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1 I 1 ; | j ,. r fl ■- it t I SUMMARY OF MEXICO CITY RACING Raeiag starts at 2 68 p m. CSdcas* time 3 4".i. MEXICO riTV, Mexico, Jaaoary 17.— The following ,s a M!inm,in .,; tedayl i. icing: i0m IVj FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Farteaga. 3-year-olds. claiming lnd. Rerse, Wt.. lackey. St. 1*1. Sh. IM dahlia MB Brooke ....$ :..S0 $ 3 "_0 $ L.fiO ISat Green. Village 107 Baraes 5 ts 3 80 9M I ot, a i.. Km Richardson aVtS IM One Pin. 185; SMPog Horn. IM; 58848 Margaret c.. 107: y.U Gwyaedd, M7, also ran. Time, 1:11. Xa scratches. 1 CTLT SECOND RACE— 4-8 Mile. 4-year-olds and -LWXT* upward. Claiming lnd. Horse. - . Jackey. St. PI. Sh. 59281 Big Son llL Watson ... .$ H U0 $ 4.00 $ 3. "JO 11M Brookfield 104 Jackson.. S.00 0.60 4M Asuncion 10S Sloan 1000 11M Beau Brutiimel II.. Ill: 0M Donatello. 99: 5S14* American Beae, 10L; 6M Wishmaker, 107, and lUMBallyaew. 107. also ran. Time. 1:04. No scratches. 17M llnl:" RACit— S-8 Mile. 4-year olds and apward. claiming, lnd. Horse, Wt.. locl.c.v. St. PL Sh. 53487 Ormlos M8 Everett 9.00 3.60 2.40 3M Bpekaae Qaeea 104 GdoW ti.SO 6.40 59321 -The Moor U 7 . P.o-anowski 3.00 c.M Tom Roach, 168; »2;0«VB»11 Rendered, 104: 50280Zaiaer, 108, aad UM-Nolawn. lfs. also ran. Time. l:034s- No arratches. 1CM Id! IITII RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. ."lyear-aolA oils and upward. Claiming, lnd Dorse. Wt.. Jackey. St. PI. Sli. 3M Flacial Rstet 113Jnekson.$:..60 $ 3.60 $ 2.60 31.1 Misa Sell MB Ba rites I... 10.20 0.60 4M Poenerene 16P IByerel 1 1 . . . 3.40 u M Lady iranite, 103; 4M Peppery Polly, 108: :.!ii7s tbos K. McMahon. 10.": 1M Twirler. 100. and SM Dr. Campbell, 110, al-o ran. Time. l:10"j. Bcratehed SM Perhaps, 112: 3M Faleaa II. . Ill: 9M Miss Anna. 1*8; Gas Kulol. ID.".. 1 qf 111 TH BACK- I 4 Mile. 3 year-olds and A 5711. upward. Claiming. 4M Get Em 166 Brooke $ S.S0 $ 4 20 $ 3.80 4M olive .lam.s lol Bog"ski 4.80 3.66 13M3Mv Beae H " Jackaeal... 4.40 eBtCMCai.tain Burns, D»4: 6M Rdna D.. 107: 4M Trader, ISO, also ran. Time. 118 V No S.Tiltches. OfiTVT SIXTH BATS 7*- Mile 4 year olds and uiu apward. I laiming. I 6M l.acv Kate Bt Krolshon I . . 60 $ 3.80 $ 2 80 12M -Yakimein- 100 Sloanl.... 3tU 2.40 W Jde lo- 107 iltrookei 1.50 7M Tom Lagan, 101: 7M T reader. 104: 7M Wav-h like Kit. and .".4S10 WUlSa, MB, also ran. Time. 1:32?and. He scratclu s.