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. VETERAN TAKES FEATURE Captures Twin Falls Handicap After Splendid Performance — Three Wins for E. Noble. H.MANA. Mexico. Pebraary g Veterua -be arat ■ rerythfaag his name iniidies yesterday all of the • poiienee of years of racing, the .stunline-s which i-onies from freajaaal raaajaeat, the ability to carry OB, that stoutness of heart loft him as a heritage j ids was the wiaaer of the fifth and feature race of yesterday afteraeeaa card, it was the Twin Falls Handicap, at one mile and seventy yards, ami in winning this the H. I*. Cates campaigner took tl " measure of some very fair performers, including Star Realm and Planet The race was not for these two. for the ma n CSBteatJoa was flrnisl.oi] by .1 titoroughbred which appears to be jumping from tiie comuion selling pln:"r clas to stake pcaaibill ties I his i- Bab Baker. He runs in the oolors of C. B. Irwin, and a good rSver he araa yesterday. Of tBWBe there may iiavo beea S mo omuso for Planet, believed a real contender, it was a -landing atari and .1 bad one, with Planer and BalhMcar les-ing all chance Bab Baker, which with Begieau ran as the Irwia oniry. apriated right to the front, his aiaety-eighl noasds beiag a mere feather on his hark. Wcddiag Prince was Broaaiaeal in the early raaaiag, but had enough ere the half Jaaraey aid boon trareled. Then thore was Star Realm His defeat was not inglorious. He -wr;s away in :: tangle and ran a Bosjewhat searkliag race :• finish • iird L was ill Mob Baker until they tuned for home At this point Veteran ikalleagrd Bob Bakes and. although the latter hung .11 gBBBCly, be wa -not ecjaal to the winners raah and at the end was beaten by a ae k. Star Beaba steadily laaprored his poairias and with a better start might have been ti tarned victorious. Aaather big crowd assembled at tin- border course la -co an attractive card of ncea. HowoVor. it was had day for the favorites When tl.i sua total waa taki-n for the afternoon it was leaned that only one. and this an 1 qaal choice with another, was aide to get down in front. This was Little Florence. which in the three-year-old contest pre/red the ric-lorioua one, with NeUle Harper droppiag into aecaad place to separate Little Florence and Tabloid. That little follow from New BrvmfcU, Texas. K! bort Noble, well upheld the honors of the Ion •• star state by riding throe winners. He Beared on Little Florence, Loonevillc and Goldie Rose. The nexi important renewal is listid for Bonday, his being the ,509 Tijuana Busino-s Mens Handi erp. a! one and one-sixteenth miles Leoa Wing, secretary. has announced the following weights: Glen Well. 03; Royce Rools. 1 *_*G : Rifle. 110; Lady in Black. 9s; Bagraaa, 103: Be Frank. US; lk" Harvey. 101: Kirk wood, !t0: CoffieM, h» : Polly Wale. 90: Breeze. 113: Bant Indian. 112: Paddj Whack, 110: Omaad, 93; Verdi Leoa, IB; lean Carey. H 7: Belario, 111; Tailor Maid. 101; L-mtado-. lU: Proapeetor, IS; Gay, 125: Clarkaaa, 100: Peteraa, 108; Belgian *l teen. 101; Ballet Proof, IK5- Planet. -l; Parbelow, 11» . Sutiiivland. 118; Motor Cop. 128; Flags lis . 1: Irwin entertained * party of gueeta in tb elubbonae yesterday, [aclnded in the party were i W. M. leffera, rice presMeal aad geaeral Bnaager Caioa Pacific Bailway. and Mrs leffen; Mr. Hall. Tiiomineni Omaha payiltiaa. ami Mrs. Hall. Tbej arriTed her.- la a nervate car and intend atayiag ia I :he South for a week Bnckhara H. efaaaged ha aa after Um sixth nca 1 A. Pal-on claiming him far 81,000.