Fourth Race [4th Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-23

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IOVKTH RACK 1 Mile :iii : TO Var«Ir». Merehsusta 1iirse. n-yo:ii--ol«;.s ! nml ii|»i:irai. Aliowauces. 1 Ieli. IX, lf Mi— — lt4S 1 -."» 1 113. WYNNEWOOB, b.. F. 6 lOo By Ecn Brush— Waliaaa, bj Star Slioot Tralcor, T. O. Webber. Owser, T. O. Webb«ri. J3C« P.Gnds 1 1-16 1 : 1 -..1" ast 12-3 114 3 11 1 V 14 C Lang S Traasiate. GrayCables, Gen.Hais r"577 i-.Gruls lm7»y I:46%goodl3-M W7 :: SI i i1 L" c Laa« 8 OrayGables, Daj Lilly. HerdGirl CKH F.Gndi lmMjr 1:51 mad I M7 2 3 3 » JS 2![. M "arnc 7 K.*«Chsmp*a, Goaler, Bal. Wheel :s r P.Gnds lm7«r l:4C%raad 7 M7|3 I Z I :■ !• M Qaraer 5 Thimble, Flfbtygl R Travelei E83*2 JefTson 11-10 1:46 fast 11-M 1«S 3 2 L 1 li li C Lai.g B Tody. Maatei Jack, Herd Uirl tMSF. Jefrsoa 1 1-8 l:32» 11-5 IM 4 11 2 2* 2s . Ponco »; Pinlleo. Master Jack TantaxM tf!77 Jeff son 1 1-M l:4fUaat 6 105 2 2 2 2 2« l*| C Lane • Tody, Ladj Lillian, The Wit UM1 JefTsoa 1 l:4i°6fas t SO 107 8 8 » s s» S1* 8 Ballmaa t WrZone, Bsp.TraTcier. aVaekyB WHO CARES, hr. g. 5 ion Bjr Wraek— :.-.,!-;» R., bj :..:- vl;oiit: Parrar. Cwnw, T vorrav». SKIS P.Gnds 1 1-1* 1 :535andmnd C 112 1 4 1 1 1* Is C Lang S Ksoarpolette, i.,y Lilly, Tulsa SbTu* Bowie I l:4SHmad 1c-" IK I 1 1 1 v V H Joaiali 8 Wid.Bedotte, KgJohn, Attorney E8C73 Bowis 1 1-8 l:581fchvy 8 IM :: i 1 2 ::i V C Lang • Veteran, WoodUiruah, Jn ofArc 3 ,-l3 Bowie lmTOy 1:M sir.w 7 1W 8 « 6 4 4J S*| A Allen 9 TbeLaaib, HquawMan, Mid. San :- B srle 1 l-161:50%hvy 6 109 112 2 31 S* M Schwtzlu I M ibe, Brib Foter Wdthrosk iy:i LaureJ I l:41%fsat 9-3 111 4 3 3 3 S» 1« C Lang 7 OMSinner, TheD ialon Titaaia CS2S7 l«sur*l ll:43%faat s ill ! 1 3 2 » T- Rolway 8 Tnmtnla, W.Redotte H Pardnei IMtS Laarel 1 1-K 1 :47%f aa IS- KU 3 11 1 11 V- C l-ana- 12 Franklin, Blasoarj, SaamerHigb THANJLATE, blk. g, C 103 By Transvaal— Eustia, by Suit S .ost. Trainer, O. Csbara. Oaaai. H. Marshall. :• i v . : r,is 1 3-16 :::i:F--mu.l 4-3 112 1 I i i t| !■* M Buxton S Pimlico, G irmand Herd Girl :.-.i F.Gnds I 1-16 l:«5%f ast 2 108 2 2 2 2 2 21 M Buxton .", WynnewM, GyGabies, Gen.Haig . .: P.Gada Im70y l:4»%hvy 10 IM 4 4 4 3 4 tj .M Buxton 4 Veto, oiii« V Pastoral Swiin r P.Gnds 1 1-16 l:46%fast S no 2 4 4 2 25 I] II Buxior, ft Murray, Uid.Bua, Bribed Voiei ES023 Jefrsoa 3-4 l:13: ,siow 3.0 114 3 S 3 4i 4V M Buxton 7 Panamas, Graymta, Plibygibbal ,•■ * JefTson 1 1:41 %f ast 15 112 12 9 9 9 t»-4 M Baztoa • Grayson. Ta stains. Joaqahia MSH JefTaoa 1 1:4 --..hvy 15 1"5 2 4 4 4 4 4i3 M Buxton 4 Green Gold, ICickford, Graysss PASTORAL SWAIN, b. g. 6 111 By Cr.M:— Ele?anc«. by Orme. CiTSiaor. B. C. Winfrey. Owner. G. C. Winfrcv.. :,X,at P.Gnds lm70y l:49V4hvy 2 106 2 1 2 3 :" ; Rabin I . 0, Genie W„ Traasiate BS477 P.Gnds 1 1-16 liM mud 13-M 111 4 11 1 I* 1« C Lang g Tantalus, Bal.V.iitel Cimsrroa 39416 P.Gnds lmTOy l:4t%faat 3 167 13 4 4 S1 3" P TltlleUi •! Thimble, Keddam, War Zone • P.Gnds 1 1 10 Ml 112 2 1- l4 C Lang 7 Valor. Goaler. ;i-.y Gsble* I • ■; Bowls itn.oy ! .4S slop E| 1 -• 2 i 2 3 ":; r Lang 4 Devastation, IrhDream Queers D8G78 Bowie 7-8 LiShvy S| 111 » I I 4 4" 1* L. Coney » Sagasaore, JobnsCmma, K Jobs HSM Pimlico 1 1 :•;.:-, hvy 13 IM 6 3 3 3 *■* 6*f O Cummer 8 K.sChstapioa, J-rapis, Lunetts ;.-:. t PtntUea l l:M fasi£7-l#lis 2 i I :i :- L Penmaa *. IrhBream, TbeLaaib, isireuMsU , M3M Laurel Ira76y 1:4S fsatSS-MlM 111 1 1* l!iO U-irig 7 KlagJobn, TiieLamb, Aasapuos RAPin TRAVELFR. b. p. 5 HI By Rapid Water— Alberta H.. by Handspring. f Trainer, A ii. Woodms-n. Owner. 7. Marino. » ! P.Gnda :ti7i-:. l:46?£»ud ! :". 1 . - r ClUletti 3 Thunble, SVyaaewd. PUbtygt [ .".•j:/iu Jefr.son ! 1 16 :46%fu8l 7-fi 116 ill 1 l« ." .1 J; Mney 4 BlarueyKtone ClesnGone litruie 1927»Jefrson 1 16 1:4 tifasl 7 MJ 3 2 2 3 7* M»J J D MneylO 8.ofPPsure, Slip.EIm T Witcbel j 39173 Jeff son Im70y 1:45 fast 3-2 IM 311 I 1* P* C Ponce 4 Tom McTaggart, lacog, Vets : ■ .;..--.; s n 3-4 1:11 fast 31 IM 3 4 4 S1 ■: P Cltllettl • War Bone, Rapid Bay, Ranaaf M796 Jetrmm Mtfast 3 108 3 ll I l 11 !• rritRettl 8 Gray Gables, Frigate, Pimlieo .-.j Jcfrson 1 l:41%fast M6 1 1 :: :. S«l 2 S McGraw !t V:.r Bone, Lucky B Neddam Ohurchl S-4 1:114«faJrt 10 MS I •; M li ll-5 J D Mney 11 Centimeter, Bstera, T fl Bcsrdsa 1 ITSsa Church 1 1-4 l:12%faat IS M7 S ! 2 31 2i J hfooney tl Westwood, Pet. piper, BaLPruof r S7S78 Latonia 1 1-M 1 :4S%f ....-:t *| i"; 2111 S» l»| J I M ney 8 CoitedVerde, i.oaisA., GissyLad I . LaU-nta 1 l:39%fast 64 US 1 1 1 2 21 2» L I.yke • Bleckieltew. LoufatA., Ue-dGir! I nrJSt Latoala 1 l:42%hvy 16 l« 2 5 4 « E* 5»1A Coiitms 6 Boaieaa, Mile. Laji,. Bea Valel I ..v.. I Latoaln S-4 L:12%fast gj : "J S ". 7 7a 7; II Gregory BBeaBolt, Garuor, MUe. DaaK BATJUfA, ch. h. £ Ihl Ay Lt Lorrwn — Soda, by SfsrasaU Trsiasr, J. Arthur. OTvncr. G. E. Webb, r.f?M J*ffsoi ■-,■■■■ 2 :.- " 1 Lang 12 Beugore, Midnight ::i;:i. Oraleggo , . n L:i3%fast 12 IM ! I :-: l» C Lan* 10 SamlyU.. Uerohtae. SwtLiberry 38731 Bowie 1 1-16 I:"... muii b-5 1 7 3 2 i 1 Sl 6*1 C -uiik ll AnnaGallup, RttaSe, H.Pardner . MiC36 Bowie 1 1-16 1 :33%slop 11-3 :•: Ill I Is 1» C Lang W G.Washtoa, H.Pardner, DoIlyC. andS67S Bowie 1 1-16 l:a3Hhvy S3 MS 111 I* -l C Laag Hi Pnatocbe, .Medusa, Star Court OM Laurel I l:41Hfsat 20 115 1 3 3 7 8 fci0 A Rteher*h 8 Attorney, JeaaBuBant, Traatnls 1 MlM Pbalico S-4 1:11 hvy i 124 1 I 1 !■ 4 A Bichcr*k •Whalebone, Sobrlgade BmtGay :.;:. Piaalica S-4 l:l«f*hry 22 tu7 1 S 4 4* v-i A Richer* k Pr.oflndht, super, V.-Chsirssss iSMS ILdeGee t-4 l:13*4f ast 119 ■f-i I 7 71 97» A Bteher*klO Pickwick, RnutrtGay, OasaaisCI KOBJCOB ELBEIt. bli:. e- 6 102 By Ogden— Rats D.T by Cassrlaa. Owner, r.. MeGareey. Owasr, staGarrey £: Lew-isi. « JefCaon 1 1:42 good * !C8 7 7 7 M Q 16 11 Thurberll Mr. X.. Eternity, Episode r49J39 JefCson : H%faat 13-3 112 S 4 3 S «•• ti-i H Thurbor .» Graysoa, Taatslas, Joaqanss I i K7a2 JefTson 1 1-11 1:« fast 7 IM I 4 4 3 2ni 41 E Barnes « Darkllill, Bsrsipolcm. Msiisai 67K7S Kwonh 1 1-M IM hvy 17-10 113 2 4 2 1 Is Is H Thurher 7 Joaqaiaa, TbeDesert, B.Peddlei I I j 1 6T73S Kwortu 1m7.v l:4t%faat 27-M 108 1 2 2 2 1* i« H Thurber 8 Br. Peddler, Secretary, fsantrlas 1 1 SSSa WdhhM 1 1-; :.:12".hvy St-M 109 7 2 1 1 1* 1" II Thurber 7 Alma B., Lazy Lou, Piedra I TICKLISH, h. g, 6 133 By Ring J:tmes— Tickle, by FOigraaa, Trainer. H. Randolph. Owner. Fernnm te Flzer. 1 . P.Gnds ! 1-4 1 :l ;--hvy 12 Mi 3 3 3 3« B» G Babin «1 Bagsaisrs. fasjTsMSll. Rcdmou 1 MMUefTaon :-4 1:20 hvy 11-5 130 7 4 I j»i l»! G Bnbla 7 C.McMeekht, Bagsssa, B*tUghU I SK973 JefTson S-4 1 :17%mad 1 106 I 3 1 2- 2! G Babln I lacog, Trast official, Sikliitn COll JetTaoa S-4 l:16*gjsood U IM 6 8 6 65 tiJG Rabin 8 PtChur. hill. Col. Taylor, Sikhlm 1 1 ; HOTJefraoa ::-4i:i4 fast II 10s I 5 3 5 5» a Babin 5 Gnd-Sweii, Arspahae, PaaaaMoi Ctl.S PimlJco 3-1 l:16Hsiop 14 125 13 13 13 13 13" Q BahtB U Caiaoatlsge, Hani. Vulcanize M198 Empire Ab ?-4 1 :10 Lest 50 103 11 11 U 11 U" G Babin 11 K.cft.Hther. Kuobbie. lBha~an.ll BUM TnniMl-a S-4 1 :13 fast W SM « ■ • f SSS a Hbir. 0 Hojaaw Man. Prii?»ie. Siren Mafc WAR NOTE, ch. g, 6 111 By Bpaatat Prince— Suu Maiden, by Sundridge. ■ Trainer. J. W. Gur.n. Owner, J. W. Gunn. BMW p.Gnda 3-4 L121. fast 20 104 5 :: 3 3i 4"i P c*ltiiotti 5 Msrr.Msy, MissJesshna, TaaSJaa 1 E9437 P.Gnda tndty i:46"-sniud 20 MS r, s .". .:, 5 i»« M Buxton 5 Tbhnble, Wyanewd, Flibivgi 1 51 ■-." Jeffaon S-4 1:14 fast » HO » S 7 7- !«• M Buxton » WJEoae, Kan. Traveler, Rap. Day E7» 1 J-unalca im70y 2 Willi 1 « f| C H Miller S Segal Lodge, Brassada WTM Jamaica lm70y lMrfiCaat 8-3 113 ill 1 1~ l1 C Turner « Siren Maid, BagsJLodge, Thimble 1 1 3714S Aoduct 11:29 fant 4 114 1 1 1 1 2* V P Weiner « K.of thHeather, SirenManl. Rep , J 1 R32I Asjdnct «i f l:19/andgood P-10 107 1 1 1 2 3-J F Cltilettl 4 Light Rose. St. Allan. Beckna 1 RIM Aoduct 3-4 l:12%good 12 MM 0 3 31 1! F Wains* M Dtmboyne, Gladiator, LastStra-w j 1 COURTSHIP, b. h, 8 109 By Phoenix — Courtisane. by Meddler. • Trainer, L. F. Marshall. Owaer, Marshall Bros.. BIM P.Gnds S-4 1 J2*4fast 6 106 3 2 2 5l 6" C Turner B Bhner K.. Neddasm, Mercury EMM t-.Gnds S-4 l:14HfaaC 10 121 C 3 4 »- 4 l c Turner 7 WarBsae, BhnsraT.., liigh Cost 3! t;2:i i.Gnds 1 1:39 fast 7 110 2 1 1 2 62 V C Turner 7 Irish Kiss. Valor, Runzaf 69236 Jeffson 3-4l:12%fast 3 1 7 2 2 2 2 21 J Zoeller 7 W. Zone, Arrowhead, J.S.Reardos 1 r.V136 Jeffson 3-4 l:l:%fast 8 1031 1 I I 3« S J BoeHer I Servitor, Frigate. Ms I lis. II SS Ml M ChurchI 3-4 1 :126fast 8 111 5 5 5 o o:* J Mooney 5 Ahadane, Liist One, Rapid D«y

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Local Identifier: drf1922012301_5_1
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