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■OMI BACI 8-4. Mile. 4-year-olds and upward, llalnilug. « Feb. 9, 1918 1:11 1-6— — « 11«. J AGO. b. g. 8 113 By Marathon— Somersault, by Handspring. Trainer, D. Womeldorff. Owner, W. D. Bernhardt. 60038 F.Gnds 3-4 1:18 hvy 4i 117 :; 2 2 2] F J loiter S M Maxim. L.Longfellow. Huouec 59975 P.Gnds 3-4 l:2l%hvy 11-20 115 4 1 I I* ft* A Wilson »i SiPstH. Paul Connelly, Ras MMP.Oadi 3-4 1:18*jmud 6 110 8 7 7 6:J 3* A Wilson 9 Ciiniflnge. M.Maxim, Anticipate 59821 P.Gnds 3-4 1:lShvy 9-10 108 1 1 1 l6 1» F. Pool 10 Bot.-iuda, Back Bay, Nordeck 59800 P.Gnds 3-4 l:17fthvy 4 108 7 "4 4J 2= K Pool 11 The Decision. Rolo. Anticipate 59752 P.Gnds 3-4 1.14 good 7 111 2 2 2 8« 3» J Zoeller 10 Ace of Aces. Serbian, Murphy 69677 P.Gnds 3-4 1:14 fast 12 113 7 2 2 2ft 2 J J Zoeller 13 Bengali. MissR.inkin. MagtLand SERBIAN, ch. g, 6 118 By Ivan the Terrible— Arline, by The Commoner. Trainer, H. Neusteter. Owner. H. Neusteter. 60090 PGnds: lm7 y 1 :49»i.hvy 10 111 ".11 1 V t* il J Bur!:c B M. •reliant. Flnzev. Little M 69974 P.Gnds 3-4 1.21%bvy 3 120 1 3 2 24 2° I, Lyke 8 Helen Atkin. Car. Rolo 69895 F.GndB 11-16 1:37 hvy 6 110 1 1 1 1 1ft 1* C Lang 7 Plielan. Ettahe. King Trojan 69805 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:51%hvy 2ft 109 1 2 3 3 4 4i A Wilson 8 KgTrojan, Woodtnrusb, Kttahe 69752 F.Gnds 3-4 1:14 good 20 117 4 6 4 4» 2* L Lyke 10 Ace of Aces. Jaso. Murphy 69661 P.Gnds 1 1-8 lVsfast 20 103 3 2 4 7 61 6«ft A Wilson ■ Gmand, Ace, WadswortlisLast 59539 P.Gnds 1 1-8 2:01%hvy 4 Willi 2" 2" A Wilson I Verity. John. Overton, K.Trojan ORALEGGO. b. g. 4 116 By Dr. Leggo— Oratosca, by Ormonde. Trainer, H. Oots. Owner, Riverdale Stable. ■MS P.Gndl 1 1 1- .mud 2| 113 I 7 7 ."i .".?. .1 McCoy s BagaSM, Hel. Atkin, Ace of Aces 59422 P.Gnds 2-4 l:14y6fast 2ft 112 6 .• 4 1 H J McCoy 12 Pavia. Philanderer, Fluzey M8M Jcffson 3-4 1:14 fast 12 Ho 11 8 8 B* 3 J McCoy 12 Rencore, Midnight Sun. Sat ana 68970 Jcffson "-4 l:17*smud 6 111 7 6 4 6* 6J .1 McCoy 13 Silence, Propaganda, Anticipate 68834 Jeff son 6i f 1 :08 fast 8-5 112 4 2 3 25 l*.T McCoy 8 Murphy. Ballynew, Fin.Rooster 68262 Lex ton 3-4 1 :13%fsst 65 108 12 6 6 6l 6«J F fcmith 13 Gd-SwsIL GipsyQuecn. Mellon 63913 Lex" ton 3-4 1:16 mud 21-6 102 6 I 4 4»i G Field UMelvin. Sure, Cobalt Ln«s ANTICIPATE, b. h, 6 113 By Plaudit— Antipathy, by Ornament. Trainer, T. P. Devereaux. Owner, J. L. Earl. 69916 P.Gnds : 1 !:ls,inud M IK I 9 9 8 i -1 * B Pool t CSMSOflsgr MaricMaxiin. Jago 69S41 P.Gnds 2-4 1:ls livy 12 107 I 4 I Eft A" K Pool 11 Sagamore. M. Moore. Hid. Jewel 69800 P.Gnds 3-4 1 :17£hvy 7 US M I I 6 A* .T r MneyU The Decision. .I1150. Rolo 69717 P.Gnds 2-4 I HTftBlJ 5 113 5 6 6 21 11 E Pool 12 Helen Alkin. Ktlahc. ActTCH MK F.Gnds 3-4 1:15 slow 6 112 8 4 4 44 A- M Garner 11 T. Nephew, Actress, A.HamiltoB 69111 Jcffson 3-4 1:18 mud 31 110 6 S 6 3 2J H Gregory 7 Rurgoyne, Ace of Aces, PlainBil! 69020 Jeff son 61 f l:10%uvy 31 111 0 4 3 2!i 2» F Cltllctti 9 Malvolio, PlnBill. A.Alexnndej ETTAHE, b. g, 1 114 By Lov»tie— Indiam last, by Locohatchee. Trainer, G. C. Winfrey. Owner. Winfrey Bros. . 60086 F.Gnds 2-4 1 1 y 5 117 2 I :; 8* .1 Batwell • Service Star. Baa, Flying Orb B997S P. Gndd lm7"v 1:".6 livy I 113 1 7 E I 8 §*■ L Lyke B Alex Jr., Re. Verdict. Wdthrush 6989:. F.Gnds 1 1-16 1:57 hvy 2 1122 3 3 1 S 3«J E Pool 7 Serbian, Phelan, King Trojan 69805 F.Gnds 11111 HUB* J 7-5 » :: 1 2 1 2» 3*1 E Pool X KinsrTrojan, Wdthrush, Serbian 69717 F.Gnds 3-4 l:16:,6hvy 6 116 1 7 8 3ft 31! L Lyke 12 Anticipate, HelenAtkin, Actress 69551 P.Gnds 3-4 1 :15%slow 41 115 6 5 3 61 6" G Babin 9 Bond, Philanderer. Nordeck 69076 Jeff son lm70y 1:46 fast 7 113 13 2 4 41 714 T Roan 8 Stimentnl, Copyright, KrnestA. GENERAL, b. g, 12 HO J Ort Weill— Anna Loretta Daly, by Ben BrssJa, Trainer, E. Holman. Owner, T. H. Wilson. 6 K»S6 F.Gnds ::-1 1 :l«:-.hvy 112 :; 1111 6»a H King 9 Service Star, Ettahe, Baf 68874 Jeff son 5ft f l:ll-.-.hy 3ft 112 LVaCt at the peat B Barnes 12 Malvolio, S.Lightlll.. INocletiaa 57876 Kworth Bft f 1 :12=5hvy 13 109 9 8 9 6s 7*5 H Kricksnll TheDeefalOB, Bancat, WarTank 67681 Kworth hi t 22 110 8 8 8 9 9*4 J Htamer 9 Bengore, Musito. Ina Kny 67211; ThMiffe OS f l:12Vr.mud 6 111 31 E Taylor 7 fictKm, Uuuipy. Fiian. Rooster 6699S Duf rin Ab 5-8 IM fast 3-2 1121 671 H Shilling SBoctorP.. Bora W., MinnieMack 66671 D shire 3-4 1 :14%good 1". lis 11 9 8 7* 67 H J Bvrkell TlieNeph-w, RMStride, Ragazza PLAIN BILL, b. g, 6 114 By Ivan the Terrihle — Nantura, by St. Simoniaa II Trainor, J. Brown. Ovnier. Hickey Bros. • 5!97l P*.G*nda 3-4 l:2P hv;. 1" M8 1 2 :• •"• 8" H ThoDMU 8 ll.den Atkin. Serbia*. Car 6991". F.Gnds 3-4 l:W%mod ■■ W3 2 1 2 ■* *] C Laac 8 Kagazzi. Hel. Atkin, Ace of Aces 69697 F.Gnds 3-4 l:K%mod 15 108 1 1 2 3* 32i H Thomas 7 Buigoyne. Winnecmme, Car 695... F.Gnds 3-4 1:15 slow 20 IN •; 6 7 1* f." .1 U Mneyll T. Nephew. AllllW. A.Ilnroilton 61-320 Jeff son 3-4 1:14 fast 20 108 8 9 l t 7 6 A Gardner!-! Bengore, Midnight Sun, Oraleggc 69193 Jnff son 5-4 l:14*ifast 15 107 N 8 7 7i «■- .1 Wallace It Ace of ACCS, Bengore, Sandy H 69111 Jfffson 3-4 1:18 mud E IM 3 2 2 P| r»| 3 Wallace 7 Btgajat, Anticipate. A.ofAce* ACTRESS, br. f. 4 1W By Merl tmn— Paradiw ftu«Xr., by 7atorbr.y. Trainer. W. Livingston. Owner, T. Harrison. Wis F..;ici. : I l:l*%mud 12 HO 1 1 1 :. 8*1 E Scoble » Caaaouflage. UarieMaxlai, .la-.. IftMF.Onda 3-4 i.r..-tn ;". " 1 I ■: • C Laas 11 The Derteiai lam Bote 69759 F.GndB ::-4 1:1 r.-r.mud 11-10 kh3 1 1 1 l« p A Wilson 11 Bertka8., BackBay, PedxalM 59717 l-.Gti. is 3 I I .16*.-.hvy 7 106 I 11 1" 4- O W Carll 12 Anticipate, Helen Atkin. Tttahe CMMF.Gada S-41J3%faat 7-5 M 2 1 1 ] 31 C Ung 11 Machlarelll, Jerry, Murphy 6955r, P.Gnda 3-41:15 slow E Ml 3 1 1 2» 2J A Wilson H T.Nepkew, a.Haattaa, Aafpatt 68720 Bow ! ; «i f 1 :23tnud 11 1»2 2 1 1 1* la ", W Carll 12 Ba iah. ffnilaailty. Staunch 100N. b. f. 4 103 By Judi?e Wright — Tres Joli, by Inspector B. Trainer. C. T. Wortbinrrton. Owner, C. T. Worthington. RfTSTn cliff • :;-4 1:l: fast .b : l .- it Jones IS T.Nepkew, Flag. Spirit. AsspUon 66«9 ; Dsbire 3-4 1 :i:.". 7 Ml 1 4 4 4 i A J Htamer 11 Tubby A.. Merrimac. Sister Flo 66594 LYahtra 3-4 1:1::-. good .". ME 1 111* P .1 Htamer 12 Miaa Dora, Humpy. Coca Cola 66079 D shire 3-4 1 :H,-slow 11 MS 1 1 1 1* 1ft C Di-hmon 12 Shoot Away, C. Theisen, B.Bafefl 48356 Ham tn 5-8 Pi-5 111 8 3 3 I* ft 3*ft C Plataaaall OwyboBiae. P.eljoy, HeataBcB 48074 B.Bonnets 5-8 LMHfltf* 56 100 3 3 4 4»k 610 C Dishmon S BvJimiay. BabyGrand. LastOn* PHILANDERER, ch. g, 4 103 By Hi* Majesty— Pretty Maidea, by Kingitom. Trainer, J. C. Cahn. Owner. J. C. Caha. HMI F.GikIh ::-1 1:17- bv;.- 12 M2ft 5 I T s 8*« A Wilson 11 Proaa.Toai, I.yl.uxuiy. ftf.Meare 59717 F.Gnds 3-4 1 :lt.-.hvy !0 1"6 4 I I 4J 05 A Wilson 12 Anticipate. Helen Atkin. Bttaha .•1 F.Gnds 2-4 S 1"! I 1 1 1| -- A WBaoa » AceofAcca, lilania, Ollie Wood 69"..:l F.Gnds 3-4 l:15%slow 3 108 5 3 2 Z| 2" A Wilson 9 Bond. Nardeck, Flying Orb 69472 F.Gnds 3-4 1:16 mud 10 307 2 2 2 li 2 A Wilson 10 Mic.Mre, M.Rkin. LyRochti 5943:1 F.Gnds 3-4 l:14%fast 20 1 7 5 I I !» Sft A Wilson 12 Oraleggo. Pavin. FltiEey F9319 Jeff son 3-4 l:14fast 8 Ml 7 5 2 Q 1! P Smith 12 MissRankin, Zealous, Gold Ston* HOREB. b. g. 5 109 By Korron — Cyprienne, by Kingston. Trainer, J. Boland. Owner, W. B. Steele. .*.9".79 P.Gnds 1 1-16 1:49 good I". MC a 1 5 7 7 7» .1 Wallace Id Mid. Sun, Z.dAitncc. LaBJ La« 69473 F.Gnds 1 1-M lfl%nod 13-5 1M 1 2 ! 3 6 V* J Wallace 8 JackBeeVea, Hvtlving. Serbian EMM F.Gnds 1 1-1C l:47%faat 21 109 6 2 2 4 t* 5" ■ Scobie S Caliot. Lazy Im. Challenger 59311 Jeff son 1 1-16 1:47 fast 8 103 2 4 4 I 1 P .1 Wallace 7 Solid Back, Amaze. Bond 69146 Jeff son 1-4 1 :M- fcslow 11-5 11". 3 3 3 2h t .1 Batwell 12 Prelender. Back Ray. Fleer 59031 Jeff son 5? f 1:10 slow 6 316 4 6 4 2- I** J Batwell 12 Linden, Corkey W., The Moor BRISTOW. br. g. 4 M 108 By King James— Arlctte, by Robert le Diable. Trainer, J. J. Troxler. Owner, J. J. Troxler. €.-■«.! i P.Gnds 3-4 l:18%bvy 41 115 A 1 1 1J 2 M Garner 10 BertkaS., Mirarle Maa, Archive EM33 FC.nds 3-4 l.Hfast 8 101 2 1 1 22 32 C Lang 9 BrmPedr. custalk, S-ireChlie SANDX" H., ch. g. 5 114 By Harrigan — Beatrice Soule. by Peep oDay. Trainer, G. Ethlngten. Owner. O. Wen-lei1 59763 P.Gnds 8-4 l-.ii 1 I 312 7 6 6 6i ■* A Wilson i«i Ace of Aeea, fin Was. Jago .-.94;.:: F.Gnds 3-4 1:1.V ,.,lov I 111 6 S M fft 8" C l.ang 11 Bate, Sandalwood. Fleer 58881 .leffson 3-4 l:13%fast 5 315 4 I 2 24 2 F Murphy ldSatani. Hersiaste, SweetLibcrtj 59192 Jeff son 3-1 1:14". .fast la IM 8 7 8 8* Sft C Lang 11 Ace of Aces. Bengore, Lively 590T.1 Jeff ron 2-4 iHSWsgOOi 15 106 10 7 7 6 6; A Wilson 10 Cormoran, Murphy, Wiuncconn* 51.819 Jcffson 1m"dy 1:17, .fast 6 M 1 1 1 1 6i S«J C I-ang 9 Beckmate, C..i»vrighl, Joe Joe MAGNET LAND. ch. g. 6 110 By Magneto— Breezyland, by Orlando. Trainer. D. E. Stewart. Owner. D. E. Stewart. BNK F.Gnds L 1-M 11 hvy 54 KW 3 C fi G ". F - th 7 Serbian, Pketaa, Ettake 58858 F.Gnds 8-4 l:15%mud IS Ml 10 10 9 J.2 I" F Welter 11 Actress, Bertks s. Back Bay 59677 F.Gnds 3-11:14 fast 30 K8 2 7 8 2J 4J L McDott 12 Bengali, Jago. Jiiss Rankin E9397 F.Gnds 1 1-M 1:41 fast 15 99 8 8 8 8 I 8 • F Sharpe 8 Bacriaite, Pickwick, Great Gull 69071 Jeff son lm70y 1 :47sfast 29 M7ft 8 5 5 9 9 94 P Smith 9 Oak. Belle, Scot.Vdict. LEnjoli 64224 Church 1 1 1-8 l:52.,fast 59 114 9 9 8 7 61 6S G Stack lo Lazy [sNJ, Lively, Corson THERESA, b. f, 4 Id D8 By Sain— Bashford Belle, by Falsetto. Trainer. R. Williams. Owner, G. J. Long. ..:■■«.!• P.Gnds 3-4 1:31 hvj !•• :••". 8 H 11 H 11" W Lance4 11 Bon. Bin.. Archive. Granny Lee 58674 F.Gn.i 2-i li r%cnod H • 7 • I . 8*» W Lancet 12 Traitsa, Qianny Lee, rHarkfirkl MARK WEST. ch. h, 6 110 By Squire Jack— Saata Maeta, by Sanctuary. Trainer, and. A Smith Owner, EuunyUfl* Pta bloV BM38 F.Gnds 1 11:13s rs I •• 110 8 8 lo M* Mf L Morri3 11 Maefciaveitl, lerry Acttesa 58383 P.Gnds 3-4 l:13%fa«t 7 iox 2 6 6 .• 3 L Morris 7 Titnnia. Flying « ri.. Dannafl f.x:2 l.;..irel 1 1-16 1 :48%fast Jl 310 6 « R « 41 6«» L Mortis 8 Franklio. Osgood, S.irnmer P;gt 6Sl«s Lasnol 1 1-M 1:58 good ir.5 107 JO 6 4 6 I* 2i L Morrl» 12 Moaa, Summer Sigh. Bill flanlnj 6S 62 Laurel 1 1-16 l:47 f,fast 40 107 12 8 8 ■ IP ll10 L Morris 12 Who Carea, FraukMn, Blazonry