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i i i I ■ I ! BETTER NEW ORLEANS GOING • ■ ♦ ■ — Fair Grounds Track Dries Rapidly and Permits Improved Racing. ■ a =a Wynnewood an Easy Victor in the Feature Race — Ace of Aces Loses Purse After Victory. NEW ORLEANS. La., January 23. —T. 0. Web- bers Wynnewood again figured in a winning performance, the fifth this winter, when he won the mile and seventy yards dash, which served as the feature. He never gave In- aapparters mil ,i uu easiness, forging imo the lead soon after the start and holding sway for the entile race and won hard held. Betting wisdom in the race was correct nd ihe esteasive sup foi the ariaaer, a- well as that of Translate for second and third places. created a panicky pavilion Iran-late ran true to his supporl. for he was a game contender at Die end and aatatayed the suddenly improved Courtship. The introductory, a scramble for two-year-olds at three eighths of a mile, in addition to furnishing an up-et in the defeat of Billy Jihson. an outstanding favorite, also furnished an anxious period for the big throng when Delusive stumbled in the ]a.«t eighth and catapulted Ambrose out of the saddle and while he was prostrate on the ground Stone Age ran into Delusive and fell almost on top of Ambro-e. Walls, on Stone Age r.-e to his feet uninjured, bin Ambrose had to l e carried to the emergency amnnlan. awl receive Medical attea lion. After a while he came to. although he was . oiisideraMy shaken up. Old Top. carrying the Mont fort Jones colors, won after having led from the start, but he was gal to his heal in the last sixteenth io "iil Itillj ciii-. H •.. the fini-li. for Ihe Buxton Cell was gaming in rapid fashion. Most of the others were almost in a knot as a result of the mishap Bad Billy Whiskers, »m ling in extricating himself the qalckest, landed in third place. Cloudy weather, presaging more ra.n he lacking a winter tinge was the rule this alienooti and it ■ iiit i ii. in.-. I toward an. .titer splendid assemblage at he Pair iioiiinls t., wiii.--- Ihe decision of seven i rac.-s in which some of Ihe better order ■ bone* started Ace of Aces • on :uiies t-. show roasialeecy and won t!i "lo 1 r.i.e in -"in what easy st |.-. alter he had allowed Murphy • !• ■ ..! . i - Ui . until in ih. last eighth. Serbia a sa oatsider com in— with a nisli iindei the hard riding Of Lyke. out Jag., for second place. Ace of Aces ruled favorite and waa well backed. I wis hi- fifth victory this winter al both tracks. This purse however, was rakea from him oa the protest of II. Nen-tcter. who contend d thai he carried two pounds lesa ihan Ihe readitioas required. He w.s sustateed ia bis roateattaa »•: tbe stewards. The lattet aa d did not affeel Ihe bettiag. DELHI MAIDS FALSE PRICE. Delhi Maid, ai a false price roasideriag her re cent goad ra.e. won the third race, but her su. -rot* ua of in. lack] order and in part the re-tall "i fred Kiaaej nwerviag oal badly in the la-i sixteenth. . osting him much ground Poresl Qecea finished in third place, simplicity and Uacle Boa a j were the di-apisiiritmetits hen Day Lilly and The Wit were the ones kesl suiMjmrted la the fifth we ami again was hetl wi-.|otn correct, for. racing in his best style. The it outstayed Baj !a:: !•■ wia by a -.ant leagi Mane John, the extrease eetsieer, headed ihe others in third plan Midnight Sen. a slight favorite, continue.; tii" ■roe* of tbe layers whea he showed ihe wa] home to the band that opposed him. Warsaw taking second |ilac- and Jerrj third The winner came back to Hie scales in a had way. as a result of having fallen lime in the last sixteenth. The .on. lading race fell to Kate Hmmmel. an other heavily backed "i.e. which waa from W. II. Backner, the favorite, with Atteracy Mmr landing in third place. ll..- faitewiag wen Maaiaated today to the Bea Handicap, at one mile, with S_.." iNt ad.!". I. for three-year aide, to be run Saturday. Jaaaary SB: By Gash, Brush Boy. Brilliant Ray, Cap Back. Lieut. Colonel. The Peageaare, Taahaaak, Tom Hare Jr., Marsuale. Boh. Ashtead. Comic Song. Com mander MeMeehia, Bweepy Ballot Mark. Simplicity. Lighter, Costigau. Mabel Curtis. Omnipotent. Stock Din. PROTEST OVER WRONG WEIGHT. A prote-t by n. Keaateter to the effect that A of winner of the second ra.e. carried two pounds less weight than the . -.unlit lulls called for. was sustained by the stewards and. as a result. Neusteter. whose Serbian finished s. end was awarded first money. W. D. Berahardta Jago gets second money, while Murphy was moved up into third place. It was due to a technicality in claiming an allowance and the horse carried his programmed weight. Joe Tevis today purchased Cote dOr from Marks and ODov.d. The amount involved in the transaction was not divulged. Trainer M. Murphy has decided that Thimble is rat Died lo a real and she will aol lx- seen iu action again here this winter. He will fieslien her up for the Maryland racing season. Thimble has been a useful filiy for Murphy lor a long time and the first part of the meeting found her beatteg the top not. hers around here. Jockey Fred Smith, who was suspended some time back for repartaag in the jockeys room in an unfit condition to ride, has been restored to good standing by the stewards. He rode today. Word has been received here to the effect that Harry Breivogel. resident manager at Litonia. is in a bad way and serious feats aie entertained for his recovery. He has been on Ihe ailing list for nearly a year. Col. Andrew Vennie. who is prominent ly identified with Kentucky racing, is at the po-lgraduate has- pital in New York, where he will undergo an operation within a few days. The news of his ilness came a- a surpri-e to his many friends hero.