---Hymir Leads Brood Mares: Dam of Morvich Gains Prestige through Prowess of Noted Son, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-23


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HYMIR LEADS BROOD MARES: Dam of Morvich Gains Prestige ■ Through Prowess of Noted Son. List of Stud Matrons Sending Largest Monetary Winners into Racing of Last Year. IT I r. J ■ ITymir, the California -bred daughter of Dr. Leggo , — Georgia Girt, by Solituir II.. rose from obscurity overnight wlirn kef son Mat! lib, by Runnyniede, I raced through the fear 11*21 without it? Hag defeat, n winning eJeeeu ra.es and 1*.. 014. retiring to wint"r iuarters the champion two yo.u -old and largosi I i, money winner of flip year. The success of Morw.h g gives Hymir Bnl place on the brood mare list of ; ; g 1921. She had but twa winners last year. Morvbh and Segurola. tke latter contributing only X0 to | the total of 10,014 to her credit. Second to Hymir j is Miss Minnie, the Meddler mare, and her exalted v position is due to the prowess of Grey Lag. the j leading three-year-old of 1921. A colt of high lass and proven ijuality. gifted with great speed , and endurance, Grey Lag whs a smashing race j ham last year, winner of nine races and 5582.596. „ He was the only winning representative al Mis- , Minnie in the racing of 1921. When Fair Empress gave Exterminator to the American turf she act the | seal of her fan-. Her prestige among our brood tnares is not permitted to grow dim by that ever : preen anil wonderful son. the gnJlnnt Exterminator | each year further enhancing Ike fame of Mi mother , snd sire Fair Empress was tbiid among the win- uing brood inures „f irrji. Exterminator on • | ■ rriaatfag |5r*8SJ af the $:. . :t»7 to an credit. Iktha and Exterminate account ing for I lie remainder. t ether broad mares prominent because of the surreal t I of their sons and daughters in the racing • last year were Spun Glass dam of Rrnomspiin. now ilead. winner of the Freakaesa Stakes; Frillery, i • which gave the turf the Futurity winner Hunting and the goad campaigner Furbelow: Padula. tke aaaai mother ,.f ■ack stars m Beat Pal, Stack Ber vant and Kill and loo. from the E. R. Knidley ; stable; Yellow Sea. which produced the yr nil han i j .icap horse Yellow Hand: Felicity, responsible fori Sporting Blaai, and Madcap, which gave u~ the con siMteut and excellent Mad Batter. Few of the | leading brood mares ate repi weated by more tlaii two or three of their effearlna;, tkc except!— being j Alice Baird with five and Bukdae with four, lie-are the reiords of the leading brood mares of lt21 I compiled on a basis of money wod by tiieir sons ami dauuktera in the racing of last rear: Per Bi M I l»:i„i formers sts. Won Ainoiint. Hymir - M « »»«• * j ftfiea Minnie 1 « ■ and1.and* j ! lair Baapresa ■ * "• "*,3?i j Spun Class 2 11 ■"• •■-■ ,,7r • Erillerv 2 !•"• H ■•_ ■ • j j Padala :t «* "» ~...:J.s". i. Hew Sea ■- M 13 * I--". . Eeii.ity :t -- I •»; 7s- Madcap 2 -•"• * 43.082 MiM Riactat* ... .2 :«l 2 42 7M» Mallard 2 " W ■•■■" Brttie L-.ndon I II 12 S7.4H . Bold Kirl :: »1 H KW | Subdue 4 TT 15 33.00T. Proiid I a,sx 1 12 9 St.tW j « ., ua 1 M 8 82.338 . Mindful 1 21 1" •-• .«.- » Kitaaa l U 4 .:• .t. | Hellita 2 "." .rM? Aagaata Victaria . I ■" " 26.224 Ait.e Baird •"• •"■ 14 24 «ni:; Caattaental S "s 1S 22.«5.i l.yd.a 2 13 • 23,408 1 rankness - - _.*._■• l.adv Bediord - -"• 8 22, -4 Raid * « M l*2* s :: i Daiuty i jn 1 -1.21 La Ptaaibee 2 17 .; 20.85B Taaya - ■■ K :*«5 i Aaatraliaa :•■ " 1,; -UA-- i Ladj i:o.iiva 2 M II 20.19.. i Otaaa i • 9 -°-4 ■ Hymir. br. m. 1911. by Dr. Legrgo— Georgia Girl, by Solitaire II. Horse and Sire. 1st. 2d. 3d. Enp. Won. Morvich. Itunu.Miiede. . II ft «» • S1L. .2.14 j Seguroid. Kunn.Miiede 2 0 2 9 «*0 1 Totals 21 U ■ - 9 UM «U4 Mhs Minnie, ch. m. 1908 1. by Meddler— Spectrum, by Orvieto. Horse and Sire. 1st. 2d. 3d. Enp. Won. I Orey I,ag, Star Shoot 9 2 1 1 $«2....th 1 Fair Empress, br. m. 1899 1 . by Jim Gore — Merrythought, • by Pirate of Penjance. Horse and Sire. 1M. 2d. 3d. Enp. Won. Exierunnatoi. HeOce s 2 B 1 *..»i.82i % I Bkeka, Cock o the Walk ... S 2 2 10 2.4.0 I Exterminate. Iltimus ft » 1 • »•■ Totah 3t 13 4 S M 9,397 Spun Glass, b. m. 1912K by Rock Sand— Handspun. by Hanover. Horse and Sire. l«t. 2d. 3d. Enp. Won. Pioompun, Eroomstick 2 ft ft 1 H42MB Hrerfinister. Kro.unstiok I ft • ~ B.T81 Totals ,2. -r ■ • • .«-3.97r. Frillary. b. m. 1913 . by Broomstick— Petticoat, by Hamburg. Buutlng. Pennant I 1 ft - 1,301 ratketoa s * ■ •* 1"-414 i Totals .21 11 9 • » BM.1U , Padula. br. m. 1906. by Laveno — Padua, by Tineas i or Tbuno. Best Pal. Helmet •"» • 2 ■ !3«0 Black Servant. Black Toney . 4 .. 1 2 27.47.". . Bill and Coo, Helinei 1 1 I 10 l.r-.ft I - Totala S 10 « « IS BBTJBi " - Coattaowi no elgatb page. HYMIR LEADS BROOD MARES Continued from first pace. Yellow Sea. b. m. 1911. by Martagon — Seathrift. by Florizel II. Horse and Sire. 1st. M. M. Tnp. Won Yellow Hand. IllMlll .10 O | 4 2,271 Seven Sea-. Otmtmla .....I 1 1 1 8, 4."..". Toials 2 15 1 4 LO 844,798 Felicity, b. m. 1 1909 . by Rock Sand — Fides, by The Ill-Used. Banc and Sire. 1st. :M. :.d. 1np. Won. Sporting Ukiod. Fair Flay... 4 7 2 1 3,816 1 in iy. Fair llay ti I :: 2 1478 Totals J 4 It S X S44.7 : Maucap. b. m. MM, by Rock Sand — Lady Madge, by Rayon dOr. Horse and Sire. 1st. Jd. :id. Cnp. Won. Mu i Batter K.n Play 8 •; 1 2 MAMS .Musurliil. Hastiaci 0 0 1 4 100 Totals 2 8 ♦; : H S4:?.a-12 Miss Ringieu. cii. m. ii901 . bv Handball — Bessie, j oy The Ill-Used. Horse and Sin . 1st. 2 l. M. Inp. Won. Rcltav Vooraelf. Marathaa. 1 - 8 - 0,800 J.ul.tx-d Hair. H»im*t 1 1 ■". U 1.7Kt 1 T..tals ,-i 2 3 ". 21 M2.3M Mallard, ch. m. 1912. by Star Shoot--Elise B.. by Prince Ko ?!. Hi at and Sire. 1st. Id. Si. Inp. Won. raplaia Aloork, Osdea 7 :: J 11 ».3S4 Itockmini ■••. Prlai !;• - k ♦• 5 2 1 u.i ift Tot .-.is 2j 1 :: R t 1 :. M.574 Bettie Lar.dcr. ch. :n. 1904, by Me.-itorie — Laura : DavU. by Cherrystone. 1 Barai aaal sire. lsr. SaL 3d. Fnp. Won. Mi J-..:. Kin;; .lam.-s .... "i S :, 2 Ml 584 ! K.-v.|m. nNei. Gold. Maii,i ." • 7 . .no Mol O I 2 tl i Kn - Tatsls ■• 12 i" -1 i" 148697,414 j Bob! Dili, ch. m. MM, by Ogiler. — Battledoor. by Krquitril. BarM and Sire. It J,i. M. Inp Won. I . .t..,ou-. Star Shoal 8 • _ ! 4,20ts Uuaic m the Air, B ar Bhooi I t» o :: 1 800 Fiini ln. mi. I riat Uork . 1 8 9 •"• 7M i Totals 13 11 •: 8 12 M5.M6 • Subdur. b. :n. 1900;. by Star Rnbv — Repressa. by Kyrle D?!;. Iloise :..:] B n 1-t. lid. .".d. Inp Won. Fiivhivui Wri,,. 1; 2 • - 824.4M Daydue, 1i.p oDaj 1 * t 11 ::.-_ir, , ln.i Ka.i. Nasturituw 4 0 1 1 1: «mk» Klais Jin., e 4 1 I 17 2 MB TataS* Hi I." 10 9 13 833 005 Proud Ddi-v. b. n:. 1899. by 7*1 Ma Will Daisy, by ApoMo. 1 Hoi . am! Sir.-. 1-t. 2d. M. Inp. Won Miaa toy IV ■■. :im t . . j • 1 Ml.fi Oaalas. ch. m. MM, by Meddler — Chinkara, by Calopiu. Horse and BilC 1-t. ■_• 1 . !5d. Inp. Won. Bouilaee. Ti;,i. .1.1 .. S : 4 1 s3L .".:. M.iidlul. b. 1:1. 1904 . by Star Shoot— Me.din. by Him. 00. Horse and 8 n 1-t. 24. ML Fnp. Won ■ fu Wi. , I Hi 4 J :. 9,030 Kihina. ch. as, UI3, by Golden Maxim — Lute, by Watercress. Borae and s; re, 1st. M. Bat Cap. Won. Kai-Sanc. The Flaa 4 8 1 2 S:-..lT- Belhta. br. m. 19131. by Ben Entsh — My Beauty. by Latlas. Ban* and Si;e. 1st. !•. M. t ri ; . Won. Ia,f Pliant ai, !• ter Qataoe ;. t :: :: 4 .-i Phantom K 1 . 1 • t.-i- ummo 2 : 4 1; l 960 lotais [21 7 7 7 9 27.Lti » Augusta Victoria, blk. in. 1902, by Sain — Sister Josephine, by Kar.over. Horse and Sire. 1st. Id. M. Fnp. Won. II. 1: . Ml, Call •"• 1 2 S17 340 Hobey Raker, OH 4 1 .". 8 7.034 Tnlane, Wrack 1 :i 1 .". 1,830 Totals :! 10 S 7 13 833L224 Alice Bainl. ch. m. 1906. by Woolsthorpe — Belle of Troy, by Fonso. Horse and Sire. 1st. 2d. 3d. Inp. Won. M.iijon- Hyaea. Dick Piaaell 8 1 :: 10 1,813 1;ie at roll. Huis, Park .7 •"• :: 10 7,803 foyr.e. Dick Finn. II 2 1 B 1 2,523 Akut:sti. Diets Finnoll 0 4 2 4 1,780 EUrtoa. Dick linneii 0 8 2 .". M Totals 3| 14 11 10 30 4,088 Continental, b. m. 1910. by Yankee— Royal Gun. by Royal Hampton. Horse and Sire. 1st. 88. lid. Tnp. Won. Rtar ite.im. Star shoot 13 7 2 7 1. oris Kings Champion. Inele .... ."1 4 *• 17 S.217 Forestall. Carle 8 1 2 14 400 Totals 8 IK U 10 3S 2,088 Lydia II.. ch. m. ,1899. by Luke Blackburn — 1 Nydia. by Iroquois. Horse and Sire. 1-t. 2d. 88. Tnp. Won. So. end Tbaaohta, Fltimus .. H 4 2 0 8,8M Bajaasare. I m !.• B ti ■ 11 4.77* Toials 2. « 10 B 11 ITl.lOfl Frankness, b. m. 1906. by Miller — rranco;;ia. by Billet. Horse ana Sire. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tnp. Won. Pe I rani,. S,r John .Tolinson. 2 «» 8 2 2. 77". Light Wine. Ormondale ... 0 1 3 1 .".00 Totals CI •_ 1 $ 3 SL:!.L7a Lady Bedford, ch. m. 1906. by Ogden — Matanza. by Hanover. Horse and Sire. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tnp. Won. dapper Desaaa. Oraaoaate.. 0 ". 10 1 1,148 KHapalica, Friar Roc* 2 0 0 B 1.402 Tota Is 2| S a 10 6 2*841 Gold. b. ni. 1904. by Golden Garter — Miss Maxim, by Maxim. Horse and Sin . 1st. 2d. 3d. Tnp. Won. Knobbie. Wrack 8 t» 2 .". "..."!tl Currency. Sain « 3 2 4 3.7." 0 Baafat, Ballot 2 2 2 1 1.90« Totals 3 10 11 6 10 1,247 j 1 J Dainty Dame. br. m. 1904. by Handspring — My Fair Kentucky, by Ingoldsby. Horse and Sire. 1-t. 30. 3d. Inp. Won. ; Tou.-ii M.- Not. Celt 3 11 1 1 1,243 I La Flambee. b. m. 19i2, by Ajax — Merieah. by Masque et Lygie. Horse and Sire. 1st. 20. 88. Tnp. Won. Flantbette. Dttrhai1 t 0 1 I 3,021 Ls-t Rable.-. Rahetala 4 1 1 5,238 Totals .o n t o 5 B88.830 Tanya, ch. m. 1902. by Meddler — Handspttn. by Hanover. Horse ami Sire. 1st. ud. 3d. Tnp. Won. Atta Raj n.. Rabelais ....2 1 2 11 0,720 I Tan II.. Rack Sand 4 1 l 14 4.083 Totals 2 •; J 4 23 0,773 Australina. b. m. 1901. bv Montana — Zealandia. by Sir Modred. Horse and Sire. 1st. Id. 3d. Fnp. Won. Austral. Dalhouie 11 4 7 F- 2,244 Weasie B.. Tkraah 2 4 8 13 3,023 , I They Sh. Nat Paaa, lay. tie. :t 11 5 :, 3.190 Total- 3| 18 B li! M 0,488 Lady GodivR. b. m. 18991 hy Hanover — Edith Gray, by Ten Eroeck. Banc and Sire. 1st. Id. 3d. Tnp. Won. 1 [Edwina. OK 11 ti ., !t 9,843 1 1 hv.i. c.-lt 0 • - 8 230 — , ratals 2| 11 «; 5 17 0,183 Gier.a. b. m. 1898 by Free Kniglit — Fautress. by i Faaatas. Horse aad Sire. 1st. im. 3d. Cap. Won. ; Bill Kelly, l n-k Wellea ...9 ■» 2 H 0,488

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922012301/drf1922012301_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1922012301_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800