 111* IJ B Parka 8 HiltonA., Pr.Steveon, Karlymn 5SSG7 Tijuana ,r,-Sl:0U fast 9 IM 4 E 6 6* 24 A Jacobs 8 Tillotson, Kye Bright, J.Uwood EMMA WELLER, b. m, 5 107 By Boots and Saddle— Marty Lou. by Marta Sanla. tTrainer, J. Gecn. Owner, P. Gllxman. 69548 Tijuana "-- 1:16 hvy I Ml S 6 S a" 5«J C Stnder C1I.M0; |.liv. Tilloson. BmdtaM 39500 Tijuana H t 1:16 hvy 3 IM I 11 1-V l-i R Park.- K Baby :•.., Bfaiser, Bill SparV EMM Tijuana r.-S 1 :07"ihvy U ice, | 44 ti «• c Stnder 10-BoeaAtkin. Chrome. KondPope 69405 Tijuana BJ t l:12*4slop I Ml 6 6 6 3 45ij J If tamer 9 P.Rteel, Infield, Miss hruter EM87TUuana E« f lM%faat 74 lOrt 5 1 2 42 5«J J Htamer lo Col.Mphy. D.deGaiae, M.Fuklln CICELY XAY. b. m, 5 112 By Robert Kay— Siss Lee, by Oddfellow. Trainer, R. Hollenbeck. Owner R. Hollenbeck. B9241 Tijuana 6-8 145%slop 6 111 I 2 5 »i:J fi"L J Htamer 8 El ftabio. Am. Maid, Merry lava f!67 Tijuana El f l:ll%slop Ll-10 1CK G Z 6 7J 8" P Hum 11 BeaBeoch, Hap Valley. Charmnt Eand0R3 Tijuana S-8 l.Otiktaat 13 IM 1 13 8*1" P Hum 7 W.Whitaker, G. Trimble, Alajali EMM Tijuana B-8 IM fast 5 109 1 1 5 5i 5- Q Wi!limsl2 IJmeriek. Stiletto, W. C. Pooly E8778 Tijuana 5i f lM%t*Mt "1-10 IM 1 12 IJ •""! J Htamer 8 O.Homesid, IJf tle.Takc, D«lv»d 58706 Tijuana 5-S l:03M;tast 12 109 2 2 1 3" S"l P Hum 9 Mayflower, Earlymn, Mannches LIMERICK, ch. gr. 8 112 By Meelick— Predilecta. by First Chip. Trainer, T. Polk. Owner, T. Polk. S85M Tijuana Tj-8 l:03?igood 8 11? :. ?. 1 ?■* 1» H Molten 8 StanlevIP, Candegrav. .TackLedi EMM Tijuana 55 f 1 M fast 22 111 t 4 5 81 10** H Molters 11 View, El Sabio, Busy Bird " 89S2 Tijuana 5-8 IM fast 19-10 117 2 2 1 14 1" W Perry 12 Stiletto, W.C.Dooly, Valen.Lody 5i-S47 Tijuana S] f G 111 2 3 5 6i 9" W Perry 10 D. Fashion. El Sabio, Pewaukee 5S70T. Tijuana oi f l:09?sfast 6 114 3 4 4 41 BJ W Perry 10 Pi Sabio, Amcr.Maid. Rubberll. BESSIE MACK II., b. m, 5 103 By Dr. Mack— Avena Rose, by Leki. Trainer, W. Maltby. Owner. W. Maltby. 68501 Tijuana 5-1 POTihvy M IM 4 3 3 2A 2] D Hum 8 Hvers Topaz. P.St,-el. T. Oar* G.S75 Omaha 5-3 14-5 110 1 R Scoville 12 Spar.Boy, Sis.Klorence, H.Bland 547S5 Omaha 3-4 l:18%sood23-10 110 2» B Norton 6 Candegrey, Dr.Plues. JnieWood VICTORY WON, ch. g, 4 102 By Seta— Fasoinating, by Peep oDay. Trainer, J. L. Hamilton, Owner, .T. L. Hamilton. 5MM Tijuana 1-4 1:11 fast Mf IM ! 6 11 11 ll" H B Bwerll Nenneraaa, Cigale, Qataaai tWfi? Tijuana f.-S l.M%raat 8M 108 E C 7 «.- 63J II Slaughr 7 StanleyH., DJraaMen, McMWhr EMM Tijuana B-8 l:03%fast 112 106 S 4 4 6J 81 H B S BigKmoke, Dr. Kendall, t.theWy EM47 Tijuana 5J f l:09%fast 773 111 6 S 6 7» S»JG Weber 10 P. Fashion, El Sabio, Pewauk"* 57S43 Willows 3-4 l:18%fast 28 104 1018 G Wlllims 10 Ethel. No Wonder, Muriels Pet McMURPHY. ch. g, 11 109 By The Rush— Ozma, by Borti Fonse, Trainer, C. L. Kent. Owner, M. Morrison. 59085 Tijuana 55 f 1:09 fast S-5f 111 4 6 4 41 9» B Maskrld 11 View, El Sabio, Busy Bird 59017 Tijuana 5-8 l:82*kfaat 24 110 2 2 2 2* S*j B Maskrid 7 StanleyH., DvIV.shion. T.Norrls 589S1 Tijuana 5-8 l:02Vifast Ml 109 3 12 2 lj B Maskrid12 Ringleader, Alajali, Mabel Rale 5S826 Tijuana 5i t l:09%fast 4 109 2 3 4 51 7°2 B Ma.«krid 10 Dr.Stevson, Ask.Ie.-sie, MissOnri 58765 Tijuana 51 f l:09%fast 20 114 10 • I » 10 10*1 B Maskrid 10 El Sabio. Amer. Maid, Limerick RUBBER II., br. g, 7 110 By Yankee — Caoutchouc, by Galore. Trainer, C. Mar.loy. Owner, H. T. Palmer. 5S7S5 Tijuana l f l:09-.-,fast 2| 114 2 11 25 41 T Kae 10 FI Sabio. Amer. Maid. Limerick 68419 N.Ktn Ab 5-8 l:014*faat 4J 113 l1 T Rae 7 Pixie Fiver, Am. Maid, Kayman 5S374 N.Ktn Ab 5-S 1:02 fast 17-5 116 4" T Rae 8 PokeyJane, St. Kevin. TopRung 58086 Erie Ab 5-8 1:04 hvy 2 116 6:: T Rae « Plga, James G.. Honest George 57832 Erie Ab 5-8 l:02%fast 7-10 120 l1 T Rae « FondHope, Amcr.Maid, Kiynrsn NO WONDER, ch. g, 7 113 By Fireman— Belle of Portland, by G. W. Johnson. Trainer. J. Crofton. Owner, H. D. Catcs. EMM Tijuana B| 1 l:18%alop I 111 5 4 4 516S5J Htamer 7 Rafferty, Krmitana, D.vFashion 59187 Tijuana 3-4 1 :17VLslop 3 112 2 3 3 3* 4" .1 Hunmer 8 Kafferty, Plantagenel, IwjkB. 59125 Tijuana 3-4 1:15 fast 9 109 2 1 1 11 1" J Htamer 0 OrlatGisi, Peg. Martin. Welnld EMM Tijuana 51 f 1 :o9 fa:n 11 116 7 3 3 3" 7*J R Carter 11 View, El Sabio, Busy Bird MMI Tijuana 51 f 1:M fast 7 109 2 3 2 2l 2» A Jacobs 8 TomNorri.s, Rafferty. QaM.B0B8

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Local Identifier: drf1922011601_7_6
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