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DAILY RA C I N G FORM Daily During Winter Months. Daily Except Monday Balance of the Year. DAILY RACING~FORM PUBLISHINS CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ILL. 157-169 E. 32ND STREET NEW YORK CITY 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO. N. Y. Entered as second -class matter April -. IMS, at | the postoffice ul Chicago. Illinois, under the Ad ] of March 3. isTit. NEW YORK CITY OFFICE 157-159 East Thirty-Second Street. All dealers lappUtd fr. in this office. Ba4k Bnaabera and monthly 1 ks supplied. For sale :it «ii Botela and newtwtnhda, TELEPHONE 2087 HARRISON Fur business and emulation purpose* ..nly.i Tlii- telephone has iit I Win I if with tin- iiiWi or editorial departments :nni cannot be Med to , coinmiiiiicatc with lliem. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. FERMI AI!Y Hi. 1882.