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FAVORITES AT A DISCOUNT!1 *-i ♦ ■ - Only Two of Seven Win at the Fair Grounds. ; of Brotherly Love First in the Feat- J lire Race — Birdie G. Again — a J to Old Pit Takes a Race. ! - NEW ORLEANS. La., l*lMtj IT.— A handicap ] Ml ■ mil. :iii«I ■ atXteCBth, by MM Of. , the better grade af plater* at the course, was IbC feature of U "If. lav card, but which result.-.. . .a .x client entertainment Im another targe at-Krtlirf It included many Hnrt tiaaer* visiting witk the Hard! Gran f.smi- . ftiea ike « it v in 4-..HH.-I tie*, m rapidlj aaaweaefclag full awiag. u* , lightfui weather again ruled ami euatrihated vastly t« the eajeyaaeal of the throng, spun -.1 finishes Marked the raaaiag af areeral of the *•*«■ ::" proved highly pteastalC to must ..1 those m the rowd. Betting v a- on a More exteaeive acale thaa .m several of the iceeat day* ami the re-mis fa-rared the layers, for aaljr tw* feverite* proved victorious fiurinn the afteraeea. One of three, Brotherly Lace, waa the featare race, hat it is deahtfal if liis —rceiw ceased an exteaaive loss for the layer*, ee Bray GaMe* era* almost in as high regard. Brotherly Ixive Wa« fur hack in the early running, hat erhea ke aettled la his stride he raaee alth ■ rush that eaaeed kin to g.. hv the laggards with greal apeed ami. eaee lie the lead ahta i ginning the l.-i-t aixteeatk "f Ike race, ke had ee difftraltj ia holding hi* own to win eaaOy free* Padea, arlth Gray Gable* ia tkird place. George M. H.-miiiis -,;k- ware rarried •• victory far the Hret time this wint «r when hi* lauwkalee led ■ band of maiden three year-olde kaaae ia the opening race, lauBokalee was ■ aligki favorite over Paaaenartont aad won easily. Pa** partoot raced Kicii ami was far behind the leader* throughout. aTiaaeroanr was ike offeadlag ravorite in the aeeaaul race, fhla race going t.. Restore, ..n which Ike fflst developing Owen- hail tin- iin tint. Philan- rterer was good enough to wre»l aeeead place froai innccnanc. Birdie G. repeated ker good victory of aeveral ilays ago erhea -i atfooted the firal thae atarter acre, Beralce K . a heavily hacked favorite. Ber-aice K «a- the laaatr-ap far Ike eatire race, hat aear the aad had hard ajorfc la eatatayiag Galcta for secomi place. Lady Uiltea hail the eall in the titii race. i.nt Daiaty Ii-s. ractag la her beat atyle, proved an eas ariaaer. Uady Lillian fialaked ia aereaal place ami Dark Hill third. The ride thai Zoetler p., v - Master .luck here cause. I a j:o..l deal 0* adverse comment. EXHORTER FAILS BACKERS. Exherter one backed coBfkleatly la the sixth race hat Jit. arhich ].n ..l a dhaaal failure in his last race, waa at his beat today aad, ronaiag with a Beaaattiaaal aprlat in the ta*t qeartcr, overhgaled the leaden to wia witb ea*e. Exborter laaded ia aecead ntaee aad Carreat Eveata fiaiehed thirtl The closiag race foaad Henaia Kemble better than the other tea tecoad ratera be coateated witk aad he won easily from Brae* lack-, which showed improved post behavior ami leaded ia itioad place, with Lacky tiiri third. lackey -i 1»- Hooacj afcawed omwc apeed to doa s.iks in the s.-ale rooaa this efteraoaa than before hut hi- hast eaaae ■ bit late. I. B. raaapbell. ilerk of the sea!,-, tired of waitteg oa Maoaey te check la aad finally his natleace kecaaee exhaaated Whea tho rider showed no inclination to hiury la pwttiag "ii bia ridiag carl. "Maaaey. yoa are fined ; .SKI,- said CaBipheU, after he bad fretted for some tioae. Bat even this did not settle the rider. Then , caaxe the blaw-atY. "1 am geiag to add aaotber gS fine to every additional lninute that it take* 1 rag to dress.* Campbell yelled. In an instant siiks. beat* and ether jockey paraphiraaUa was fivins in every direction, lfooaey reeorted at the -ales in le-s than the first minute and aavcd I fCW hills. The rlaiminp brigade showed considerable activity aaarfaBg the afternoon. Hire" horses fhadlag their way to other stnhles in this manner. B. C. Million took Bargayae eat of the second race from Winfrey Brother* for SI ,609: I. W. Kl i-liman re-lieved Carl Weaeaaaaa f Bemtee K. at ■ reel «.f .0 K . while Dm k Hill, which ha- haaj beea a uieiuher of the Kainuni and Kizer a table, went to A. Swenke far tT.TO This marked the fir-i oitt-l.nrst of the "halter men" in some time and to , date fewer horses have beea claimed than at any •Meting at the Fair "•rounds in year*!. .loekey Karl Io,d was still on the aflBBg list. He cxp-cts to re-nme rbfhag in a day or so. Jockey Lawrence Lyke left last nigh! for Hot ■prhaja, rk Jockey A. Wilson -cored another double this after noon with Blraae *•■ and Dainty Lass. He has fattened his pereeatage up to a laagai extent this 1 week, as he has won eijrht races since Monday. Jockeys K. Veaaar and S. Kullman each drew a 1 suspension of four day- from starter A. B. Dad" for disobedience at the post in the seventh race. a a