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; of J a J to ! ] , . . , ; , 1 TIJUANAS DAY OF UPSETS S Motor Cop Fails Under Heavy Weight — John SI S. Wiggins at Big Odds. TIJTana. Ifexfca, February 17. — Uperta Burked yeeterdaya raciag and the unexpected waa kappen- Ki hag in most nf tie- eight races, -u that tie- big crowd to to apectatore had aoaaetkiag to diacaa* when the sii afteriioons apart was coaclndcd. ii lp No more perfect weather could be asked for aad won . Hack conditions were ideal. Although favorite* Ml were not totally eliminated, fur foar of the firs! hi him. earned bracket-, it Wax a progreja contain- da lag siupii-cs and it all was begun in the first race. Si dash at five i iuhths. In this the winner proved in be the tiir.e-var-old Watervale geMlBg John S [j IVIggina, fioni tin .1. W.-itkins stable, nosinp Aiajah. m the favorite, out of Rrat money in the last few strides. John S. WiggiM paid 936.14 to xl in I he tii the jnutiiel niaihiaes. bj by Another simck wa- registered in the fifth race, a ri hail. lie. i|. at three. iii.irleis and cm-idered the after noons featare. In tbfa F. K. ami C IV Irwin -cut the eatry ••! Bedaa. Motor op. Bobby Allen and w odie Moatgoatery to the post. They cooaprised J; practically half ef the field, which aaaabered nine. * and the entry of Ike brother* Irwin area. However, " it had been re ac rally ex|»ected that Motor Oop woald " oara Ike lienor-, bat be tired under his laaposl af ■ 14 1 paaiala ami Bedaa. rarryiag 199 poaada, was the •" victor by a eeck. Baaj Bek, which with Plain I a :l mail.- up the Bhafer tk Coaway entry, took third • Of nioney. Mulciber, with 122 poaaMla, waa shut off at the start, but later made up much ground in a gaaae effort. He was i he -e.oild choice. HotOI Cog . establiabed a daiwHwg pace, with Sedan in rloeest atteadaace, bat the son of Pade begaa te tire a " sixteeath from the ead and Sedan wo:; in the re oiaiaiag dlstaace, altkaagh Motor Cap baag on ■ gamely. The favorite, McLeae. ia the eighth race, at five and one ! all farioags, had a close call and took fl ike dechrioa by oaly the abort margin ef a boo* from Little Beach, which, had she won. would have paid 58.99 !• 91. It was a smart effort for _ Little Beach, and Jockey Haaitaaaer was required to I get all be roald eat of McLaae to land him ■ wl hit. McLaae area close up from the start and al Ihcngfa be wenl wide eateriag the stretch be raaae arith a raa ia the final eigkth to dieaeae of Tabloid and then withstand the determined chalh*age "f Lit Me Beach. , JOCKEY WILLIAMS BACK IN SADDLE. liiim Bloaaoai. Ike foar-year-old Joe Carey filly. ..wi.d by i a Parana, coarlaaed te show a high i order of spied ia the seventh race, at one mile and j a sixteenth. The filly made a show of her oppo- J ii. ni- and. ridden by jo. key Williams, who rctuin-l ] to the aaddle aftet a aaepeaaaoa of thirty day-, was victorioaa at every ixist and held a lead of two Bad l one half lengths over Houihon Creen at the end. ; liiim BloeaoBl was favorite. The show no my fell | ta Fannie Nail. Jockey Humanier continued to take , first riding honors during the BfteraoOB, for he i aaoved into the circle witk Sedan and McLaae. The , other winning thoroughbreds were ridden by si dif i ferent !.,, -. M.-ijest ..-. Loag, Studer. Kae. GrOOB and i Williams being the ones to score. Br. !. 1. Ogle the eminent western veterinarian. | has been a busy man of late atietiding ailing thor- . oiighbrcls. AaaOBg those be lias treated i- the good ] sprinter Ikey T . which baa been fired far a sligiii | ailment in one of his ankl.-. Otkera which havi | beea put !•» the firing irons are Sodegrass and .lack . Lee. Water Willow has been nerved by Ogle, and ] Pallet Proof, which struck himself and later con- ] traded an infection in the wound, is being treated ami i- recoiled to be on the shelf temporarily. Charles Daniel-, at whose breeding establishment at Newcastle. Texas, stands the successful sire Leonid, is .i i •• . at ai rival here. Sam Bradley, Ike noted eastern operator, is the : latest to invade Tijuana. The combination of excel- | lent climate and good raciag was the magnet that attracted him to the far West. Jockey M. Peter was iadefhiiteiy saeaeaded by the stewanls for foul riding in the fifth race while astride of Bofaiterer. He cat across the field at the start and destroyed whatever chain e Malciher had of winning by knocking him out of contention before the field had hardly got in motion. Plum Bloaaoai and July Fly were the two thor- oiighbreils which ehanged hands yc-telilay via the • | claiming route. The former mare was taken oat of the aeveatfa race for ,299 by U T. Whltehill, while July Fly. which won the fourth race, was acqaired I by Beebe and Crippea for 9999.