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HORSES WITH THE PATH WIN I F . ■ Those Failing to Gain it First; Have Little Chance. r ♦ 1 Lykes Oversight Loses for Gray J sli Gables — Bertha S. the Only f Winning- Favorite [ l; NSW out. FANS La „ Kn.rii.irv :; -Path rariag v B« again il "i1-r thin .1iTI"mu :ni«I as ;i result the -i" rt Baffered it Mam with ■■ Inn ■■ position i a wii-i- ;it ;i decided disadvanlag • ClaMdj bit Irani Breather prevailed, and tad* aras mo-tly re a passible for the big attendance pre seat. The starters again " comprised those of ■■ inferior giade, but in moel rasn wcrp evenly maw-hod. Parorites vm in ■ almost total eclipse, Ike except 1 m being Bertha s. v tamer «f the first race, mqppart i * her araa of the lain aaiai eariety, m on the whole the layers ; a reaped a harrest. The best race fraai the point of class of the eea-trstaata araa ■ adle and an • . « i 1 1 1 1 clairaiag handicap, which found Pictnr ami Grey Gable* the "lit- ;l ■standing harked eaes. Bat the winner turned ap . in the raaslateal Gosrasasd. Bhi tarces* thia J afhanea, however, ami attained in flakej faahloat, for Gray SaMea araa arach tin- heal and hat for ! Lykes aser-confideace and easing liini up after he bad dhmsaed of PI tor. eaahted Gsnrmaad to win , li.v a nose in the last stride. In spit t- of the whirlwind rash the latter cane with in the stretch, had lie continued keeping Gray Gabies to hii t .1 -k in the met sixteenth he probably world hare area hjr , a bis margin. Maiden three ■year-aaia epeaed prsceedlaga and John Gaasaa Bertha s. prertd heat, having secured thr path at th" start and being hold to the firm 1 atrip of going Wits in front throughout hart -it that i had Garaer, on Brhitow, beea able to k -p him fiom sworvins he would hare araa. Bee*« Wine on j joyed fiToiitism in the aacaaHl rare, but lift- iaatr ritil po.-ition at thf itost rliminatfd her from the ■ eoateal early, Twoaair ariaaJag hero easily from Breera Bill and Sorriic Star. The path apain played a araatiaeail part ia do x i«i mining the wiaaer in the bird race, for Cobalt Laaa. rarared hi the flrawr faotiac heal Bet»ia U, 1 i" favo: it.-, after a hard driv . laaase araa aaather thai ..i- benefitted by 1 1 1 - - 1 ?.iih ami heciaalae; from an voter posit ion l"«l tin •then ii Ike fovrth race to nltimatelj aria bj 1 n ik from Gaieta, «ith Coaaarl third pliiin «i- the farorit here. ■1 ;.!■_•. K wan IB iMM.iiiii.ii; •ro.r-. but lier poor rariag toapled with the ineffleJenl rid" the , rere red »ffo tivelj il xpoacd •■! any 1 :. 1:0 ■ »1m n itr!.t have bad. Hollo Partner, oiaaj ;n bhi heal form. k"it in too 00. 1 srti,i ■■ BOiag all the way ami woa easily fraai Phelaa and Bead Vavtbei li".ivi! barked faTorite real aowa to d.-f"it in tla Iiia lii-h when Z"ii" l *Am»ee - te i-MMbed to Uttle :m aad Broaa Peddler Baae I *Ariioo"s failure was posslWj due to the exliaiisl rre effort thai King Ttojaa foreed hiai ta aiake far ■ the inst three -qaartera. I HORSES TO LEAVE EOR TIJUANA Beet Wiaa;. Harrj Baddrr, Kir»tiea Cab, Bwea-sons Article laaaita Parka, Ifaleiber and Baiaej are niioii/ the hacaea to leare hot" tomorrow ui;:!it for Tfjaaaa, arkera they arlll he raced, lorkey Geortre Carroll leares Sfoaday for Ti-jaaaa. He baa boon eacaed bj l». I! Atlea I 1 1 iib- m itriber in his ~take raa;af;eaaeata at th" boa or 1 alifoi nhi rai k. Trail. ■•■■ Tom ICHern. who baa beea raaditfoaias Iniiiii ;-il- lorn here leaves foi Laaiarille, By., witbia a few days la lake up twelre harsea, tea of which are twa-year-ohjs, for apriag raeiag. Tfkey belenc to rarioon awaers aaMag theai bong Baylor iliikman. lo.ominont bu-i.10-. man of ho Palls ity. He "ill take loe C. and Mirg.irot Atkia bark from bore. Il was oHeni who boif.kt fjour-10 ia i here and lost him in a rtakaiac race at lefferaoa Park. lanaea Greeae af LAaiaville. v raeea ■ small ■tr.Me on the Keatachy eireail arrrred tadaj far his annual whiter vacation. He plans to roniain for two sreeka. afaaoevre was a ei Meat ally omit tod from the eatriea in the fifth raoi- taaaorraar. He .-air;"- Ifjg, Haae Babeaatela, who has beea on the firing liae far aercral weeks, departed hwl night lor his homo in Ctaciaaati. Ward wa retelred here 10 the affect that Lake LeBhaad, who i well kaawa in ra ing cirrlea thmughont the eectatry. Is in a serioua eoaditioa in Plai laaatl H" has beea on the ailing list for *odv -weeks and his att-nding paryarias entertain ■eriaaa fours about ins leeaaeiy. lylilond brought r.iit larkey Clareace Taraer and aaaae year-: hack, lahatalacd a small bm aamaifal raeiat atabte. LANG BREAKS LOSING STREAK. lorkey . Laag broko his loving stioak by pilotiag Gaajrauad to rictary in tin- pfckwb?k tlaiming Ilan-flioip His arki was a bjeky one. however, a-* ;ray Gables would hare beat-n tin. but jockey UailBU Lyko throw th" race away. Ho did not realize that Gaatraaaad waa tMling up aa the outside of him or ho Mould have won hand-- tWam. lackuj Mack ;arnor was either deleiaiiaed ta find out just why other riders were avoiding the rail in tin- stretck, at ahaa • • araa unfortunat" in dtawlag swerving horses to rido. I.risiow ran down in th* loop going with hiui in the first race after he apparently had victory aataarad and Iietor re-ptated this pariacBaaaea in the fifth The lattor is ii araaaaaaccd rail runner and traiaei Gaarge **"■ ftarnos warned Garaer that ho would have difficulty I holding him oil! before he went to the post Centimeter is erkadMai to make his fir-t vtart j siu-.e list autumn in the Whirl Purse at the Pair Grounds tomorrow. This colt was si"k when taken I off the cars Last November and he was on the s.ielf for several months as a result. Trainer IHeV Vestal has him near his top form again and when he is right he is a shifty sort of a sprinter. Jockey R. Romanelli broke into the winning column for the first time in many ■ day. He has not - Continued on tbiid uage . HORSES WITH THE PATH WIN Continued from first page. ridden often, most of his mounts being confined to the G. II. Baker stable .and this establishment lias not enjoyed its success of former years. Broom Peddler changed hands, George Peterson acpiuiring him via the claiming route. He cost his now owner ,000. Six race horses of the Edwin T. ZolHcoffer stable were seized by the civil sheriff to satisfy claims amounting to 2,475, of Harold H. Thurber, Jockey for Zollicoffer. The horses seized include Duke John, My Laddie, Toe the Mark. Mnsita. Tipford and Pinard. They will be held to satisfy the claims of jockey Thurber, which are for a note for 0,000 and salary of ,475, alleged due him by Zollicoffer. The training of the horses is to continue, with an official of the sheriffs office looking on, but they may not participate In any race. Winnings of the liorses held by the Business Mens Racing Association are also attached by the order.