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| , , j j ; j j ! . , I , .-I r ; ■ a 1 E * SUMMARY OF TIJUANA RAClNO TlirAXA. Ifexica. .ar.nary 17— The following is an official summary of todays racing: FIRST RACE— IS Mil.-. 2-year aide. Bpe ial A. .-.ins. Horses. Wt. Jockey. Sta. PI. Sh. Pin. Bmil. Voter ll5P.Marttaes| .". ".o % 3.40 j ::.i»o Won MotberAgaes 115* B.Parke 3. Si J.OO Lnd iris Girl 11". A. Jaeohe.. 3.00 3rd Natty Vint. Mis- Chalaace, Ivy Cray and Sarah Cochrane also ran. Time. 36 :-,. and ml bed -Tale. 8BC0ND RACt "s Mil- 8-year-old* and up ward. Plaimiag Horses. Wt. Jockey. Sts. PI. Sh. Pin. Rnbber II. 116 CI". Rae..| 6.8* $ 4. so * 3.68 Won Bcs.Ma.kli. !il.;ic Siu.i. i i 3.46 ii.LO - w No Won. i- iil ii. Parke 3.80 3rd Little Jake. Emma Weller, Cicely Kay. LiBaerick, rictory Wo„ md UcMnrpbj also ran. Time. 102. Xo si i itches. THIRD RACE 5-8 Mile S-yeat olds aad apwarS. i "aim inx Horsea, Wt. Jockey. Sta, P".. Sl . Kin. lea 112 i l roa bley ...$ 3.86 I - to % l.40 Won s . . ,| IOS i [• Hill i . L.lill 2.66 "-nil Hoi Foot 103 T. Wilson. 4.L0 3rd H «j i: ; Reai I Little Oae at; I Mar] la] also ran. Time. 1:32. Scrati •! iI., I.. . Mi ml tana. PorRTH RACE 1 1-14 Miles. S-year«oMa jnd r.pwai I I laiming. Horses. Wt Jock*?. Sts. PI. Sb. Fib. Hi raft 110 IB. Iatk. l.$ ."..JO 5 3.60 S ..00 Won Dehra 1*8 iC. Btaderl .... :».00 l.SO Lnd Bill Sparks ,io |K. Nobl.-. L 68 3rd Hickorrnnt, Baby Pal, Taaahlas and Di Samuel al o ran. Time. 1:5135. Bcratehed ""Mar. I-" I Hope Lad] Josephine. • obrl a, Cxardoii rillH RACt ". 1 . luiioni:- 3-year-oMa and upward. Plaiming. Horses, Wt. Jockey. Sts. PI. Sh. Tin. ; o|.i All -• 96 C. Kinder!* :. _0 . 3._0 * 3.00 Won Miss Mi . Hi k 85 il llu 1. 1 10 on 5.46 Lmi Hei ; 103 II Ho n I 40 :lid Roisterer. Orace, |.- Manage and Little Bumper !-•• v.. , Time. 1 08, . a. ratel es SIXTH RA i. t 16 II ea S-yeai elds and np Clalmint Boraes. Wt. Jockey. Sts. Pi. Sh. Fin. av; dettrll. loiiiK Noblelgll.66 * ."..4t f li.LO Won Cord.Boberts IMIB.Parkel 4.l0 3 00 Sad l.i. a -!■ Kis i A. I • ■•- i. . . :. oi 3rd Boon villi. White Haven and Tatl also raa. Time. 1.49 ■.-,. ••. ,, M-rati — scvi-MH RAi K 5-8 Mile. B-year-eMa and up ard. tlaimini Horses. Wi. .lo.-kev. Sts. PI. Kh. Fla. rireplace 111 IC. Gross. .$ 7.60 $ 3.80 $ 2.8* Waa Ratb.Kankm lOStA.Jacobs 8.66 -too Lod MrLaae 115 I P. Hern I SO 3rd Joe Blair. Hanovers Topaz. Gweadota, Queen of Tramps and Smiling Maggie also raa Time, 1:02. Bcratehed Plow Steel, Chow