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i r i I I s . I 1 I . • - 1 - ■ + UPHEAVAL IMMINENT AT NEW ORLEANS Ni:W ORLKANS. La., Harea Hi. At a meeting of the board of diteclors of the Rusim-ss Mens Racing A-social ion sharp action against past conditions hen- was taken. leiietal manager B. S. Eddy. Jr., wa- raised on to resign. He refused anil hi- office was abolished. At the same meet ing the appeals of Reniy Doit and jockey Prank Coltiletli were ignored. Step- weie alaa taken t-. clear the present .Swl debt on the Old City Park race track, now a city park for the public It was thought thai the Kdd.v Frigerh. faction controlled the board of directors, but the contiary was the ease. President A. R l-tellier and his friend- were in control. This is the healthier group. Manager Kddys term of office automat. ally ends Monday. May 1. The stockholders of tin" Rusiiiess Mens Racing Association meet that day and then the final battle will lie waged and decided and a new board of directors elected. It is staled thai John 1!. Campbell may be elected se.ietaty of the as-oiiation and have future charge of its racing. The board of directors after its meeting an nounced that "clean racing without politics" woild I.- the new motto of the association and put the question as to Whether they are to be backed up in their stand ■qaaretjl up to the stoikholdeis. an iiouncing that if the -to. -khoblers do not agree with them that the right course is being followed disapproval can be raieed at the annual meeting in May. The statement outlining the new policies of the as-ociition was signed h -ix of the directors A. R. Letellier. Captain Theodore Smith. Ptank St. John. W. J. Salter. Leea Tajagac, all signed the -tatcinent. Mr. Salter signing it. after the meet ing. both for himself and Artuio Dell Oilo. who hail authorized him to do so The other three of the nine directors were not at the meeting.