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DAILY RACING FOKMJ Daily During Winter Months. Daily Except Monday" Balance 01 the Year. DAILY ~RACTnG~FORM PUBLISHIKG" CO. 4*1 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO II IT 167-168 E. 32ND STREET NEW YORK CITY 74 EXCHANGE SIREET BITFTALO. B Y. Battered as scmU!! .■;:! » m* •■•-■ April -. Is!"-. ■■■ Hi*- postoffke at Chicago. Illinois, under the Act of March 3. 1 7!l. _ NEW YORK CITY OFFICE 157-159 East Thirty-Seco::d Street. All scalar* toppHed frees I ■ Back aaaataca ami Baeathly book* applied. For half: T.t ill hotel! and now- stand-. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. JAMAKV 18, 1822.