Duc Decazes Good Luck Continues, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-24


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DUC DECAZES GOOD LUCK CONTIMUEl IAItlS. France. January .M.-The l-olNiO flam s Njce Olaiid lriz". the lug winter sHn-plcchase of southern lraiice, wa- run at 1 lie IJivicra lesorl Sunday and resulted in a wonderfully pietareaajae finish by three horses, which went over the last fence together and fought it out to the winning post. Again the powerful stable of Due Becasea triumphed. His iiors.- LYser and Hiave were firs! and second. LYaer beatteg his stable raaapeatea by a s-aut half length. Signor Monttds Italian male Aheidea was third a length away and the perplex ing Heros XII. fourth. There were thirteen starters and the Decazes pair were the even money and nopalar favorites. A great crowd saw the race. The afternoon was a perfect Riviera one of sunshine and warmth. The race summary is as follows: lirand Prix Nice of K.~ ,000 fraues. steeplechase handicap. 4.000 meters about two and one-half miles. Due Decazes LYser, ch. h. 7, by Ex Voto—Kx- ptealva Gaadtaei 1 Due Deeaaea1 Brava, eh. b, r . by Helicon— Itia iW. Head* - s. Monteis Ahatdea, b. m, «. hp Bigaariao — Jauvetta SsiumiI » I H. Caateaa Heros XII., b. h, 7. by Kx Tate — Historienne Mitchell 4

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922012401/drf1922012401_1_5
Local Identifier: drf1922012401_1_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800