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for ,, He le ,] • , Ihe ,. ., y y. o le i- by ij ,.. v NOTED ENGLISH TURFMAN IS KILLED S!K IAL CAHI.KtlRAM. LONDON. Kngland. March 14. — Lord Manlon of ,f C.mpton Velin-y was killed while out with the r Warwick hounds near Stralfoid-on-Avou Monday. His horse stumbled and threw his rider, who eliecl d in a few c,f heart failure, due lo the shook i; of tiie full. He had recently bought Comptoa Vcr- Beg, a grand place, fcom Lord Willcugl.hy De * itioke, and Ml borne. Lam en, was at the slud [ there. Lord kfoaaoa waa born in p;T:i. itantertd . meat sc-rvice to agriculture and was a ls IthJUathropic contributor His death is bound 1 . affect train, r Alex Taylors interests at MawtOa. ly-rd Mautc.n was rcci-ully raised to the- pec-rage. " He was Joseph Watson, a great seal. maker. He look his title from his training aamrtera. Alee Tag- lors Manton House. His home Lemonora, of i- ,, tin- great three gear-aMa of last gear, was third in the Kpsoin Derby and wen the Grand lri de u Paris of iB21. . ,, . a