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, | I . ; I i I I I . i . ; r , • t . I : j i BOURBON GREENS NEW MARK I Large Holiday Crowd Sees Tijuana Feature at t a Mile and Three-Eighths. TUIANA. Mexico. March Be— The distance was lengthened out Sati.rday and for the first time in the sis years that the Tijuaua race track has ls-en operated thoroughbreds were asked to go one mile I and three eighths. It was not a big field, but ;t I was an attractive one. for there was much specula- tion as to which one of the seven i miners would ii prove the one to be able to "run all day." The race was the Covina Claifniug Handicip. anil I it summoned Ronrbon Breeu. Fannie Nail. White Haven. Buckhorn II.. Yermak. Hooiievile and Mistress Polly, all having shown a desire in their I lacing here to lengthen out their efforts. ncertain as the ultimate outcome of the coulest I seemed to many, the public had a definite idea as to the winner. Car they settled on Bourbon Green and made the sjx-year-old son of Bourbon Beau the favorite at SI. lid to SI in the mutuel machines. Bourbon Green was far out of it during the early running, but jockey lluutanier was wisely con;-crv- ing the stamina of his mount for the final trial. Yerinak established the pace and Bourlion Green did little to improve ids jio.-ition until Ihe stretch I urn. At this point he mowd up to fourth position, but by this time the lightly weighted White Haven had taken the lead and Bourbon Greea had her to reckon with in olace of Yerinak, which was showing signs of fatigue. Midway of the strelch Hun- lamer called on his mount and the gallant thoroughbred gave all he had. passing the tiring While Haven as they reached the end one half length ahead of Fannie Nail, which was making a determined hid in the last sixteenth. White Haven fin- ished third. The long race proved* a wekoaie diversion to a big Saturday crowd and. although no stake horses were among the contestants, the vvinue- was roundly cheered when jockey Huntainer brought him bark to salute the judges The big crowd which the Saturday card always draws was increased yesterday by a big delegation from the Northeast Lumbermens Association. These visitors arrived in a special train and seemed to thoroughly enjoy Ihe sport and the balmy weather. That there should be such a thriving racing plant within a stones throw of the southve-t earner of the Inited Stntes was a surprise to them ami during the afternoon president James Wood Coffroth of the Tijuana Jockey Club received many expres- pressions of good will for the bordT plant from the visitors. LOWELL ENTRY PICKED FOR DERBY WINNER Naturally the renewal of the Tijuana Derby is a big topic of conversation. All have lieen centering attention on it and there is a promise that the track will play to its biggest crowd Sunday. There will be a field of nine thoroughbreds to face the starter and the I.wcll enlry of Capt. Claret and Little Florence will be first choice, with Wedding Prince second choice. The little apprentice iK»y M. Fator. the younger of the Falor brothers, continued to ride in good form yesterday and produced a winner iu Missoula in the second race at three-quarters of a mile. To do this he beat one of his elder brothers. Klmei- Fator. who had the mount on Chrome, which ran to stsoud place. It was a neck decision and the two boys rode is if there were no family ties. Mis- soula was the favorite in the field of twelve and when the smoke had cleared away from the stirring finish it was learned that one of those "gray ghosts." in this case Olive lb. had taken third place. Mike Daly, winner of the sixth race at one mile and an eighth clearly demonstrated thai he loves to come from behind. Friday he was among the leaders and tinislusl third. Suluiday nfteraaaa jockey Slaughter kept him off the pace anil Mike Daly was .harging lluough the stretch to In-at the favorite. By Right, which was the pacemaker, for the long journey. Dr. Samuel was third. After finisliing second three times the horse Vie finally earned his brackets yesterday in the sev-s eiith race at one mile and one-siteeuth. He came rrom behind and caught Ihni Jose, the pacemaker. tiring iu the stretch to win by a half length, Nellie Har|K r was third. The favorite. Cavalcadour II.. was away nearly aud. although he made up much ground, he could uot get up. _ _ — — a v —