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i ■ i - I LAST RACE DELAYED IN TRANSMISSION. » CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF Fifteen horses, comprising the stable of J. W. Dayton, bare reached Bowie from Now Orleans. The Kentucky legislature is to adjourn this areek and no new racing measure will bother its tlosing Uay-. Fifteen of II. P. Whitneys horses have arrived in Maryland from Brookdale to be trained for si i ing racing. WBBaai Garth has fifteen horses at Pinilico. while the remainder of his string is quartered at Harn lie Grace. Lord Derby baa secured second tall on jockey ;. B.i, :lu lon.ow to ride his horses in France. M. B.I , ••:;. •. i bad firat call on the riders services and M. Ekaayaa third. Sir Hugo Cunliffo-Oweii has purchased Avenue House. The Aveaae, Newmarket, the property of the late American owner S. T. Garland, and will use it as a racing baaae. On Pehcaarj "Jl at AateaO, Crl du Oatar, a hay horse. .".. bs Brisi-oeur — Niiele. fell at the dangerous brook water jump and was killed. A liuniber of similar fatal accidents have occurred at the : sain • jump. The twenty-ninth annual running of the race for ■ the Maryland Hunt Cup Steeplechase will be on 1 the Ileiser and Foiiwb k estate in Worthington 1 Valley. Maryland, at 4 oclock on the afternoon 1 of Saturday, April •_!». no matter what the weather. Main lusters example of offering boauill l"i starters daring the lean season of raciag on the ol lor side is belag follow oil by out-of-the-way coaraea. Bglhitoa in Bcothiad is the latent follow, -i am Offer* sin for English starters with 1 graded bonuses down to :f."i for those from Ayr, ■ near which the course stands. » e . •