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TIJUANA LEADING WINNERS Over 00,000 Distributed in Stakes and Purses During Sixty-Two Days of Racing. AVith the racing of Sunday. Pehraary ■" . s|ty iw.. days f the preaeat Tijuana aaeetJag were -on-rladed. Poor hundred and forty-two ra -«s bare been decided aad .sLvw.sot dtatrlaated in siake aad nurses, c. is. Irarta is the ltryest wiaaer aaaoag the owners, his horses accounting for tweaty nine races and SiL.JTt*. .T. A Carson ha* met with te-asarkabte sue. ess. winning forty races and kit HH». Ill-- following are the owners who won k3,kkt at more : ftwnrr. 1st. 2.1. Id. Amt. Irw in. C. B 29 S3 23 Si:!-.-:" Parson, J A MJ i* 20 M.09U !iln-."r. H T IS M M T.ftOO Sbafcr and Caaway 11 H •• 7,«3d h. i 13 12 n •; Walker, w 8 13 7 .-..luo C.isbee Stable 1 * ■.« Kera, J I* " s 4,kk« Irwia, F It T u 8 -l.oiK McGregor. Z. B 8 11 1.2k* Tam o Bbaatcr Stable «; •• 3 :;.! lo Irby, C T K 7 8.810 rvin. .1. ; 8 «; 2 3,3kg BlackweJl »v Criapea d • 7 :!.:::.:i Miner. G. J I t 2 :i.jD • Atkiasoa. .. w » 7 Iti 2.ti..o i rris stable 8 i I 2.n:.o Mcllaniel. .1. S 7 :! ". 2,300 names, h. v o 2 i 2..-.::o Mannale. V •". :i t 2.." 00 Padgett and Daagberty ."• :: 2 2.130 Creech, B -» -" 1 2.131 Walters. H ■. ■ 13 2. 1 10 Alexaadra, ; I -1 3 2.120 Lorell, B. B •" I 0 2,130 Short. V. I. 3 I 2.100 Abkott, G. B 2 ."i .". 2.070 Motor Cap has won three pacea and 34,383, heading the ii- of winning horses, of which the following von 32,333 or more each: Horse. 1st. 2d. 3d. Amt. Motor fop .I 0 I ,380 s.-dan 4 » s :;.!» " Parhelew 4 i :: 3.290 Huron II ■ I - 3.943 Rifle 2 1 2 2.7MI Fast Indian 2 3 1 2. .no Sam Reh 4 i o 2.333 Ikey T 4 2 o 2.533 Woodie Montgomery 4 1 :i 2,430 aj ereaa :i I • 2.:!3 i I inly Fashion ."► 1 1 2.2 »C Verniak •" 2 3 2.130 i:i Bakta ■ - - 2.300 Gaea Well - I 0 2.340 C. A. Ceasiskey •"• i •"■ 2.323 Short Stop 4 2 2 2.020 .1 II ii ii .one: ii ;s ;, hi;; lead for the riding honors of the lectiag. The following Jackeys, who raaa nine or more wiaaers, sre as fatsawa: Jockey. Mta. 1st. 2d, 3d. Cup P.C J 323 7M 33 li» US .21 Williams. G 193 43 :!2 27 .".I .2s Parke, I! 284 -n 4!t »:; 1 lt» .1.1 Siuder. C 218 :.l 31 31 12:; .14 Sobte, K 1«:= -7 21 81 81 .17 Martinez. !• 154 23 21 22 82 .17 lacaba, A 212 21 84 38 121 .18 Ifnrray, T K 14 17 14 32 .11 Rower, H. B 113 12 23 8 71 .11 Cross. C 1U 12 H 13 S » .U Wilson. T 02 12 H 13 33 .13 Saladiu. II 104 11 11 8 73 .11 farter. B HO 11 10 8 S7 .13 Bara. 1 ■"• " " s :,! " Taylor. E 38 18 R 7 71 .18 Hum. P 123 » 14 17 38 .91 The following traineis saddled six ST uioi" winners: Trainer. Wins Trainer. Wins. Cat-son. J. A 40 Mannale. J S Irwiu. .. 1$ 2J» McGregor. Z. B 8 Manley. C IS Arvin. .1. 6 8 croftoii. J 12 Breat. A 7 Krb. 1 11 Irwin. K. R 7 Kern. .1 10 Samples, f 7 GroTea, C K •• 9 Criapea, •:. w t; Irbv. C 9 Hill. -I ■ Barkkart, S. W 8 TaUatt, U « Walker. W 8 «. —