Canadas Breeding Plans: Seven English Stallions Recently Purchased to be Placed Soon, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-08


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CANADAS BREEDING PLANS Seyen Engish Stallions Recently Purchased I to Be Placed Soon. TORONTO. Oat., February 7. -The seven stallions! purchased by W. P. Fraser in December list in j England far !..- Caaadiaa Baciag AaaociatJoawi to j form the naetees of a breedlag stud, arblch it is ia j tended to strengthen from year to year, will be ! b attested thraagbaet the Prariacei of Ontario aad uielir.-. the present imeniion behsg to pnee the kSalUaaa ia parts af the country saggeated by the Dominion government via the military depar nienl i:i order to fill a preasiag need- the iaipeaaeaseal of the liht iiorse in this part of Canada. The stallion- will he assembled aad kept si Woodbine Park free of expense from the cad af their .-ason. probably September I until April or May. the following year, whea they will be beaded over to a suitabh- man far servo-" in the country during the summer months. Tin -■■ barsej wUI be Jaiaed by Baacker and Bpriag-sMe ami one other fross the Wiadaor lerkey club. anmberiag at lea-t tea, to be diatribated in April m- May iwt throagboat Ontario. For this season the Montreal and Dorral lackey CltllfS -»A ill undertake thia work in the Province of Quebec The Eaglish stallions are as follows; Ataaaam, bay horse, foaled 1318, by Alpha II.— sur.ny Iiss. by Beadridge, by Bhaanoa I«i-s. wiaaer of the Grand Xatkwal ia l!H2. Atasaam is s fine, big upstanding heme of great bone and on the hunter pattern and winner of the Derby Getd Cup. Cattegat, bay horse, foaled 1313. by Radium— Catgut. br -d by I, a... id de Rothschild at his South Coast Stud. The Botkeehfld I uii run for at the autumn meeting of the Ontario Jockey Chib was presented ta the cfcth by Mr. Botkschibi. Cattegat is a bright bay horse With black point, bloodlike. by Radium, the last good son of the grand old Bead Or. from Catgut, a much cherished family of the Rothschilds. Cattegat is a winner on the turf. General Prabya, foaled P-03, by Pariasaa Prim Nun. by Persimmon, bred by His Majesty the King, a buck brown horse of substance on short legs and a powerful, compact horse. A winner of Kings Premiums in Fnglnnd; has left some grand stock behind him in Bagtaad. Red King, foaled 1912. by Roi HeriHle PeasBBCe, by Itraybcad: a dark chestnut horse of tremendous sabetaaee and poorer on short legs; by the gray horse Roi Berodc, sire of the celebrated The Te-tiarch. His stock is of the best, his services lieing ia great deasaad. Bpriag Wheat, foaled 1315, by Baatry — April Pria-.. s, i» Ladaa; bred by Hi~ Majesty the King; a dark chestnut horse- of great aabataace, mu-h the sasae staui! as R.-d King and. like him. a wiuncr of Kings Premiums antl super premiums. McNeill, foaled 191.".. by Neil Cow- PeraefJe, by fcnlm ansa from Xaaeatoa, by Bead t»r, a goMea chestnut of magnificent carriage and power, a --.hI winner on the turf aad of tin- most fashion able breeding; a distinct acojaiaftiea ia any raaatij where the thoroaghbred is appreciated. Be stands 18.2 w i 1 1 1 graad boae and sabataaee. Qaarts Rock, foaled 1913, by Rock Flint -Christie, by Sailor Lad, s brown coll aarcbaaed as ■ three-i ar-oid in training: is a rery bsoodllke type, bat a g I bodied, reaapaet horse. Qaarta Back is fashionably bred and ■ winner on the turf 4

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Local Identifier: drf1922020801_1_6
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