untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-04


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00 OlARANHfD SPECIAL ! OUR TWENTY-EIGHTH Guaranteed Special. GOES Wednesday. February 3. Real, THIS. TIV~ information, not •tipf." Hor e antst WIN — not run second or rhirn— o: year sab-riptioa REFUHDEB. Throw away your dops books: buy VIRILE INFORMATION— WE KNOW. OUR YESTERDAYS SPECIAL: HELLO PARDNER, 5 to 1, WON PASTORAL SWAIN, 3 to 1, WON IS THE sweet nior.el served lzst Waanaaiay. R.-ad tlm form chart of the race aad ee THIS if y.-c KNOW. Tnc purveying of INFORMATION is. with us. a HUS1NESS. STECIAL— Wednesdays S100 Guarar.teed Special is POSITIVELY one of the safael avw aaadled by u-. When sua buv fro,n"ns vou KNOW you are "p.otected." In subscribing please include phone l. umber. We prepay all telegraphic or long-distance phone me. sages. It GOES Wcdnc .day. Rnah your subscription — NOW. NATIONAL NEWS SERVICE • Turf Darpt* SI 1TK HHI2 - H»! NOIllll DBAatBbOBlH STIIKHI - CHICAGO, 1LI-. | I J. I. "Lucky" Baldwin TODAYS SPECIAL: FELIX Jf 7-2 WON j LAST FOUR HORSES SENT OUT: THREE WINNERS: ONE SCRATCH. If you are interested in irformation on horses I well meant, and or. which few mi-taV:":- - .re made and you ars absolutely reliable and in t position to make at least five straight flat bets, dont hesitate, rush your correct address at once. Winning on a straight flat Set is the crucible test in racing. I am a positive winner on a straight flat bet basis. My specials are at Tijuana. Havana. New Orleans. My terms — Send me by wire, after you collect yours, the winnings of a 0 straight play. Any time a special loses deduct what you would lose playing for me from successive v/innings. I CANNOT WIN IF YOU LOSE. 1303 LEXINGTON AVE., NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. HELLO PARDNER . .-1 WON Was Yesterdays .00 OCCASIONAL This makes 4 Winners out of the last 7 Terms for this service for One or for Three NATIONAL O. S. PUB. CO. 411 Baltimore Bid*. Ohioago. Til I i Subscribe for Daily Racing Form FREE BOOK 11 THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM has just published a book which show* in detail 1 the results of this System for past two years, which I should prove interesting to those following the turf. i inasmuch that it v.or. on every track in the United ■ States a:id Canada during 1920-1921. The book is | free; write for it. Results MODERATE, but POSI- ■ TIVE. If you expect fabulous results, dont ia-| quire. Play at or away from the track, one ra :a or more per day. An INVESTMENT, not a specula-j tion. Must win its cost in throe days or moniy refunded. Is this fair enough? The Guarantee System is copyrighted and fully protected and is on file in United States Patent Office, and with this publication. Address GUARANTEE SYSTEM. 117 W. Franklin Street :: Baltimore, Md. FOR WINNERS GET THE OLD RELIABLE STANDARD — 35c AT ALL NEWSSTANDS TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: March-Poach-16-60-15-58-enti-y THR STANDARD TURF GCTDR. Boom 408. SB Weat ftuiacy St. Chicago. Hi. HANDICAP THEM YOURSELF. Get a Thorough- bred. On sale at all newsstands, 38c. SATURDAYS BEST: Bush - East-Can- Use-Buy - Can . THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimore Bldg. Estab. 1807 Chicago, IU. ON SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS. Latest Reporter, good for all next week. Costs only 35c, SATURDAYS X SPECIAL: Mail- Wednesday - Can - You-Put -Let. THE TTJBP REPORTER 22 W. Quiaoy St. E»Ub. IBM ducafo, HJ,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922020401/drf1922020401_8_5
Local Identifier: drf1922020401_8_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800