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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. MEX.. SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 1922. — One mil.. Fiftieth i.ty. Tijuana lackey Club. Winter Meeting of 123 or more days. Weather clear; temperature 85. Pfesktlag Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards, J. w! ColTroth and Leon Wins. Starter. Hairy Morrissey. BJactag BJaUllBIJ. Leon Wins. Pacing starts at 1:55 p. m. Chicago time 3:55 p. in.. •Indicates apaveaitaM allowance. """"" rrOfT/iO FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 8, 1916— 35*— £—105. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. •-#£7 4 rtO Special Weights. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. lade* Haraaa AWtPPBt S %~jj Str Fin Jockeys Owners h"Tui~Odds StrTt ERASE w 11". II J* V C 11 Iflar Nevada .Stock Farm il40-HX .■,96 19- MOTHER AGNES w 115 2 2 11 t* T Murray Nevada Stock Farm + DAN HOGAN w IIS 7 :: 4* C; C Thpson A Baroni i?4*t-i*Hi JlDOE HANKCY w 11". 2 E 5*1 H H Saladln Tain o Shunter Stable 898-148 39949SMILTNG voter w 138 ■ i 8* 8*1 P Itartlnea Morris stable 149-191 DICK TERPEN «r lis | .; | • 8* E Taylor Alln and■ WRkeraoa 989-191 LADY LBOttID wllO t ; TV R Harton B Daniels 2S60-100 tCouplod in betting as Nevada Stock Faun . ntrv. Time. 12*: . 24. 361,;,. Track fast. mutuels paid. Nevada Stack Farm ciitiy, 84.98 straight. .30 place. .*3.00 show: Dan Hogan. .-0 show. Equivalent hooking odds— Nevada Stork Farm entry. 110 to 100 straight. 110 to 100 place. .".0 to 100 show: Dan Hogan. 200 to 1 0O show. Winner— B. 1. by Atlieling II. — Thrifty, ay Ogdeu I trained by 6. W. Batty; bred by Nevada Stock Farm . Went to peat at 1:38, At post « minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. ERASE began fast, but allowed his stablemate o show ill" way for the iirst Hiarter. then passed her quickly and won in a canter. MOTHER AGXR9 showed the ino.-t early speed, but tired in the final strides a nd barely -ivil second place. DAN HOGAN ran a smashing race, coming from the rear with a msh. JUDGE RAKBCY aad SMILING VOTER Bnishcd close up. ■S i -it . tied — Paisley, 11.-,: Faker. 11.".: Nortield. I IS; Mclachriao. lis. rrClrT/f/i PEGOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlong;. June. 28. 191C— 1:98%— 0— lit. Puree S500. 3-year-tlU 4 -i.-Jk olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third, 0. Index I lories AV.t PP8t % % % StT l*ia Jockeys Owners Eguiv. Odds Strl SM?t*ROSELL.I8 wilUS 1 I B |ak 4| 4*1 1 « Ralls Thompson A Berry lSJO-100 89871 "FOND HOPE was 5 Ml * I V l- i- MC Stader H T Pmlaaer tsno-ion G8jf93*RING LEADER ar€W : 2 23 ::, X* 3] . Hamnwr V Rlaehart 210-100 .".939J col. MURPHT area .". 112 ! 3 :: 33 V 1 A Arvin J G Arvin gOO-140 59991- IF VKIVS TOPAZ v r. 7 117 3 7 7- 7" J* .". R Carter J I.ym h 139-144 897I9*8EA BEACH wit 9 111 1; 1 S" .", 8* V P Martinez F R Irwin S99-19I 89S93**CHOIR MTER wa 7 1U 5 S 8" fi3 BJ 7* I P. B*wer J Kern IIM-MO Bf#f9*MOORBWOOD araa 11 H9 I 5 « 81 I* I* 17 Donaline J Wilson EClio vv :: l« 7 i nj !» 9 • B Fator S Shelby •iMntuel field. Time. 21. 48?5. 1:02/L. 1:08=0. Track fast. S3 tniiluels paid. RoaclUs, 3.M straight. .SI.".. 00 place. 3.W show; Iond Rope, field, |7.M place, Jo.lO siiow; llinirle.i.ioi . Sli.tO show. Eqnlralcat bookla« . 1 !- Roacltbi, 13B0 to 100 itraicht, 650 t« KM place. 1H0 to loo show; Fond Hope. |cM. •_•!♦ ! t a 100 place. 7o to TMt show: Rinirladcr, 70 to dmi show. Winner — B. 111. by Jim J.eiison — Poatrquoi Pa*, bv IroqaoU itrained by . Berry; bred by Mr. .1. K. Has***. V.enl to po-i yl 2:25. At P"~i 1 miuule. Start food and slow. Won driviiiK; s.-cond and third the same. ROSIXLI8. .ir:--r betas forwardly placed, caatc fast tinouch the final eighth ami won drawlag . car. POND HOPE nbowed a hlyh order of speed in paeejaakiag, but was ao match for the winner when ciiallii-.i RINGLEADER run we!l. MURPHY showed aiacti speed to the last . iKii!i. Srratf-hed 30715 how. Ill: r.: 7.n Pejtgjr Martin. 105; :. H::k Red William, IIS. prorT j fT Tinr?D RACE— C 1-2 Futatja. J *aa tt, ttlt— 1:05,.— 3— US. Pjna 00. year-«"*y 4 VU olds and upward. Cainun?. Net value to v/inner 50; second. S100; third, £50. lil|e;» UOMC " AWtPPH r j j [ 1~~ S! 7Vln Ji.-!;ey ; ~0 7:7cT T EqUtT. Odds Btf t INM R| B BER 1 1 w 7~i W 2 1 I J 1= Is I* T Wilson 1 1 T Pa lour 24f»-l K! i ;.!t7i:." ». . !■■ TRUMPS h 4 1*3 i :: EJ " L:, .1 llanmer u Parrell i.op-, SM74*NEIXIE HARPER w T. 7 S 8* , •- S1 V. S.nder Tain o Rhmnter Stable Ra-MO .".85 ?•« il BURGOTNE « IKS I " ::; ■•■ , :. %l M Pmtor W roankmaji Sno-KW , 57703* MANNI KIN II. w S !"•• 1 t 9 ■•[ 7" ..i A Jacoha H Lott I2440-108 ftt7S4*K. CHEATHAM ara I I1:. S I Si 6J f P B Neal v. V. McGreajor 149-100 , HBMSHANORGREY w.s .". Ms k I 4, :.. R 7 D Horn i" B Irwin Lb.O-K ."•:i.".X7 .".!, TILGHMAN wsu 13 IIS 3 2 5* ■ -"■ V C Thpson M Morrtaon | NMDDOR DOORLEY « 8 lid :• I 7" S 8 I T Murray 8 K Vaxian 4740-Me , rMutocl field. Time, 24, 49. 1:02!,. 1:09. Tiack fast, nmtncls paid, Bahber II.. 0.80 straight, *l.oo place, .20 show; Qveea af Traaapa, Sl.Ht place, .20 show; Nellie Harper, .00 show. Bawtvaleal hookimt odds- Rubber II., 240 to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place, 00 to 100 show; Qoeea «.r Traaapa. 130 to 100 place. *v to 1 xi show: Nellie Harper, so to 100 show. Winner — Br. .. by Yankee — Caoutchouc, by Galore trained by c. Maaley; bred by Messrs. F. it. and T. Hitchcock i. Went to past at :.:•" At ««! 0 in i nil I ■-. Star ROsd and sh»W. Woa easily; sc.ond and third diiv-iiiK. RUBBER li. took the lead at oawe and. keepiaK *• won in a mater. QUEEN OP TRUMPH was hard ridden while ractag in wcoad pla-e and made | -jnne lini-ii. NRLLIK HARPER ran a fast race from a slow besiaaiBC. HARRY RIJRGUYNE howed speed and should benefit by the race. S.iath.d- 50730 Master franklin. 110: 59491 Dorothy. l|": 505C9 Harvrj Sinarr. 110. 0»ei weights — Kitty Gheathaa, 1 pound. prCirTJCJ FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Frh. 1. 1920— 1:43 ,— 6— 122. Purrc 00. •3«_F J 4TF 3-year-olris and upward. Claiming. Vat value tow-inner 50: second, 00: third, 0 "io,i. no,... AWtPPBt % I* vjStrria Jockeys Dwaers Egalr. Odds BtrM 99110*0. MHLERACH wa 6 PO 7 S C; 4« 22J 1 l« .1 Hunmcr Mannalc «c Brumatock KO-1* M719*B*DING THGH waa 5 144 1 7 7, 7:i .", 2= 2s; A Jacobs A I. Brigga 249-1W 19931 TERM A K w 9 111 8 E • BJ « 3 "• P Martinea C i: Irwin -O-ii 1 99991 i T CIGARETTE w3 S3 3 ! 8 8 7, 1 • l« A Tronahy I! T Palmer mo-t0fl 1 .".«!••.: PROPHEtT w 9 114 I :: Vs 1*111 5 "■ W Gargan W L Scfaaefer 2iaia-im 1 8 9993**PIERROT a 6 M9 1 L 9" r.,: H 7- i. C Btuder P . Bhorl M9-108 1 l99Tt*LOLA w j m h 1 ; V 43 .1 7r P Horn . S McDaniel 259J 1*1 , 99719»*NEPPERHAN wa 7 112 "■ 5 ;:-■• ;"lk :: x 8 K Neal l I! Hall SCO-MO I Time. 24, 49, 1:15/,. 19%, 1:48. Track fast. |2 miitud; paid. George Mueblebaeh, 13.00 straight, 93.09 place, .■ :!. ;•• show; Boaadiag Throagh, 94.99 ploe. |3.9U show; Yenrnak, .00 show. I. piialent bookiag odd- -George Mnehlebaeb. 530 to Phi straight, 180 to 103 place, so la 199 show; F.ouiidiiur Through, 130 to 100 place. B0 to 109 show; Yerniak. 80 to 100 show. Winner- li g, bv Mi Ceo--Stoat I Moment.-, by Kingston trained by .1. Mannalc; bred bv Mr Charles , W. Moore I. Weni to pool at ":.i. At post 1 aiinnte Start KOod and slow. Won driving: second ami third the same. GEORGE MUEHLEBACH begaa slow!... hut arared ap with a great msh after roaadiag the far tarn and. takiag the lead in the stretch, hold it under hard rMiag, but barely lasted to win from the last-COaitBg BOUNDING THROUGH. The latter came from far back and. whoa saeaiiagly the winner, liro.t Buaxtenly. YERMAK ran arell from ■ slow beglaalag. THE CIGARETTE bad a rough race PROPHECY tired after raciag in the lead for three -qnarters. Bcratched 39999 Hetea locas. in.. Overweights- Prophecy, ;! pounds. rrhfT/iry FIFTH RACF— 1 I-!6 HOaa. Jaaa M. lOlC — 1:45 — 3— 110. Pur:,e 00. 3-year-olds ifty 4 "dr a and upwaid. Handicap. Net value to winner 30; second. 80; third, 0. Hides- Horses AWtPPBt 1A li , so Tin loefcej Owaers Eqaiv. Odds HtrM r.9«;:«5 STAR REALM wa 4 114 5 4 3? 4*1 34 2= li H B Bwer W Walker 150-140 .-.r «.- :i GRACE wltn 4 l .".-i 5-v :,-i ■;- 8» C Stader Shafer ft Conway to-ion 59993 *FRK POGARTY wa 4 Mi :: i i •; I . :;-i J Hanaaer G Alexandra 239-101 39973 BAM REH W* 4 113 Z 1 ISJ I* I* 1- 1 T Murray Shafer ft Conway f 99713:DON DODGE w7 M 8 o 4*133 3*5 4 6* D Huin C H Irwin 749-MO 39499BALLOTCAR W 4 MC 1 :; ::- 3k fl 8 U A Jacobs R If Barnes l,"rt -10» fCoupled la bettiag as Shafer and Conway eat 17. Time, 241A. 48",. 1:19%. 1:41-.. 1:47%. Track fast. Si: uiutucN paid, st.-.r Realm, 13.99 straight, 93.29 place, 13.49 show: Shafer ft Ceaway entry, .20 1 place, . L.40 show: Frank Foijarty. 12.90 Show. BajalTatfeat hoohiag adds— Star Realm. 150 to 100 straight. *V» ta HO place. _0 to 100 show; Shafer 9 Conway entry. 00 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show; Frank Pogartr, 90 to 100 show. Winner— lli. j;. by Star BhOOl — Continental, by Yankee trained bv W. Walker; bred bv Mr. John F. Madden. Weat to past at 3:-io. At past 1 aWaate. Btart goad and -low for all but PRANK POGARTY. Won drivfaag; aacoad and third the aaase. BTAR BRALM was saved to the stretch, where he passed the pace-aaahct qalChlli and. tahhag the lead, won draWhag clear under bard ridins. GRACE made up ground ill ii fast fini-!. PRANK POGARTY dwell at the star;, thea salked and raCased to aztead himself until in iha final piartei. where he cane with a neal rash, BAM REH showed high speed la paeeataklag, but tired badly in the last eighth. DON DODGE and BALLOTCAR qnit after showinj; speed. Bcratched- .".9713 Hob Baker, 193. Overweights — Frank Pegarty, 3 pound-. ROrT/IG SIXTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916— 1:11?-,— S— 110. Fourth Running LOS AN-OtJ 9 "JtO CFLES HIGHWEI6HT HANDICAP. Pur;* 2,M0. 3-ycar-old.; and upward. Ket value to winner ,900: recond. 00; third, 00. lade* Horses AWtPPBt U ~ ■■; Str Fin jfocteya " Owners F..|iiiv. Oftjagfr*t 59449*MOTOR CTTP wTTTtfT .", :: V V l . 1- P Martini?/, t7-B_ Irwin t9B-108 1 39714:SI8TER SUSIE wa 3 191 :: 1 " :. 1*1 2J E Neal .1 A Parson C00-1W 1 ." !6ifi BEDAN wa 9 111 - 4 9* 3*4 3] "- C H M*ler C B Irwin 1 .".K7lft SlNNVHAND wti 7 121 2 - M »«• a, 41 ■ Taylor lironx Stable SUO-ltW 1 .".971 1 HERDER w 7 1H t 7 ii- 6-1 «-l ."- D Hum B Irwin t r.966 HEAD OR HLS WB 3 113 7 li 4" 41 4» l;i 1 Murray Risboe Stable :!S0-100 59999 POLLY WALE w 3 191 15 7 7 7 7 C Studer San Diego Stable M9-M3 1 tCoupled in bettiag as P. P.. Irwin entry. Ti:nc. 23. 35, 47?3. 1:19%. Track fast. S3 inutiiels paid. C. B. Ii win ent.y. 33.99 tUraight, .i0 place. 92.99 show: Sister Susie. . SO place, ?l.-0 -how. i:.|iiivule!it bookiag aids— C. B. Irwin entry. 80 to 100 Straight, 30 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show: Sister S,;-ic. 00 to 100 place. HO to IOO show. Winner— It. h. by lnel« — Xarco. by B. W. Johnson trained by C. B. Irwin; bred by Mr. H. P. Ucadtey. Went to past a. 449. At past 1 minute. Start j$ I and tlow. Won easily: second and third driv- iiiK. MOTOR OOP set a fast pace from the -iar, and won easily all the way. BISTER SiSIE made a game finish and. de-pite BCsag la doaa Qaarters midway of the stretch, was easily -econd best. SEDAN ran in closest parsait to the last eighth aad Bred. 9UNNYLAND linishcd gaaady. REAP OTW HEELS tired. Scratched— r.!H4L Taihu- Maid. 111. KQfW IQ SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. March 27. 1921—1:52 — 5 — 117. Purse 00. 3-year-iaftf 4 *i*y olds and upwaid. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second. 00; third, 0. "ladea Macaw AWtPPBt . .. S str Fin aaakeja Owners Bgair. Oaala Strt 599tt » VETERAN wb G 114 3 :! 13 I" ."1 i"» 5 J Hunmer . Alexandra 79-199 99319 P1RDRA alTM 8 1 - F 11 l»| T ■ Taylor J RsJUUt L84l-Kn | 59713 OATH BTS 3 113 - "J 5*1 41 4S P Pitt Harton * Vail I439-H8 , 39937 SHORT 8TOP waa 7 193 17 7 7 7 E| 4*1 C Studer 11 D Gates !0-1 X ; 967."» I.V IN BLACK waa 5 9M 7 1 3* S*J 9*1 3*1 5» 1 Hum C B Irwin 849-M4 . 99973* •VERDI LOON w j 103 4 ! 6- U « 6a ■ Neal J I. Braiinun 700-10-1 ; 999394 TTTTT wb 4 M I S 1- ti P U 7 P Hum Smith and Williams O60-lf» • Time. 25. 49%. 1:19%, 1:42%. 1:98%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Veteran. .40 straight. S3.1*0 place. $.00 show: Iiedra. Slo.00 place. ,.S0 show; j Gatii. $.VJ0 show. j Baarrahtat anaklag odds— Veteran. 70 to 199 straight, 99 to loo place. 30 to loo show; Piedra. tir.o to • 100 place. -_40 to 100 show: Oath, 999 to 100 show. | Winner — B. h. by Ilis Majesty- Nectary, by Rinneford tr.iined by E. Alexandra; bred iu England by Mr. .1. J. Parkinxon. Wetn to post at -1:30. At post 2 minutes. Start good and -low. Won driving: second and third the I same. VETEIJAN moved 09 fast after passing the half and, challenging the leader midway of the f stretch, outstayed him in a desperate linisli. P1EDRA shewed much speed iu racing into the lead and. I when challenged, hung 011 tenaciously and only sticeumlwd in the last stride. GATII ran well. SHOUT 8I0P%made up ground. VERDI LOON stumbled and ulmost fell when pausing the stand. 1 PrQTKCIrB EIGHTH RACE— 5 1-8 Furlong. June 38, 1016— 1 iOO/i— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-*JJ 4 t3J olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50; scoond, 00; third, 0. Index Hor, cw AWtPPKt jj H ? Str Fin Jockeys ~~o"wnors ralTOddl I BU*t 99999 COCA COLA wb 4 li.i 1 .". K] .?. ?. l»k E DonaWue A f. Austin TailOO 59995 MAYFLOWER w 4 110 5 6 8* 212 2; D Hum C B Irwin W-W 99951 MISS MANAGE W 6 109 r, 3 li V V -i»- C Gross Pallinper k Coffman 270-1OO 59714*NONSLTT v.- 4 109 7 3 2» 4; •!• 4"t J Hunmer 7. R McGregor MO-100 ,95«6-*TOM CRAVEN w 3 88 19 14 M 9J 5 ant p Hum T G Morris ;W60-100 59999*SHEBA w 4 103 4 S % 9*1 ,-• G= A Jacobs J 14 Cooper SOO-Pki 59995*CLEAR THE WAY w 8 98 3 1 J» 7" 71 7*1 R Carter Smith * Williams 1410-Hjo 89911 *LADY SMALL wa T Ml % % 8 8 R3 8*1 C Tllpaoa G A Lackey 1120-i »i 87 149* HAL WRIGHT ar 1 lot 3 7 «»•"• l« M 8* H B Bwer Bronx stable IM99-9N 57116 KMMA W1.1AMS w 3 9J s l :;■ ::. «•- 10 C Stader V Cloud 3848-189 Time. 99%, 99%, 1:91%, l:071i. Track fast. 33 muiiiels paid. Coca Cola. .0.00 straight. 95.90 place, 94-B8 show; Mayilower. 94.93 place, %.m snow: Miss Manage. ..40 show. Equivalent booking adia — Co.-a Cola. 430 to KM straight. 199 to 199 place 119 to Umi shear Miv-flower. 193 to 193 place, 109 ta loo show. kUaa Manage. 70 to 100 sbaw. Winner -Mr. f. by Superman — llupicola. by Advance Guard trained by A. I,. Austin: bred by Mr. Henry T. Oxnard. Went to post at 4:7.0. At post 1 minute, start geed and ■laW. Won driviag; secaad and third hat same. COCA COLA overcame mm h interference and. finishing last OB the outside, got ap to win in tha 8aal strides. MAYPLOWRR was | forward contender from the •tart and finished gamolv MISS MAX-AGi; set a good pace, but tired, in the final drive. NONSUIT tired, but finished gamely TOM GRAVEN made up ground. KMMA WILLIAMS showed early speed, then quit. Overweights — Clear the Way. 7. pounds; Hal Wright, i.